5 Feuds that can guarantee great in-ring chemistry

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After watching Main Event, one match stood out and that was between Luke Harper and Jack Swagger. Both of them had the best match on the show, something that many might not have really expected. Luke Harper continued his streak of having good matches, and that really made me think of 5 feuds that can guarantee us fans some great in-ring chemistry. Here are they:

#1 Dean Ambrose Vs Dolph Ziggler

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They have faced each other before. Ambrose was a member of the Shield and Ziggler was in the WWE doghouse where he was losing night after night. He was predominantly used to put his opponent over selling everything in a way to make them look good. These two feuded over the US Title, with Ambrose expectedly gaining the upper hand.

But things are different now. Ambrose is on his own and a thriving anti-hero, while Ziggler has gained back his momentum and is emerging to steal the show every single time.

It will be something to watch these two collide now more than ever.

#2 Luke Harper Vs Bad News Barrett

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There is something really promising if and ever this feud kicks off. Firstly, these two look like the meanest men in the WWE. Both of them have a standout, strong screen presence. Harper is known to do wrestling moves unexpected of a man of his build while Barrett is an all out brawler.

These two can have quite a good feud if handled properly. There is the strength dynamic and the stark contrast in their appearance- while Barrett is the suit wearing prophecy maker, Harper looks like he lives with animals.

#3 Brock Lesnar Vs Cesaro

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Sure, Vince McMahon made it crystal clear that he doesn’t think Cesaro has the ‘IT’ to be on the top of the hierarchy in the WWE. BY ‘IT’ he definitely meant the charisma.

All of this clearly means that Vince McMahon does not really have his vision in the right place in this matter. Cesaro is someone who has impressed everyone with his wrestling moves. He is certainly freaky strong.

Same goes for Lesnar. He isn’t the best talker but his mere presence speaks volumes. Cesaro could have been built that way as well but clearly WWE gave up on the idea of having Paul Heyman by his side.

Combining Lesnar’s strength and skills with Cesaro’s strength and skills will be something for sure.

#4 Rusev Vs Cena

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This is a match up that can get really interesting. On one side we have Super Cena who never loses clean and on the other hand we have Rusev who is yet to be pinned or made to submit. Clearly, Cena wouldn’t lose clean to Rusev and he won’t really be deciminated either. If experience shows, Cena rises above all his promising opponents. Be it Bray Wyatt or Seth Rollins. But the fact that Rusev is agile and known for his strength can guarantee a good match with Cena, if given the time and opportunity.

Much like Cesaro Vs Cena.

#5 Luke Harper Vs Jack Swagger

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The inspiration for this slideshow. After watching Main Event, one match stood out and that was between Luke Harper and Jack Swagger. Both of them had the best match on the show, something that many might not have really expected. Luke Harper continued his streak of having good matches but this time his opponent was The Real American. Honestly, swagger and Colter should take a break from being patriotic and explore some other aspects of their gimmick.

Swagger looks quite elite in front of a wild Harper. That can set the cards for this feud.

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