AEW Fyter Fest Night 2 Results: WWE legend debuts, 2 title matches, Huge title change

Night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest did not disappoint
Night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest did not disappoint

Night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest did not disappoint. Along with two massive title matches, we also got the AEW debut of a pro wrestling legend. We also saw Darby Allin in action following the hellacious Coffin match last week as well as the announcement of the second Labour of Jericho to take place next week.

Read on for full results of AEW Fyter Fest Night 2.

Chris Jericho vs Shawn Spears (kicked off AEW Fyter Fest Night 2)

The second night of AEW Fyter Fest kicked off with Chris Jericho facing Shawn Spears in the first Labour Of Jericho. The stipulation said that Le Champion couldn't use a chair while Spears could. The match started with Jericho quickly taking down Shawn Spears with a clothesline. He went for a springboard dropkick but had a chair thrown in his face

Spears then focused his attack on Jericho's arm for a bit. Chris Jericho climbed up to the top turnbuckle but Spears quickly met him there and hit him with an overhead throw onto the mat. Spears then took Jericho's arm and smashed it into the ring post. He followed it up with a running shot to Jericho's arm with a steel chair.

The leader of the Inner Circle came back with the 10-count punches in the corner. Spears hit back with a modified piledriver for a two-count before going out to grab another steel chair. Spears smashed Jericho across the back before teasing a shot to the head. Jericho grabbed Spears by the legs and locked in the Liontamer.

Tully Blanchard got onto the apron and distracted the referee. Spears tapped while the ref had her back turned. Sammy Guevara came out and drove Tully back. Spears then hit Jericho with the steel chair to break the hold. Spears followed it up with a C4 for a near fall.

Spears went to finish Jericho off and the latter sent him crashing into a steel chair set up in the corner. He quickly followed it up with the Judas Effect and pinned Spears.

Result: Chris Jericho def. Shawn Spears

Grade: B

MJF was not happy with Jericho's win and warned him that any outside interference in the remaining Labours of Jericho would mean their deal was off. He then announced that Jericho's next match would be a No DQ match against death match specialist, Nick Gage, at AEW Fight for the Fallen.

Frankie Kazarian vs Doc Gallows at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2

'The Elite Hunter' Frankie Kazarian faced Doc Gallows next at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2. The big man used his size advantage well early on, dominating the opening stages.

With the referee's back turned, Karl Anderson took advantage, hitting a clothesline at ringside and taking out Kazarian. Gallows headed out and continued to beat Kazarian down with repeated right hands.

Back in the ring, Gallows took Kazarian down with a clothesline. Doc followed up with a snap suplex before continuing to unload on Kazarian with more right hands. Gallows had The Elite Hunter in a headlock but he ended up grabbing and pulling at Gallows' beard to break the hold.

Kazarian hit back with a backdrop followed by a springboard dropkick. Karl Anderson tried to get involved once again and Kazarian hit him with a knee strike. Gallows took advantage at this point and finished Kazarian off with a sitout Powerbomb got the win.

Result: Doc Gallows def. Frankie Kazarian

Grade: B-

Gallows and Anderson hit Kazarian with the Magic Killer after the match. Kenny Omega's music hit and he came down to the ring with Don Callis. Callis warned everyone that what happened to Kazarian was the fate reserved for those who went against The Elite.

Kenny Omega was about to hit Kazarian with the AEW World Championship belt when Hangman Page's music hit. Page walked down to the ring on his own.

Hangman went right after Gallows and Anderson as Kenny Omega scampered out of the ring. John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson of The Dark Order ran out to back Page up. Page then took out Karl Anderson with the Buckshot Lariat at AEW Fyter fest.

Darby Allin (w/Sting) vs Wheeler Yuta (w/Orange Cassidy) at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2

Darby Allin followed up his hellacious Coffin match last week by facing Wheeler Yuta in singles action on Night 2 of AEW Fyter Fest.

Allin tried to take control early on but it was pretty clear he wasn't in the best shape after last week's match. Yuta concentrated on the taped up midsection of the former TNT Champion.

Darby Allin broke up Yuta's hold but Wheeler followed up with a German Suplex. He then headed to the top rope but Darby Allin met him on the turnbuckle and hit a superplex.

Sting and Orange Cassidy had a brief exchange out at ringside and Darby Allin almost got distracted by it and was rolled up. However, the former TNT Champion kicked out quickly recovered.

Despite his injured midsection, Darby Allin headed to the top rope and hit Wheeler Yuta with a Coffin Drop. That was enough to get Darby Allin the win.

Result: Darby Allin def. Wheeler Yuta

Grade: B-

The Blade ambushed Orange Cassidy at ringside after the match and struck him in the jaw with brass knuckles. The two were set to face off later on at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2.

Dr Britt Baker (C) vs Nyla Rose (AEW Women's Championship at Fyter Fest Night 2)

The Champion started the match strong at AEW Fyter Fest, trying to keep Nyla Rose off her feet early on in the match. She hammered the challenger with a couple of right hands but Rose was just too strong, flattening the champion. Rose then hung Britt Baker on the top rope but Rebel pulled her off from ringside. Britt Baker took full advantage, sending Nyla Rose crashing face-first into the bottom turnbuckle at AEW Fyter Fest.

Baker tried to lock in a hammerlock and work on Nyla Rose's shoulder but took the challenger down with a Russian Leg Sweep instead. The champion had Nyla Rose down and went to get the glove from Rebel. However, Nyla Rose was back up. The champion managed to roll her for a near fall and went for the Lockjaw. Rose powered out of it and hit a Death Valley Driver before draping Britt over the top rope again. This time Nyla Rose connected with the knee drop but Baker kicked out.

Baker tried too quickly to pin Nyla Rose with a Crucifix Bomb but the challenger kicked out. Both Baker and Nyla Rose did their best with the Eddie Guerrero impression, trying to 'lie, cheat and steal'.

Nyla followed it up with a Beast Bomb for the near fall. Baker kicked out at the last second and then managed to lock in the Lockjaw, forcing Nyla Rose to tap out at AEW Fyter Fest.

Result: Dr Britt Baker def. Nyla Rose

Grade: C

Andrade introduced Chavo Guerrero as his executive consultant at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2

Andrade was in the ring for an interview with Tony Schiavone at AEW Fyter Fest. El Idolo had a major surprise for the fans in attendance, announcing the debut of his new executive consultant, the legendary Chavo Guerrero.

Chavo took the mic and had a lot of praise for AEW and everyone at the back, but he added that no one was as talented as Andrade El Idolo.

Death Triangle's music hit at this point and we saw Penta, PAC and Fenix come out accompanied by Alex Abrahantes.

Andrade had a question for Penta and Fenix, asking them why they did the bidding work for PAC.

PAC replied that the Death Triangle was a brotherhood. Fenix took the mic and called himself and Penta the real faces of the Latinos. Things got a little heated as Death Triangle stormed to the ring. Referees had to come out and hold them back while Andrade and Chavo exited and backed off.

Things are definitely at an interestingly poised between Andrade and Death Triangle and this storyline could go in multiple directions in the coming weeks.

The Blade (w/The Bunny) vs Orange Cassidy at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2

Orange Cassidy was all over The Blade as this match started at AEW Fyter Fest. The Blade was forced to regroup in the corner, feigning an injury. As Orange Cassidy was speaking to the referee, The Blade took advantage and hit him with a running boot.

Undeterred, Orange Cassidy hit back with the Stundog Millionaire. He then headed to the top rope but The Blade knocked him off and out to ringside. The Blade then sent Orange crashing into the barricade before brutally throwing him into the ring post.

Back in the ring, The Blade was still on top as he drove his boot into Orange Cassidy's jaw before following it up with knife-edged chops in the corner. Cassidy hit back by sending The Blade face-first into the top turnbuckle, following it up with a crossbody.

The Bunny tried to get up on the apron and interfere but Kris Statlander came out from the back and pulled her off. Orange Cassidy went for a suicide dive but The Blade pulled Statlander in front of him. Cassidy replied by pushing The Blade into The Bunny.

Back in the ring, Orange Cassidy countered the Doctor Bomb but couldn't connect with the Beach Break on the first attempt. The Bunny was back on the apron and tossed in the brass knuckles again. The Blade's strike missed this time and Cassidy caught him with the Orange Punch for the win at AEW Fyter Fest.

Result: Orange Cassidy def. The Blade

Grade: B-

Orange Cassidy put on the brass knuckles after the match and hit The Blade with a second Orange Punch at AEW Fyter Fest.

Jon Moxley (C) vs Lancer Archer at AEW Fyter Fest Night 2 (Texas Deathmatch for IWGP US Championship)

Jon Moxley didn't wait for the bell at AEW Fyter Fest and attacked Archer while he was getting into the ring. The match quickly headed out to ringside and Archer caught the champion with a cannonball of the apron and followed it up with a kendo stick shot.

The match spilt into the audience and we saw Archer pick up and use a fan as a weapon. Back in the ring area, Moxley went for a suicide dive but Archer caught him with a right hand.

Archer then exposed the concrete floor at ringside but Moxley countered and hit a Paradigm Shift on the floor. We saw Archer was busted open from the Paradigm Shift but he managed to break the count and get back in the ring. Moxley had a fork and he attacked Archer with it, driving it into his forehead.

Archer was still bleeding profusely as Moxley set up tables at ringside. Moxley threw more weapons into the ring before getting back in. Archer tried to hit back with strikes of his own but Moxley brought the fork back out.

He went after Archer's knee, trying to ground him. Moxley set up Archer's knee in a steel chair before stomping it from the middle rope at AEW Fyter Fest.

Both men continued to throw their best strikes at each other. Archer planted the champion with a spinning Uranage and followed it with a shot from a trash can. He then set up two chairs in the middle of the ring before going for the Blackout. Moxley broke free and hit Archer with a low blow before inverting the chairs. It was a bad decision as Archer choke slammed the champion into the chairs.

The champion didn't stay down for long and planted Archer with another Paradigm Shift at AEW Fyter fest.

Archer was back up at the four-count but Moxley attacked him with the fork to the forehead one more time. Moxley then reached under the ring and took out a couple of barbed-wire boards which he set up on the tables at ringside at AEW Fyter Fest.

Moxley and Archer were then up on the ramp and it was Archer's chance to use the fork and he then chokeslammed Moxley through the tables and the barbed wire boards. Moxley couldn't make it back to his feet in time and Lance Archer was crowned the new IWGP US Champion at AEW Fyter Fest.

Result: Lance Archer def. Jon Moxley

Grade: A

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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