Grading every match at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- Dream match delivers, Main event disappoints

Bryan Danielson and Kenny Omega stole the show
Bryan Danielson and Kenny Omega stole the show

AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam was hyped as the biggest episode of Dynamite yet. The show emanated from New York at Arthur Ashe Stadium, AEW's first ever stadium show.

The show was headlined by Bryan Danielson taking on AEW world champion Kenny Omega in a non-title clash, a dream match many years in the making. Dr. Britt Baker defended her AEW Women's Championship against Ruby Soho in the main event.

Sting/Darby Allinn vs FTR, MJF vs Brian Pillman Jr. and Malakai Black vs Cody Rhodes were the three other advertised clashes, all of them grudge matches. While some matches delivered, others didn't quite hit the mark. Let's grade all five matches that took place on AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam.

Bryan Danielson vs Kenny Omega at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam

The match started with a long, feelout process as both men looked to gain an early advantage. Bryan Danielson took control as he worked on Kenny Omega's shoulder. The American Dragon dumped the AEW world champion out of the ring and launched himself at him.

Bryan controlled the early proceedings but Kenny Omega regained control and turned Bryan's chest red with vicious chops. The Belt Collector stomped on the former WWE champion's chest in the corner. Omega floored Bryan with a kitchen sink and repeatedly kneed the American Dragon's spine.

Bryan slapped the Best Bout Machine and countered a moonsault by getting his knees up. He hit his signature running hammer elbow and followed it up with a running knee in the corner and kicks to the chest. Danielson then hit a top rope hurricanrana for a two-count.

Kenny Omega hit a hurricanrana of his own, forcing Bryan to roll out. Omega hit a top rope dive on his rival before dragging Bryan back into the ring. Danielson hit a knee from the top rope with Omega on the ramp and hit multiple Yes kicks to Omega's chest.

The AEW world champion ducked a kick to his head and hit a snapdragon suplex on the plexiglass ramp. Omega walked up the ramp and hit a huge running V-Trigger.

Bryan could not beat the ten count so Omega rolled out to break the count. The Cleaner slammed the former Daniel Bryan into the timekeeper's table but this time he made it back to the ring before the ten count.

Omega hit a bucklebomb that flipped Danielson to the outside and he hit a missile dropkick on Bryan's back for a nearfall. Omega hit another V-Trigger to Danielson's neck and tried to hit an avalanche snapdragon suplex, but Danielson countered it into an avalanche back body suplex.

Omega had Bryan perched on the top rope and delivered a massive snapdragon suplex from the top but Danielson kicked out. Kenny Omega went for the One-Winged Angel but Danielson countered with a reverse hurricanrana. Danielson moved out of a V-Trigger in the corner and delivered a roundhouse kick.

Danielson went for the running knee but Omega countered with a powerbomb for a nearfall. Omega went to the top rope for a Phoenix splash but Bryan moved out of the way. A slugfest ensued and Bryan Danielson came out on top.

He grabbed Omega's arms and kicked his head repeatedly. Omega prevented the LeBell Lock by going to the ropes but Bryan hit a missile dropkick in the corner. Omega delivered two more V-Triggers and both men traded blows as the AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam opener ended in a time-limit draw.

Grade: A+

Brian Pillman Jr. vs MJF at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam

The second match on AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam saw Brian Pillman Jr. immediately take MJF down and club him in the corner before taking the Salt of the Earth down with arm drags and a hip toss. Both men countered each other's moves but MJF hit a huge right hand to destabilize the second generation star.

He continued to wear Brian down but Pillman got two close rollups before MJF continued his punishment of Brian's shoulder and arm. MJF dropped Pillman with a hammerlock suplex for a two-count.

Friedman continued to dismantle Pillman bit by bit, but Pillman stemmed the Dynamite Diamond Ring winner's momentum with a top rope crossbody. He followed it up with an offensive flurry and dropped his opponent with a powerslam for a two-count.

MJF used Julia Hart as a human shield and an enraged Pillman hit a double stomp through the middle rope. Pillman went for a top rope move but MJF caught him in the armbar submission for the win.

Grade: B

Malakai Black vs Cody Rhodes at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam

Malakai Black outwrestled Cody Rhodes to start the match, forcing the American Nightmare to roll outside the ring. Black sat in his signature cross-legged pose, only for Brandi Rhodes to flip him off inside the ring, allowing Cody to attack Malakai from behind.

The Dutchman went to the ramp and delivered a jumping knee to Cody who launched himself from the top rope. The man formerly known as Aleister Black locked Rhodes in a leglock but Cody made it to the bottom rope.

Black continued to wear Cody down with uppercuts and kicks. Black missed a Black Mass attempt but responded with a Meteora. Cody went for a jackknife pin attempt but Black powered out and delivered the Black Mass.

Cody Rhodes rolled out of the ring so Black couldn't go for the cover. Inside the ring, the former AEW TNT Champion worked on his opponent's leg as Black struggled to walk.

Black hit a back elbow but his leg gave way. The EVP of AEW hit a Cody Cutter and followed it up with a Cross Rhodes but Malakai Black kicked out. Cody accidentally knocked Arn Anderson on the ring apron and the distraction allowed Malakai Black to blind Cody with a black substance and roll him up for the win and remain unbeaten in AEW.

Grade: C

Sting and Darby Allin vs FTR (w/Tully Blanchard) at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam

Sting headed into this match unbeaten in AEW. FTR tried to double team Darby Allin early on and the face-painted star tagged in Sting who backed Cash Wheeler to the ropes allowing Dax Harwood to distract him. The Icon fought off both of them with lariats and slammed the AEW tag team champions.

Cash dragged Sting to FTR's corner and wore the Vigilante down. Sting took Dax down with a shoulder tackle and tagged in his partner. The former AEW TNT champion went for a Coffin splash on both members of FTR but they caught him and slammed him onto the ring apron.

Inside the ring, Wheeler stomped on Darby's hand and tagged in Harwood. Darby hit a Code Red but Dax kicked out at two. Dax locked Darby in an abdominal stretch before tagging in Cash who did the same. FTR continued to overwhelm Allin with double team maneuvers until he managed to tag in Sting.

Sting hit a spinebuster on Harwood for a nearfall and hit a top rope crossbody for another nearfall. Dax went for a roll-up but the Stinger kicked out at two. Sting fought out of a tombstone pile-driver and hit a double Stinger Splash on FTR.

The Icon then dropped Cash Wheeler with the Scorpion Death Drop and sent Dax head first into a steel chair. Sting locked in the Scorpion Death Lock for the submission win.

Grade: B+

Britt Baker vs Ruby Soho at AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam

Both women traded holds and headlocks as Britt Baker rolled to the outside to regroup. Ruby Soho hit a top rope crossbody on Rebel and Jamie Hayter on the outside but missed the AEW women's champion. Baker hit a superkick and a swinging neckbreaker off the apron, onto the floor.

Back inside the ring, the Pittsburgh native worked on Soho's shoulder and stomped on her opponent's head. Britt backed Ruby into the corner and clubbed her with forearms before repeatedly striking The Runaway in the head with her knee. The former Riott Squad leader fought out of the corner, delivered multiple kicks, and got in a back body suplex.

Britt Baker put an end to Ruby's flurry with a thrust kick as both women collapsed and a slugfest ensued. Ruby Soho hit multiple headbutts but the champion connected with a slingblade.

Rebel handed a glove to the dentist, but the challenger countered a Lockjaw attempt and hit an enziguiri in the corner. Soho got a nearfall with a top rope senton.

Britt got a nearfall of her own with a neckbreaker-thrust kick combo. She went to the top rope but Ruby caught her and climbed the rope herself. Baker hit a top rope driver for a nearfall.

A stomp wasn't enough to pin Ruby Soho but Rebel and Jamie Hayter interfered to allow the champion to lock in the Lockjaw for the win and retain the AEW Women's Championship.

Grade: C

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