5 Reasons CM Punk should never fight in UFC again

CM Punk
Punk has been an inspiration to alot of fans

CM Punk's decision to transition into mixed martial arts was extremely admirable. Alot of people didn't give him a chance and instead decided to make a big joke out of the whole situation, but that isn't even remotely the right thing to do. We should be standing up and applauding this guy for taking a risk that he just didn't need to take.

With that being said, there's a couple reasons why Punk should probably cut his losses and just walk away from the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Some people would be happy with that meanwhile others will want to see him carry on his journey, and he can still continue to do that, but the UFC isn't the place for him right now.

It's a hard truth to take for his hardcore fanbase, but that's just the way things need to be.

When he lost against Mickey Gall he gave one of the best speeches you'll ever hear inside an octagon, and that's the perfect way for him to bow out of the biggest MMA promotion in the world. He gave it a shot on the big stage and couldn't quite overcome the talented youngster. Now, stepping aside is the best move for him.

So with that in mind, let's take a look at five reasons why CM Punk should never fight in the UFC again.

#5 Critics

CM Punk
Punk has had to stand up for himself against alot of critics

CM Punk could've knocked Mickey Gall out within two minutes and there still would've been a parade of critics on the back of the Best in the World. No matter what Punk does he won't be able to shake these guys off of him, and it doesn't even matter if he won his next fight as a part of the UFC.

The press would likely eat him alive and simply continue to point out his 1-1 record.

Plus, just think how much worse things would get if he did indeed lose his second fight. He'd never hear the end of it and that's a great shame considering how much work and effort he's put into this alternative career path. The second Punk potentially has another fight announced in the UFC, the swarm of media know-it-alls will bombard the internet with criticism.

Onto a more serious reason behind stepping away.

#4 Health

CM Punk
The most important thing is Punk’s future health

This one applies to pretty much all forms of MMA for the former WWE Champion. At this point in his career, Punk has racked up a whole host of injuries that are surely taking their toll on his body. Whether it was the staph infection, concussions or numerous knee injuries, there's no doubt that Punk carries alot of pain around with him on a day to day basis.

Even during the preparations for his debut he suffered another setback through injury, and it's getting to the point where he needs to think about his long term future. He has a wife and a family to think about, and one more big injury in another fight could wind up causing more serious issues.

Call us pessimists, but we believe that the smart thing for Punk to do is to use his head as opposed to his heart.

Speaking of which, here's another factor that plays into health.

#3 Age

CM Punk
This is a young man’s game nowadays

Phil Brooks is no spring chicken. The guy is 38-years-old and whilst there are fighters still active that are older than that, they've all had a great deal more experience. Punk has to think realistically about what his goals are here, because the likelihood is that his next opponent will be many years his junior much like Mickey Gall was.

You can say that age didn't play a factor in that result all you want, but we all know that probably isn't the case. His ambitions within the UFC are probably to just win one fight, but as he continues to age his work inside the octagon combined with his general abilities are going to diminish even further.

It's all well and good following your dream, but there comes a point in time where your trajectory is going down instead of up.

Up next, is a more practical option for Mr Punk.

#2 Better options

CM Punk
Would Punk return to the WWE?

In terms of thinking logically - the UFC isn't the only game in town. You've got Bellator in addition to a number of more amateur-based companies, which would probably be the best choice Punk could make at this point if he's serious about continuing on with his journey.

The quality would be slightly diluted and it may give Punk a chance to get a win or two on the board.

Plus, he could always make that move back to WWE before it's too late. It seems illogical at this point to consider that as a realistic option, but the bonds between Vince McMahon and past employers have been broken before and then been repaired.

Punk could have alot of potential dream matches in professional wrestling, so whether it's that or MMA it seems likely that the UFC isn't the place for him anymore.

We conclude with a brutally honest point.

#1 Fairness

CM Punk
Punk has had an opportunity that many fighters would die for

If CM Punk is put on the main card of a big show and is given a hefty paycheck, then he's taking away from guys and girls who have been doing this for well over a decade. They have scratched and clawed to get to the position they are in and whilst Punk has also worked hard, it doesn't seem fair to put a guy with an 0-1 record in such a privileged position just because of his name.

Yes he can draw money and ratings, but the UFC already make so much money that they don't know what to do with. Punk followed his heart and went into MMA which is something that alot of people wouldn't have the grapefruits to do, but there comes a point where you need to start thinking about other people as opposed to just yourself.

Unfortunately for the Straight Edge Superstar, that time has come.

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