AEW Dynamite Results: IMPACT Wrestling star involved in backstage attack, Sting congratulates current champion, Jon Moxley sends a warning to top star

Pentagon was assaulted backstage
Pentagon was assaulted backstage

Tonight's AEW Dynamite featured a three-way tag team match featuring the members of The Inner Circle as well as former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley back in action. We also had Cody Rhodes competing on tonight's AEW Dynamite as well as an appearance by 'The Icon' Sting.

AEW Dynamite started off with a small celebration for Brodie Lee Jr's birthday. The Dark Order were out there with Negative One when Luther and Serpentico came out and cut a promo. This led to a scuffle which was joined by TH2. Hangman Page's music hit at this point and he hit a dive over the ropes.

Hangman Page, John Silver, Alex Reynolds and Colt Cabana vs Luther, Serpentico and TH2 kicked off AEW Dynamite

John Silver started off against Angelico. Hangman Page and Serpentico tagged in. Hangman cleared house, taking out Serpentico and both members of TH2. Things broke down at this stage. Serpentico tossed Silver and Reynolds over the top rope.

Hangman Page then floored Serpentico with a clothesline before heading out to ringside. Jack Evans tried to connect but Page dodged it. Silver then hit a senton off the apron to Evans and immediately followed it with a clothesline to Angelico. The heels replied by isolating Alex Reynolds but they couldn't pin him.

Luther tried to slam Colt Cabana onto Negative One's birthday cake. Cabana reversed it and planted Luther face first into the cake. Back in the ring, Hangman Page, Silver and Reynolds then hit Serpentico with an incredible series of moves and pinned him for the win.

Hangman Page, John Silver, Alex Reynolds and Colt Cabana def. Luther, Serpentico and TH2


After the match, John Silver asked Hangman Page if he wanted to join The Dark Order. Page said that he'd done the group thing before and had been burned so he turned the offer down.

Chris Jericho addresses the AEW Dynamite main event

MJF and Chris Jericho were backstage on AEW Dynamite with Alex Marvez. Jericho said that he wanted the triple threat tag team match to be the last of the issues between members of the Inner Circle. He said that they were best as one unit but if he had to choose a winner tonight he was going to pick himself and MJF. MJF added that he didn't want to cause any trouble within the Inner Circle. Jericho finished off by saying he and MJF are coming for the Tag Team titles.

Sting congratulates Darby Allin

Sting told Darby Allin in the AEW ring that something inside him reminded him of a younger version of himself. Sting then congratulated Darby Allin for being the TNT Champion.

Taz's voice then hit the arena as he cut a promo from backstage accusing Sting and Darby Allin of playing dirty. Taz then challenged the babyfaces and said that he wanted to take it to the streets.

Darby Allin responded to Taz's challenge and told him to be careful what he wished for because it just might happen.

AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks have a meeting with Don Callis

AEW got footage of The Young Bucks going to meet The Elite earlier in the day before AEW Dynamite at Kenny Omega's house. Michael Nakazawa invited The Bucks into the house they were meeting in. They walked in and saw an oil painting of Kenny Omega and Don Callis. The photo had both Omega and Callis shirtless with chiseled abs.

Callis then came out and informed The Young Bucks that Kenny Omega was not home and would be unable to attend. Callis then said that he and The Young Bucks could have their meeting.

Don Callis told Nakazawa to take Alex Marvez and the cameraman to the 'dungeon'. Callis then offered The Young Bucks money to buy out their friendship. He accused The Bucks of holding Kenny Omega back and called them bloodsuckers. They also had a shot at IMPACT Wrestling, saying that they used to work there and the cheque Callis was offering probably wasn't even good. The camera cut out with Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson continuing to argue with Don Callis.

Pretty Peter Avalon vs Cody Rhodes

Next up on AEW Dynamite, Cody Rhodes was in singles action against Peter Avalon.

Peter Avalon charged at Cody Rhodes as soon as the bell rang and Cody immediately hit him with a Cross Rhodes. Jade Cargill's music hit and she came out for the distraction. This gave Peter Avalon an advantage and he created an opening for himself by hitting Cody with a low blow.

Avalon continued to punish Cody who soon turned the tables. He caught Avalon with a shot to the jaw before heading to the top rope. Avalon joined Cody on the top rope and hit a massive superplex.

The match briefly spilled out to ringside during the ad break. Back in the ring, both men went down after simultaneous clotheslines. Peter Avalon briefly locked in a single-legged Boston Crab but Cody quickly reached the ropes.

Cody hit back with a couple of forearms before trying to get the pin off a sunset flip, getting only a two count. Avalon tried to hit back with a moonsault from the rope but he ate the mat after Cody rolled away. Cody replied with a Cody Cutter and followed it up with a powerslam. He then locked in the Figure 4 Leglock but Avalon reversed it. Cody then went to slap Avalon across the face but this made Avalon tap out.

Cody Rhodes def. Peter Avalon


Jon Moxley vs Nick Comoroto on AEW Dynamite

Jon Moxley's last match before this was his title match against Kenny Omega on the Winter Is Coming edition of AEW Dynamite.

On tonight's Dynamite, Jon Moxley faced Nick Comoroto who has mainly competed on AEW Dark so far. Moxley started off strong but Comoroto also got in a good deal of offense early on. He had Moxley down in the corner before hitting a backbreaker in the middle of the ring.

The former AEW World Champion replied by biting Comoroto across the face. Mox then reversed a suplex and laid some more right hands in. Comoroto replied with a suplex before charging sternum first into the corner after getting sidestepped. Moxley replied with some brutal kicks across Comoroto's face.

He followed it up with a neat German Suplex in the middle of the ring. He tried to follow it up with a lariat but could not take the big man down. Moxley then changed tactics and locked in a sleeper hold. This got Comoroto off his feet and forced him to tap out almost instantly.

Jon Moxley def. Nick Comoroto


Jon Moxley cut a promo after the match calling out Kenny Omega and his 'friends from Nashville'. Moxley sent out a stark warning to Omega and his boys telling them that all roads in professional wrestling led through him.

Don Callis made a big accusation backstage on AEW Dynamite

Kenny Omega was backstage with Don Callis on AEW Dynamite with Alex Marvez hovering around. Callis looked like he had a black eye and when Omega asked him about it, he insinuated that The Young Bucks were responsible for it.

Matt Hardy and Private Party vs Matt Sydal and Top Flight

Marc Quen and Dante Martin started things off with an acrobatic exchange in the AEW match. Dante took down Marc Quen with a dropkick before his brother took down Isiah Kassidy. Top Flight then hit simultaneous dropkicks to Matt Hardy.

Quen and Matt Sydal were the legal men after this and Quen showed a little bit of his nasty side. He tagged in Kassidy but they ended up getting triple-teamed by their opponents.

Marc Quen tagged back in and hit a beautiful springboard crossbody on Matt Sydal. Kassidy tagged in and laid in the boots on Sydal in the corner. Matt Hardy tagged in as the legal man and continued to punish Matt Sydal in the corner. With Sydal isolated in the corner, they continued to trade tags and punishing him.

Darius Martin finally tagged in and cleared house for his team before drilling Matt Hardy with a suicide dive. Private Party looked to hit the Silly String but Dante Martin knocked Quen off the apron with a dropkick. Isiah Kassidy tagged out and Matt Hardy came in with a Side Effect to each of the Martin brothers and then one to Matt Sydal.

Top Flight went to hit Marc Quen with a Superplex but Matt Hardy pushed Darius Martin off the apron. With the AEW referee distracted, Isiah Kassidy hit Dante Martin with a steel chair. Quen then hit a Shooting Star Press to Dante Martin for the win on AEW.

Matt Hardy and Private Party def. Matt Sydal and Top Flight


Leyla Hirsch vs Penelope Ford on AEW Dynamite

Penelope Ford came out accompanied by Kip Sabian and Miro for the match on AEW. Miro, of course, was accompanied by his butler for the time-being — Chuck Taylor.

Penelope Hirsch and Leyla Hirsch locked up in the middle of the AEW ring and Hirsch, with her amateur background, got the best of the early exchanges. Ford wrested control after a strike to Hirsch's knee. Hirsch locked in a hold but Ford reached the bottom rope. Hirsch then got distracted by Kip Sabian at ringside giving Ford the chance to blindside her with a boot to the face.

Ford showed off her mean streak after the ad break as she sent Hirsch throat-first into the top rope. Hirsch hit back with a running knee strike followed by a deadlift German Suplex. She followed it up with a running double knee strike in the corner. Hirsch then dove over the top rope and took out Kip Sabian and Chuckie T. Penelope Ford then caught Leyla Hirsch with a boot to the head as she was getting back to the ring and pinned her for the three count.

Penelope Ford def. Leyla Hirsch


Miro took the mic after the match and invited Chuckie T to tell Orange Cassidy that Miro was now his best friend.

AEw fans saw Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers attacking Pentagon backstage after the match.

MJF and Chris Jericho vs Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager vs Santana and Ortiz in the main event of AEW Dynamite

Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho started things off in the AEW match and Guevara didn't hold anything back. Sammy threw everything at Jericho and then clotheslined him out of the ring before briefly showboating. Guevara then catapulted Jericho towards Hager who clocked him with a right hand from the apron.

Hager tagged in as Jericho tagged Santana. Santana took down Hager and then tagged in Ortiz. Hager quickly tagged out with Jericho coming into the AEW ring. Santana tagged in and took Jericho down with a springboard crossbody followed by a standing moonsault for a nearfall.

Santana and Ortiz continued to dominate the AEW match, taking out Sammy Guevara, Santana had Guevara in a suplex position as Jericho tagged himself in. Santana transferred Guevara to Jericho who hit him with a vertical suplex. Jericho finally tagged in MJF.

Sammy Guevara tagged in Jake Hager who ran roughshod through MJF, forcing him to tag out. Sammy Guevara took out MJF with a dive at ringside before he himself was double teamed by Santana and Ortiz. Guevara replied with a Spanish Fly to Ortiz.

MJF went for the Dynamite Diamond Ring but Jake Hager spotted him and took him out with a right hand. MJF hit back with a powerbomb to Guevara and Jericho followed it up with a Lionsault. Santana and Ortiz came in with a double team to Jericho. Jericho replied with a Codebreaker to Ortiz.

Sammy Guevara came close to winning the match for his team but Wardlow stopped him in his tracks. MJF ended up rolling Sammy Guevara for the win and as a result will be the tag team to represent The Inner Circle on AEW.

MJF and Chris Jericho win


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