Pro-wrestling News: Samrat discusses favorite Dangal Ke Soorma moments, struggles, dream match, Eddie Guerrero and more! (Exclusive)

Samrat doesn't appreciate settling for mediocrity
Samrat doesn't appreciate settling for mediocrity

'Dangal ke Soorma' is set to go live on DSport from this week. Over the last fortnight, we interviewed several wrestlers from the show. But we had to save the best for the last!

Indians share a long-standing tradition of struggling to maintain a balance between the expectations of their folks and their own dreams. Unfortunately, the cultural psyche exposes young minds to limited career options and standards of success.

When one fails to convince their nearest ones into letting them pursue their goals, they often settle for what they have. But Samrat isn't one of them.

The journey that brought him to 'Dangal ke Soorma' prove that dedication and hard work are Samrat's biggest accolades. His is the story that will echo in every corner of this subcontinent to the other, inspiring the young minds to never give up on their dreams.

Samrat's struggles in the past few years, patience for a perfect opportunity and relentless attitude landed him in the ring against former WWE Superstar, Chris Masters.

Which aspect of 'Dangal Ke Soorma' is your favorite?

This was the first time when I wrestled for television. The fact that I got a chance to work for a television program was my favorite aspect. Secondly, I got an opportunity to display all the skills that I learned in the past 3-4 years.

How did you prepare for the trials of 'Dangal ke Soorma'?

I have been preparing for it for the past four years. During my first trial, I was more excited than nervous. All I knew at that time was that I had no option other than being selected because I had worked hard for years to get an opportunity like this.

How did you react when you first came to know that you have been selected for Dangal ke Soorma?

Well, I got a text on WhatsApp while I was training in the gym. I wasn't sure if I read it right so I kept my phone on the side thinking maybe I am reading it wrong and I should check it later. After reading it once again, I called Vinayak (Sodhi) Sir to confirm if I made it. I said my thank you prayers only after he said, "Yes, you are selected!"

What were the biggest difficulties you faced during your days of struggle?

When I was practicing, we used to go against all odds. The time, weather or any personal obligation became secondary. I never let anything compromise with the time I invest in training. It was difficult to strike the right balance but those hardships have made me strong enough to take on any challenge today. I can't spot the difficulties anymore. I only see my goals.

Moreover, those days taught me that patience is very important in one's life. You can achieve anything if you are patient. It is one of the first lessons that are taught to the trainees -- be patient and keep up the hard work. Challenges are a part of life. But if you have patience in your armor, you will always be prepared to fight for everything you want and you will get it.

Taking down the opponents... one by one
Taking down the opponents... one by one

How did your friends/family react to your selection in Dangal ke Soorma?

To be honest with you, I never told any of my family members that I was selected. Once I was done shooting for the show, I went back home and told them everything. They didn't know anything about it until it was all done.

Even now, there are so many people who don't know I am doing this. I am waiting for the show to go live on television. Those who know often ask me when the show will come on TV and now that I know the dates (August 24, 2019), I am still hesitant. Maybe I will tell them in the morning...

Who are your favorite wrestler of all time and why?

Eddie Guerrero! Everything about him was great. His attitude, his aggression... For me, there is no one who can be as good as him.

One day, I hope to perform like him.

Who is your dream opponent inside the ring at Dangal ke Soorma?

I had a chance to go up against Chris Masters which was a huge opportunity for me. It was really the best part of the show and he is the one I would like to face once again.

How did it feel to share the ring with Chris Masters and what did you learn from that experience?

When they first told me that I will be in the ring with Chris Masters in the main event, I found it unbelievable. Of course, there were doubts in the back of my head. I was very nervous and reserved when I met him before the fight.

The fight was amazing. Following that, when we met backstage, he was so nice to me and taught me how important it is to be a good person at heart. He also talked about other important things that I should know about pro-wrestling, WWE and the overall business so that I can use those tips in the future. It was surreal!

Is there something that you would like to say to Indian fans ahead of the show?

We have worked very hard to bring this show for our audience. We have seen fans support pro-wrestling for years and now we hope for similar love. Good reaction encourages performers to work harder at their craft. I can assure that we will continue to work hard to bring entertaining fights to the television sets of the Indian audience.

Tune in to DSport to catch Dangal Ke Soorma starting from August 24, 2019.

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