5 toughest UFC fighters that have never been knocked out

Mighty Mouse has a seemingly iron chin

Being a mixed martial artist isn't easy, with one of the main reasons for that being the ever-impending threat of being knocked out. Sure it's much more likely to happen to some than others, but as we all know literally anything can happen inside of the octagon and that's never been truer than it is in 2017. Honestly, it's so unpredictable these days.

But there are some fighters who seem to be immune to staring up at the lights, at least - in a knockout sense that is. We aren't calling these five guys invincible or indestructible or anything like that, and nor are we suggesting that others who haven't been knocked out are any worse - it's just that this lot impresses us the most. Whether that thought is shared among other UFC fans is a different point entirely.

Some of these fighters are older than others but that doesn't take away from their credibility one bit. Sure, some people say that your chin gets weaker as the years go on but if you manage to avoid the shots on a consistent basis then you don't have to worry about a thing. It doesn't sound simple, but these guys make it look that way.

With that being said, here are the five toughest UFC fighters that have never been knocked out.

#5 Demetrious Johnson

Will he ever lose the title?

Demetrious "Mighty Mouse" Johnson may well be one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time, but he never really gets the respect that he deserves. The guy is consistently considered to be the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world and has an unbelievable chin, yet the only thing people tend to discuss is how "easy" his division is perceived to be.

Johnson has come up against some of the hardest hitters in the business including the likes of John Dodson and has come through the bouts with flying colours. His consistency allows him to frustrate his opponents whilst also being able to handle punishment when it comes his way, making him one of the most well-rounded fighters in the history of the sport.

Now to a man they call Notorious.

#4 Conor McGregor

McGregor is a monster

Say what you want about Conor McGregor but the guy is pretty damn tough. If you need an example, just go back and watch his fights against Nate Diaz where he took some serious punishment and still managed to come forward as if it barely fazed him. That's the heart of a true champion and it's clearly something the Irishman has worked on for a long time.

No matter how long a fight goes there's always an overwhelming confidence in McGregor's game that completely suspends the possibility of him being knocked out. He's just way too detailed when it comes to the smaller points of the fight that it's unthinkable to consider the prospect of him being knocked out by anyone, no matter how heavy.

This next fella is ironically coming off the back of a loss.

#3 Dominick Cruz

Cruz knows how to get the job done

Dominick Cruz is another man who falls into the category of using his intelligence to perfect the art of staying on his feet. Whilst he has lost fights in the past, including recently against Cody Garbrandt, Cruz has always been someone who is able to neutralise the threat of his opponent whilst also being able to figure out their biggest weakness and use it against them.

It's an extremely effective method and it's one of the reasons he's been able to stay in the title piture for all these years. Nobody can touch him when it comes to the insane level of knowledge that he has regarding his sport, and his relatively young age means that he can go on for a few more years yet before even considering retirement. Oh, and we're confident that he'll continue to never be knocked out.

Next up is a big fan favourite.

#2 Frankie Edgar

Don’t mess with Frankie

Frankie Edgar has lost quite a few fights over the years, but it's a testament to his courage and toughness that none of them has come via knockout. Frankie is one of the scrappiest and most determined fighters to ever walk through the UFC door, and it's that kind of spirit that you just can't manufacture. Seriously, go back and watch some of his best bits - they're fantastic.

We'd even go so far as to suggest that McGregor wouldn't be able to knock him out, and there aren't too many people that fall into that category. Edgar may be getting on in terms of years but his chin is still as good as ever, and if he feels healthy enough then we believe he could continue to ride this wave of success all the way towards another title shot.

We conclude with a guy who has had everything possible thrown at him.

#1 Daniel Cormier

Cormier is great at grinding out victories

Daniel Cormier has faced Roy Nelson, Dan Henderson, Alexander Gustafsson and Jon Jones and survived to tell the tale - despite losing the last fight via decision. However, perhaps the most impressive fact of all is that he managed to survive an early scare at the hands of the devastating Anthony Johnson and still go on to win the fight. That is utterly unthinkable.

Cormier combines his mental and physical toughness with his wrestling ability brilliantly, and it shows when you look at how well he takes shots. Sure he's been rocked before, but the fact that he's been able to come back and still push forward is a testament to his dedication and hard work. You may not like him, but you simply have to respect him.

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