5 shocking what-if moments that can happen in Royal Rumble

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Less than few hours to go, the 28th edition of The Royal Rumble will kick off soon. The anticipation levels are as high as ever for the ardent fan who believes in the future of the WWE. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Rusev, Ryback are some names that are expected to do something or the other memorable tonight.At the end of the night, what matters are the two matches – the Triple threat WWE World Heavyweight Championship match and The eponymous 30-man Battle Royal matchShocking things are expected. What is up in the air, if it'll exceed the already high expectations?Here are five things that may not happen tonight, but hope still it happens.

#5 Rock at the Rumble

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The Rock just posted a picture on twitter from Philadelphia – where the PPV will take place.

That was enough to raise speculations. One longshot is Rock entering the Rumble as a special treat for the fans, but not winning it. Why? Because he’ll be eliminated by his own cousin Roman Reigns. A much more possible situation is having Rock have a backstage chat with Reigns. Brother to Brother. That is ought to give Reigns much more attraction.

Again, this is a longshot.

#4 Brock Lesnar enters the Rumble

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Thank Joey Styles for putting this one out there. He writes in his blog that there is a possibility that Brock Lesnar won’t be pinned and Rollins will pin Cena to win the title. This will lead Lesnar to participate in the Royal Rumble with all guns blazing. And eventually win it.

Now, that is surely a fantasy booking and a ploy to hook fans into watching but kudos to Styles for putting forth such a possibility. It may be a bit disappointing because Lesnar winning deprives a new, young superstar of winning the Rumble – an adulation that could have worked wonders for their careers.

#3 Triple H and Sting entering the Rumble

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Though, their involvement is not really necessary, it will definitely be a sight to see Sting make his first Rumble appearance. Maybe Triple H can enter the Rumble at No. 29 to take out every superstar who is a thorn in front of The Authority and then 3...2...1...

We hear the sound of the ravens and outcomes Sting. He comes, eliminates Triple H and then leaves. Yes, Sting eliminates himself. His plays his role of a vigilante and eliminates Triple H and maybe his Authority lackeys as well.

#2 The Dudley Boyz entering the Rumble

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This may still be possible. Hugely possible.

But it may also be possible that this is just another rumor to get the fans to tune into the Rumble to see and wait for the surprise entrants. There were rumors once that Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, and John Morrison will enter the Rumble. But those rumors were just baseless as they did not come true.

This may be one of those moments. But never say never.

#1 Bray Wyatt winning the Rumble

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Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan, the two names that have been the booker’s favorite. WWE has made the large picture of the Royal Rumble look that way. But there is also a possibility that WWE is showing subtle signs of somebody else winning the Rumble. Dean Ambrose is a front runner in that category. If there is anything that can cover up for the disappointment of Bryan, not winning, is Ambrose winning it in Philadelphia – the city where he was at his best as Jon Moxley.

But what would be completely shocking is Bray Wyatt winning the Rumble. While Wyatt will get some great heel heat.

This may happen if the plans with Undertaker don’t work out.

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