AEW Dynamite Results: CM Punk lays out challenge to top heel faction, Bryan Danielson teases dream match

CM Punk took a big step inside, while Bryan Danielson made his intentions known on AEW Dynamite.
CM Punk took a big step inside, while Bryan Danielson made his intentions known on AEW Dynamite.

It was the AEW Dynamite after All Out - widely regarded as one of the most important professional wrestling pay-per-views in the last decade. The fallout from the event was always exciting, and AEW delivered a few days after the pay-per-view.

Overall, the episode of Dynamite was incredible, as expected. AEW is building towards a huge show on the 22nd of September. From incredible matches to feuds and debuts, here is what happened on Dynamite this week!

Dustin Rhodes vs Malakai Black on AEW Dynamite

Dustin Rhodes brought it to Malakai Black right off the bat on AEW Dynamite, with revenge on his mind. It quickly cooled down when it went outside, and Black sent him through a table. As Dustin Rhodes got back in the ring, the former WWE star began to beat him down with relative ease.

Dustin began the comeback, and he took Black to the corner and began unloading on him. The latter was quick to respond, and once he did, he went under the ring and got out Cody Rhodes' boot.

Dustin Rhodes reacted well and came close to ending Malakai Black's undefeated streak in AEW, but he couldn't.

It ultimately ended with Malakai Black not getting a full spinning heel kick, but enough to put him away.

We saw Dustin Rhodes bleeding from his mouth while Black walked away with his AEW winning streak intact.

Result: Malakai Black def. Dustin Rhodes

Grade: B

Eddie Kingston cut a promo backstage, calling AEW All Out the most important pay-per-view in professional wrestling history. He and Miro kicked off the event as two men should, but the AEW TNT Champion decided to use a low blow to win the match. Eddie Kingston said god had no favorites and indicated that he is coming back for the TNT title.

CM Punk lays out challenge to Team Taz on AEW Dynamite

CM Punk came out to a huge pop, and he didn't even let the AEW crowd in Cincinnati chant his name. He got right to it and thanked Darby Allin and Sting. The crowd hijacked him with "You still got it!" chants.

CM Punk asked the crowd if they had watched AEW All Out. He mentioned the names of the debuts - Ruby Soho, Adam Cole, and Bryan Danielson. Taz cut Punk's promo to a chorus of big boos.

CM Punk told him that he would let him speak but warned him never to do it again. Tazz told him never to call out any member of Team Tazz, which surprised Punk.

The Straight Edge Superstar said he didn't do that, and Taz said he did on social media. Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook came out as well.

CM Punk challenged all four members of Team Taz and seemingly began his next feud on AEW Dynamite.

AEW newcomer Ruby Soho's open challenge was accepted by Jamie Hayter, against who she will make her singles debut. Britt Baker D.M.D. interfered and told her future opponent that she would be getting it from Jamie Hayer.

Baker took a shot at Soho by saying she was sitting in catering for the past few years, and things were about to break down before Baker and her entourage left.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Dante Martin on AEW Dynamite

Dante Martin gained a bit of momentum early on, but as soon as he tried a suicide dive, he was caught and slammed into the ring post. Hobbs threw Dante in between the ropes and back into the ring.

Hobbs was sent outside and the momentum went to Dante. While Hook tried to distract him, Dante called The Team Taz member's bluff and hit an over-the-top rope dive on Hobbs.

Dante nearly took Powerhouse down with an enziguri but couldn't fully execute it. His momentum continued until an abrupt powerbomb from Hobbs ended the match.

Result: Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Dante Martin

Grade: B+

Dan Lambert made fun of the latest AEW debutants and their height being below 5'9. He took shots at Tony Khan, AEW, and even Judas, Chris Jericho's theme song. He said the only "Men" in AEW were the two beside him - Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page.

Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone compared him to a crazy old man on commentary.

MJF begins a new feud on AEW Dynamite

MJF came out on AEW Dynamite, obviously unhappy with his loss to Chris Jericho. He reminded the AEW fans that he beat Jericho three times before All Out and claimed to have defeated him for the fourth time.

He cited the reason for his loss as "bias" against him. He called Cincinnati one of the worst cities in the world. MJF took shots at Brian Pillman Jr's sister and mother, which caused him to come out and interfere.

Brian Pillman Jr said that MJF might have had a "silver spoon" upbringing, but Cincinnati breeds "bad***es" like his father.

MJF called Brian Pillman Jr.'s mother "Methanie" (Melanie) and took a nasty, non-PG shot at him. MJF told Wardlow to stop blocking his way and insulted him for not helping him at All Out.

He made Wardlow stand in the corner, but things broke down pretty quickly between MJF and The Varsity Blonds member. Wardlow beat Pillman Jr. down, and even when his Varsity Blonds teammate Griff Garrison came out, the outcome was the same. The Varsity Blonds took a beaten down tonight and it looks like MJF has found himself a new feud in AEW.

Ruby Soho faces Jamie Hayter on her AEW Dynamite debut

Things didn't start too well for Ruby Soho on her AEW Dynamite debut as Jamie Hayter sent her out of the ring. Hayter then forced Ruby into the barricade while Britt Baker mocked her at ringside.

Back after the break, Ruby Soho was in control and countered Hayter with an incredibly innovative DDT. Ruby Soho hit the "Riott Kick" (if that's what it still is) out of nowhere to pick up the win on her AEW Dynamite debut.

Result: Ruby Soho def. Jamie Hayter

Grade: C

Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel began the post-match beatdown, and Riho came out for an unsuccessful save. It was Kris Statlander who made the difference and they sent the three other women packing. It seems like a six-woman tag team match could be booked for Ruby Soho's next AEW bout.

FTR & Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard) vs The Dark Order (Stu Grayson, Evil Uno, and John Silver) on AEW Dynamite

The Dark Order hasn't been on the same page in AEW lately. Anna Jay had to give them a pep talk backstage to sort things out. John Silver started the match and Evil Uno got into it before Shawn Spears could tag FTR back in.

Stu Grayson was involved as well, but the issues were seen with The Dark Order's chemistry despite them working well together.

Dax Harwood beat down John Silver, who fought back to try and get the tag on either Grayson or Uno. Spears and Cash Wheeler isolated Silver by attacking Uno and Grayson.

Silver still fought back and got a beautiful suplex on Harwood, who managed to get back on track and tag Wheeler in. Spears came in immediately and hit the Death Valley Driver for a convincing win.

Result: Shawn Spears & FTR def. Dark Order

Grade: C

Tully Blanchard's crew and their "isolation" strategy worked due to Dark Order's miscommunication. The problems continued for Dark Order as the members started to implode. Tay Conti (not officially a member) and Anna Jay came out to try and restore the order, but the damage seemed to be done.

Backstage, Tully Blanchard asked Tony Khan to book a match between Shawn Spears and Darby Allin for next week. He even teased facing Sting again himself at the age of 67.

Brian Pillman Jr. was in the AEW doctor's room with Griff Garrison. Pillman Jr. said that he asked Tony Khan to book a match between him and MJF for September 22nd. Anthony Bowens and Max Caster came out, with the latter set for a match against Pillman Jr. this week on AEW Rampage.

The Elite introduces Adam Cole on AEW Dynamite

The Elite introduced Adam Cole back to the fold, and although he only had a little bit of promo time, he got heat by telling Schiavone to maintain his distance from his girlfriend, Britt Baker, and told the veteran to get out of the ring.

Adam Cole then claimed that AEW is the best company in the world thanks to The Elite, and praised The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega, while conveniently leaving out The Good Brothers who were also in the ring with them.

Bryan Danielson was called to the ring by Kenny Omega, who made everyone else leave. Bryan snatched the mic from the AEW World Champion and asked the crowd if they wanted to see the two of them fight.

Bryan Danielson said he knows Kenny Omega isn't on his level and teased a match between the two. Kenny Omega tried to attack him but Bryan got him in the LaBell lock. The Elite outnumbered him, which naturally meant that he was getting a beat down.

Luckily for Bryan Danielson, Jurassic Express and Christian came to even the odds. Once Frankie Kazarian appeared, it allowed the babyfaces to drive the Elite out of the ring.

Brandon Cutler got isolated by the babyfaces. Bryan Danielson hit the running knee and stood tall.

Jon Moxley vs Minoru Suzuki on AEW Dynamite

Jon Moxley and Minoru Suzuki began the AEW Dynamite main event as expected - in hard-hitting fashion.

After the break, Jon Moxley and Minoru Suzuki started hitting headbutts, and they both fell. It was as if they were both trying to give each other instant concussions.

The slugfest started a lot earlier than expected, and although it wasn't fast-paced, the AEW fans chanted, "This is awesome!".

Jon Moxley busted Suzuki open and hit the DDT but waited for the legend to get up. Suzuki got knocked down and kicked out at 1.

Jon Moxley kept going for clotheslines but couldn't knock the legend down. Suzuki dropkicked Moxley, and the crowd was in full appreciation of the hometown hero's rival.

The Japanese veteran got hit with another paradigm shift to end the match rather abruptly.

Result: Jon Moxley def. Minoru Suzuki

Grade: B

Jon Moxley celebrated with his hometown crowd, who gave him a standing ovation to end an incredible episode of Dynamite. Several matches have been announced for AEW Rampage and Dynamite.

That's all for this week! A dream match has been set, CM Punk and Ruby Soho's first feuds are official, and things got heated at the start of AEW's build post-All Out.

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