AEW Dynamite Results: Brian Cage attacks Sting, Jon Moxley set for AEW Revolution match with a unique stipulation

Sting was attacked by Brian Cage on today's AEW Dynamite
Sting was attacked by Brian Cage on today's AEW Dynamite

After last week's incredible Falls Count Anywhere main event match, AEW Dynamite returned with yet another fun show. The Young Bucks defended their AEW Tag Team Championships against Santana and Ortiz. In the main event of the night, Jon Moxley teamed up with Rey Fenix and Lance Archer against Eddie Kingston, and Butcher & Blade. Former AEW Tag Team Champions FTR was also in action against Matt Sydal and his brother Mike Sydal.

The Women's Eliminator Tournament continued this week as well, with former AEW Women's Champion Riho facing off against NWA Women's Champion Serena Deeb.

Hangman Page and Matt Hardy collide against TH2 on AEW Dynamite

TH2 quickly got into action and attacked Hardy and Page. After a few moments of dominance, Hardy and Page regained control and unleashed some beautiful tag offense. Angelico got inside the ring thanks to a blind tag, and TH2 finally regained a semblance of control in this bout.

Hardy finally found his way into the match by delivering a Side Effect to Jack Evans and then tagging in Page. Just when Page was going for the Buckshot Lariat, Hardy tagged himself in, much the disappointment of the former.

TH2 was seemingly on the path to win the match, but Page came to rescue, delivered a double Lariat and ensured Hardy gets the pinfall after delivering the Twist of Fate.

AEW Dynamite Result: Hangman Page and Matt Hardy

Grade: B+

Post-match, Hardy said Page looks like a million bucks and said that he's very proud of him. Hangman Page requested someone to get the contract he had signed last week on AEW Dynamite. A mascot got the contract, and Hardy was visibly shocked when he read out that the contract said at AEW Revolution the two would collide in a one-on-one match.

As it turned out, the mascot was the Private Party's Isaiah Kassidy who attacked Page from behind. TH2 joined in the attack, but The Dark Order came out to his rescue. Yet again, though Page thanked them for their help, it isn't clear if he's joining them.

In a backstage segment on AEW Dynamite, former AEW Champion Chris Jericho said that Sammy Guevara is dead to him because he walked out on The Inner Circle last week. However, he also berated MJF for continuously provoking him in the last few weeks. He then said the Inner Circle would have the gold back in their possession after Santana and Ortiz defeated the Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Championships.

Riho vs Serena Deeb on AEW Dynamite

Riho and Serena Deeb began proceedings on AEW Dynamite with some fun chain wrestling, with the commentators putting over both these veterans of the business. Deeb had Riho in a headlock, but Riho managed to escape out of it. The two continued to go back and forth until Riho delivered a dropkick to get the upper hand.

During the commercial break, Deeb gained control of the bout, with Riho struggling on the side while Deeb dealt with her injured knee on the inside. However, Deeb quickly got Riho into the ring and continued her dominance by laying her opponent down with a series of clotheslines.

Back from the break, Deeb was still in the control, and she displayed an added streak of aggression that was missing during the beginning of the match. A SnapDragon from Riho gave her the momentum, with the crowd clearly on her side.

Riho's agility and speed proved to be a bit too much for a slowed-down Deeb due to her knee injury. Deeb turned a dive off the top from Riho into a submission move. Deeb was back into the match by now, but Riho hits a 619, and then followed it with a diving crossbody.

After a tremendous closing stretch featuring a Stretch Muffler from Deeb and a Double Stomp by Riho, the returning Riho finally got the win on AEW by rolling Deeb up.

AEW Dynamite Results: Riho

Grade: A+

Orange Cassidy vs Luther on AEW Dynamite

Serpentico took down Chuck Taylor with a suicide dive on AEW Dynamite, while Luther attacked Cassidy in the ring for a two-count. However, Cassidy hit a Power Bomb on Luther on the outside, while Taylor took care of Serpentico, who was trying to interfere.

Back in the ring, Cassidy hit the Orange Punch on Luther to secure the victory.

AEW Dynamite Results: Orange Cassidy

Grade: C

Team Tazz came out to the ring and Tazz called out Sting and challenged him to show up on AEW Dynamite. The Icon showed up with his baseball bat, and Tazz said it was the worst thing he had ever done. Sting threw his bat and attacked Brian Cage, but Team Tazz used its numbers advantage to get the better of him. The segment ended with Cage laying down Sting with a Power Bomb.

AEW Champion Kenny Omega was narrating a story to some school kids and read that when he and Chris Jericho wrestled at Wrestle Kingdom 12, the business went up drastically. Omega's PR team said they were right on the path to win over the 0-9 demographic.

AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks defends their title against Santana and Ortiz on AEW Dynamite

Santana and Nick Jackson began proceedings on AEW Dynamite. Soon enough, Ortiz and Matt found their way in, and the champions delivered a double dropkick to gain the upper hand.

However, the match yet again became an evenly contested one once the referee asked The Inner Circle to leave the ringside and go backstage. During the commercial break, the challengers were in the front seat and continued to assault Nick Jackson.

Back from the break, Nick finally recovered and hit a Superkick on Santana to tag his brother in. Matt successfully took on the two on his own until Nick was ready to get back into the bout.

An Avalanche Falcon Arrow from Santana to Nick from the top rope almost got AEW fans the new champions. Santana locked Nick in a submission, but Matt finally broke it by delivering an elbow from the top rope to Santana.

The Young Bucks executed a Doomsday Device on Santana, and then followed with a Superkick, but Ortiz made the save for his team.

Santana delivered a double cutter to the champions, then a Street Sweeper, but it was up broken by Matt Jackson. Nick scored the win for his team out of nowhere by rolling up Ortiz.

AEW Dynamite Results: The Young Bucks

Grade: B+

Post-match, the entire The Inner Circle began assaulting the champions, but The Good Brothers came to their rescue. Jericho tried to argue with Buck's father at ringside.

FTR vs The Sydal Brothers on AEW Dynamite

Mike Sydal and Cash Wheeler started the match on AEW Dynamite, with Mike getting the better of FTR with his speed and agility. A blind tag brought Wheeler into the match and the former AEW Tag Team Champions were fully in control of the proceedings.

During the commercial break, FTR continued to wear down Mike Sydal. Back from the break, Matt Sydal unleashed a flurry of offense on the opponents, and Mike delivered a Moonsault on the outside.

A brutal uppercut from Wheeler from the outside to Matt Sydal shifted the momentum towards FTR. However, with Mike getting back in the mix, the brothers came almost close to winning the bout.

A Shatter Machine out of nowhere to Mike Sydal was enough for the former AEW Tag Champions to win the match.

AEW Dynamite Results: FTR

Grade: B+

Post-match, FTR brought out the scissors to cut Matt's hair, but the lights went off. Jurassic Express appeared in the ring and took down FTR due to their numbers advantage.

Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, and Rey Fenix squared off against Eddie Kingston, Butcher, and Blade in the main event of AEW Dynamite

The six men instantly started brawling in the ring at AEW Dynamite. Moxley was being dominated by the heel trio but somehow managed to tag in Archer, who quickly took everyone down.

During the commercial break, the face trio dominated the bout by assaulting Blade. Kingston halted Archer's momentum with a cheap attack which allowed Butcher to get into the match and take control.

Archer eventually took down Kingston and Butcher himself and tagged in Fenix. The Luchador quickly unleashed a flurry of attacks by executing a suicide dive and frog splash. Kingston delivered an exploder on Fenix, but Moxley got into the ring and took him down.

All six competitors were down and out in the ring, with Moxley and Kingston being the first ones to get up. The two had a staredown and then began attacking each other with elbow after elbow. Moxley locked Kingston in a Bulldog Choke but Butcher broke it.

Archer took everyone down on the outside with a dive, with only Moxley and Kingston left in the ring again. The former AEW Champion hit Kingston with a Paradigm Shift to secure victory for his team.

AEW Dynamite Results: Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, and Lance Archer

Grade: A

Post-match, The Good Brothers came out and attacked Moxley. AEW Champion Kenny Omega came out with a paper that contained a rematch clause between the two and challenged him to an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch at the AEW Revolution event.

Omega closed the show by laying down Moxley with back-to-back V-Triggers.

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