AEW Dynamite Results: Former WWE star turns on partner; NJPW legend's debut announced

Darby Allin faced 10 in the main event
Darby Allin faced 10 in the main event

We had a huge episode of AEW Dynamite ahead of next week's Blood and Guts special.

The latest installment of Dynamite was headlined by a TNT Championship match between Darby Allin and 10 of The Dark Order.

We also saw a lot of buildup for next week's show with a number of matches announced.

The AEW debut of NJPW legend, Yuji Nagata, was also announced for the May 12 episode of AEW Dynamite.

Brian Cage vs Hangman Page kicked off AEW Dynamite

AEW Dynamite kicked off with a singles match. Hangman Page came out first and was attacked by Brian Cage and Team Taz in the middle of his entrance. Cage then hit Hangman with a powerbomb right on the entrance ramp.

Brian then tossed Page into the ring and hit a belly-to-belly suplex. He followed it up with a massive German suplex. Cage continued to dominate as the match spilled out to ringside.

Brian Cage launched Hangman into the barricade followed by a suplex on the apron. Hangman's comeback was cut off in its tracks as Brian Cage hit back with another suplex.

The match spilled out to ringside again and Hangman Page hit a massive moonsault out to the floor. Back in the ring, Cage was back on top as the match neared its end.

Brian Cage hit Hangman with a Buckle Bomb and finished him off with the Drill Claw for the win.

Result: Brian Cage def. Hangman Page

The Elite arrive in a limo on AEW Dynamite

We had a backstage segment with The Elite and Don Callis hanging out in a limo. Callis was in a celebratory mood after Kenny Omega won the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship at Rebellion 2021.

They addressed what happened last week with Moxley and Eddie Kingston attacking their trailer.

They said they weren't scared of Moxley and Kingston. Omega added that gold followed The Elite no matter where they went. Omega added that Eddie Kingston had to go through Michael Nakazawa before getting to him.

The Young Bucks vs Matt and Mike Sydal on AEW Dynamite

Mike Sydal and Matt Jackson started the match off on AEW Dynamite. Mike Sydal looked pumped up as the match began and he grounded Matt before hitting a standing moonsault. Matt Jackson tagged out. Mike Sydal hit an arm drag before tagging in Matt Sydal. The Sydal Bros double-teamed Nick Jackson.

The Bucks finally took control of the match after isolating Mike Sydal in the corner. Nick Jackson laid out Mike at ringside with a boot across the chest. The Bucks continued to work on him as we cut to the ad break.

Nick Jackson and Mike Sydal both went down in the middle of the ring after colliding. Both men tagged out eventually and Matt Sydal came in with the momentum behind him on AEW Dynamite.

Matt Sydal took down both champions, including Matt Jackson who was now the legal man. He followed it up to double head scissors to both members of The Young Bucks.

Sydal then got a two-count off a pin attempt on Matt Jackson. Sydal tried to follow up with a hurricanrana on the top rope but he crashed and burned. Sydal looked like he may have injured his knee as he tagged out.

Matt Jackson caught Mike Sydal with a blatant low blow as the referee had his back turned. The Bucks then hit the BTE Trigger for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: The Young Bucks def. Matt and Mike Sydal

Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels came out after the match and challenged their old friends, The Young Bucks, to a match and told them they were coming for the titles.

Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M on AEW Dynamite

Orange Cassidy started off the match on AEW Dynamite with his trademark lazy kicks which only enraged Penta.

Cassidy, with his hands in his pocket, took down Penta, much to the latter's surprise.

Orange then tried to hit the Beach Break but Penta took him down with a backbreaker. Penta had Orange Cassidy in the Electric Chair position but the latter hit an arm drag.

With his opponent out at ringside, Cassidy tried to hit back with a suicide dive. Penta caught him in midair and sent him face-first into the apron. The Mexican star followed it up with a vicious kick to Orange Cassidy before rolling him back into the ring.

Penta followed it up with a nasty kick to the back of the leg. He then hit an enziguiri.

Orange Cassidy tried to bounce back with a DDT but Penta reversed it into a brainbuster.

The Luchador went to hit the armbreaker but Orange Cassidy caught him with a superkick. Penta replied with three superkicks of his own.

Orange hit back with a Beach Break but Penta had his shoulder up. Penta responded with a nasty series of kicks finished off with a thrust kick.

Cassidy hita Stundog Millionaire and followed it up with a spinning DDT. But it wasn't enough to put Penta away on AEW Dynamite.

Alex Abrahantes had the mic at ringside with a clear attempt to make the distraction. Orange Cassidy put a stop to it but this gave Penta an opening.

It didn't work as Orange Cassidy grabbed the mic and hit Penta with a Superman Punch for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: Orange Cassidy def. Pentagon El Zero M

The Pinnacle and The Inner Circle engage in a war of words on AEW Dynamite

The Inner Circle and The Pinnacle were in the ring on AEW Dynamite with Tony Schiavone. Shawn Spears took the mic and said that The Pinnacle deserved to have the advantage in the Blood and Guts match next week.

Sammy Guevara replied that Shawn Spears had been a failure in AEW so far and added that he hadn't exactly been successful in WWE before this.

Cash Wheeler then called Santana and Ortiz Jericho's lapdogs. He added that they were a shadow of their former selves. Dax Harwood warned Santana and Ortiz to hug their young children before leaving home for the Blood and Guts Match. Santana replied to Cash and Dax that his hands would do the talking in seven days time.

MJF then took the mic and thanked Chris Jericho. He acknowledged that there would be no AEW without Jericho but said that the Inner Circle leader looked tired from everything he had done for the company.

MJF added that he would do the humane thing next week at Blood and Guts and put down Jericho.

The former AEW Champion replied that his family had been together since day one of AEW.

He added that Sammy Guevara quit the Inner Circle thanks to MJF and it won't happen again. Jericho added that The Pinnacle would have to kill them inorder to make the group surrender to The Pinnacle.

The two factions will face each other in the first Blood and Guts match on next week's episode of AEW Dynamite.

Kenny Omega outsmarted by Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley on AEW Dynamite

Michael Nakazawa was in the ring on AEW Dynamite with his headset on and a laptop. Eddie Kingston came down and said that he wasn't interested in facing Michael Nakazawa. He called Kenny Omega out and The Cleaner came out to the entrance ramp.

Michael Nakazawa hit Kingston with his laptop. However, Eddie quickly took him out and set a steel chair up against his ankle.

Kingston threatened to break Nakazawa's ankle unless Omega came down to the ring. Omega said that he didn't care about what happened to Nakazawa and flippantly told The bucks to send out Brandon Cutler.

Before anything else could happen, Moxley attacked Kenny Omega from behind and dragged him into the ring.

Mox and Kingston had the steel chair around Omega's ankle before asking for a match against the AEW Champion and Nakazawa next week.

Don Callis had no choice but to accept the demands. We will see Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston teaming up next week to take on Kenny Omega and Michael Nakazawa in what should be an interesting battle.

Kris Statlander vs Penelope Ford on AEW Dynamite

Kris Statlander started off strong, hitting Penelope Ford with a powerslam on AEW Dynamite.

Penelope came back with a clubbing right hand and went for the double knees, but only got the mat.

Statlander hit a right hand and rolled Ford back into the ring. However, The Galaxy's Greatest Alien took her eyes off the ball for a second, giving Ford the opening to hit her with a pump kick. This time, Ford connected with the double knees on AEW Dynamite.

We came back from the break to see Statlander and Ford exchanging right hands. Statlander got the better of the exchange and followed it up with a running boot in the corner.

Ford hit back with a release German suplex and hit a flipping neckbreaker from the top rope.

Statlander replied with a roundhouse kick followed by the Solar Eclipse but it wasn't enough to put Ford away.

Ford went to hit a handspring but Kris Statlander caught her mid-move and hit the Big Bang Theory for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: Kris Statlander def. Penelope Ford

The Factory vs Dustin Rhodes, Billy Gunn, and Lee Johnson on AEW Dynamite

A massive brawl started the match on AEW Dynamite before we finally saw Aaron Solow and Billy Gunn start as the legal men.

Nick Comoroto tagged in and went right after Billy Gunn's injured mid-section. Comoroto had Billy in a bear hug but he managed to break free and tag in Dustin Rhodes.

Dustin started with a flurry of offense but couldn't take Comoroto off his feet. Comoroto then tagged in QT Marshall who unloaded on his former partner with right hands.

Aaron Solow tagged back in and had Dustin Rhodes reeling in the corner. Solow hit the veteran with a series of chops before tagging in Comoroto. The big man hit a backbreaker and tagged QT back in, who in turn tagged in Aaron Solow.

Solow was all over Dustin Rhodes and got a near fall before QT came back in. Dustin Rhodes found an opening and tagged Lee Johnson. QT's former prized pupil was all over The Factory, taking out Solow with some incredible offense.

He hit a Blue Thunder Bomb and went for the pin but Comoroto broke it up. Johnson then hit a corkscrew dive over the top rope into QT and Comoroto.

With the referee's back turned, Anthony Ogogo hit Lee Johnson with a punch across the mid-section followed by one to Billy Gunn. QT quickly pinned Lee Johnson for the win on AEW Dynamite.

Result: The Factory def. Dustin Rhodes, Lee Johnson, and Billy Gunn

QT Marshall got ambushed by The Gunn Club after the match. As Comoroto and Solow went after Gunn Club, QT made his way out of the arena towards the bus.

Cody came out of the Nightmare Famly's bus and attacked QT Marshall, locking in Figure Four Leg Lock on the roof of the bus.

We got an announcement after this that Jon Moxley will be defending the IWGP US Championship against Japanese legend Yuji Nagata on the May 12 episode of AEW Dynamite. This will be Nagata's AEW debut.

Miro assaults Kip Sabian backstage on AEW Dynamite

We saw Kip Sabian approach Miro backstage but the former WWE star turned on his tag team partner and laid him out.

Darby Allin (C) vs 10 (for the TNT Championship) on AEW Dynamite

The Dark Order was at ringside on AEW Dynamite to support 10. The match started off evenly though 10's power advantage was clear.

He sent Darby Allin flying with a shoulder tackle before following it with a backbreaker. Darby continued to get overpowered as 10 whipped him into the corner.

Darby Allin hit back with a chop block to the back of 10's injured knee as we headed to a commercial break on AEW Dynamite.

Back from the break, both men were still going back and forth, trading strikes. Darby Allin looked to be in a spot of bother as 10 hit him with a Spinebuster. He followed it up with a deadlift powerbomb for a two-count. Darby hit back with a Stundog before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar.

The match spilled out to ringside as 10 thrust Darby into the barricade. He faced off with Sting briefly before entering the ring again. Darby headed to the top rope and launched himself at 10 and 5, taking them both out. Ethan Page came out from the back and sent Darby Allin head-first into the ring post. 10 took advantage and hit a wheelbarrow German suplex for another near fall.

10 went to finish Darby off with a Full Nelson but Darby managed to use the ring post to get a roll-up and somehow leave with the win.

Result: Darby Allin def. 10

Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page attacked Darby Allin and Sting after the match. After laying out Darby, Scorpio Sky locked in a heel hook on the WCW Icon. Lance Archer and 10 came out to make the save. Page and Sky closed the night on AEW Dynamite by sending a big message to everyone.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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