5 WWE Superstars that stand to gain the most at Summerslam

Green Arrow and Red Arrow could create yet another memorable cross-over moment at Summerslam

The 4 hour Summerslam special promises to throw up mouth-watering advances in all the storylinesWith only around a week to go for Summerslam, the WWE is firing on all cylinders as far as marketing and building up the second most important PPV in the year is concerned. Featuring a match that has been labelled curiously as “too big for Wrestlemania”, Summerslam promises to be a rip-roaring encounter with other engaging feuds also possibly culminating during the course of the unprecedented 4 hour event.Off late, with the Diva’s revolution in full swing and Seth Rollins’ title under its first real appreciable threat in the form of the irrepressible John Cena, the Summerslam card looks set to deliver on its hype along with what is sure to be an epic rematch between Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker. As a possible reunion for Wyatt family also looms ahead, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose look likely to be embroiled in an entertaining dog-fight as well; capping off what has all the markings of a solid pay-per-view event.With Summerslam traditionally featuring stellar matches and break-out performances over the years, all early indications and storylines seem to suggest that the trend is set to be repeated this year round as well. That being said, let us now examine 5 such Superstars that are poised to significantly benefit from the advent of this edition of the WWE’s summer extravaganza.

#1 Neville

Green Arrow and Red Arrow could create yet another memorable cross-over moment at Summerslam

Neville’s portrayal as a bonafide superhero has been backed up admirably by his high-flying in-ring move set, with increasing opportunities on the microphone also suggestive that the former NXT champion is high on the WWE creative team’s ‘push’ list. After the last Monday Night Raw episode that featured an altercation between the surprisingly athletic Stephen Amell and Stardust, the ‘Red Arrow’ and Green Arrow have also been fused seamlessly into a storyline that looks set to culminate in a tag-team match at Summerslam.

As having Amell compete just to lose would be equivalent to PR suicide for the WWE, the situation is predisposed towards what would seem to be a mega push for Neville under the global mainstream attention that the actor is bound to attract. With Neville, the WWE get a Superstar that is as over with the pro-wrestling marks as he has the potential to be with the general audience; a dynamic that looks set to blossom into fruition come Summerslam.

#2 The Divas

In keeping with the slogan, the Divas Revolution has indeed made a strong impact these past few weeks

Easily one of the most eventful and entertaining storylines in the WWE at present, the Divas Revolution has booked its spot in a big way at Summerslam with a Triple Threat Elimination match between the 3 teams of Divas. With the WWE taking the revolution seriously and introducing an influx of NXT talent into the main roster, the perception of Divas as merely eye candy as advocated by Vince McMahon is gradually but firmly being deviated from.

Team B.A.D, Team Bella and PCB have put on some of the most exciting matches (2 every show!) for the last few weeks, constantly evoking appreciative audience reaction and their upcoming match at Summerslam looks set to follow suit as well. With Triple H and Stephanie McMahon actually intent on giving Divas a chance in the recent few weeks, the elongated edition of Summerslam promises to be the grandest stage thus far to prominently feature the Divas Revolution.

#3 The New Day

Despite being a heel faction, the “Power of Positivity” has caught on with the WWE Universe

Although los Matadores and the Lucha Dragons have no outward business being involved in the tag-team title picture, perhaps the length of Summerslam has dictated that the tag-team match could afford to be be as elaborate and inclusive as possible. If the New Day were “over” when they held the tag-team titles, their run after dropping it to the Prime Time Players has been nothing short of highly entertaining; a fact that has steadily see their stock rise in the eyes of the WWE Universe.

Heading into Summerslam with momentum thanks largely to Xavier Wood’s witty quirks and Kofi and Big E’s enthusiastic adherence to the gimmick, The New Day are firmly on their way to being cheered into face-dom soon enough. If the WWE creative team play their cards right, the Summerslam event could provide the perfect backdrop for a new beginning for the New Day, and possibly even see them don the Tag Team championship gold once again.

#4 Cesaro

The match between thses two ring wizards at Summerslam could easily “steal the show”

Ever since Vince McMahon, wittingly or unwittingly, conceded that he felt that Cesaro didn’t have the “it” factor a few weeks back, the WWE Universe has been on a war footing to prove him otherwise. In a Daniel Bryan-esque sort of dynamic, the numerous ‘Cesaro Section’ signs in the audience and the overwhelming support afforded to Cesaro has served to push the Swiss Superman up the hierarchy by purely riding on the wave of audience emotion.

As he enters into Summerslam set to lock horns with another internet darling in Kevin Owens, albeit one that has been robbed of momentum since his rubber match loss to John Cena, expectations of a show-stealing match between two of the WWE’s best in-ring technicians would not be misplaced. Having been bestowed with greater time on the microphone off late as well, Summerslam augurs well for Cesaro as it may prove to finally be the big break-out that his talent and graft compellingly justifies.

#5 John Cena

Summerslam could witness the coronation of John Cena as the WWE Champion for a record-equalling 16th time

If the immediate aftermath of Wrestlemania 31 was a trial run to determine if the WWE Heavyweight Title picture could thrive without John Cena, the upcoming title unification bout at Summerslam against Seth Rollins seems to be the emphatic answer to that quandry. Perhaps the polarizing presence of John Cena is so inextricably linked with ratings that the WWE’s hand was forced, but unsurprisingly, the Leader of the Cenation finds himself challenging at the top of the food chain once again.

While teasing a possible cash-in of the Money in the Bank briefcase by Sheamus was an apt ruse, it still does not completely steer the spotlight away from the fact that John Cena is just one WWE title win away from equalling the Nature Boy’s all time official record. Although reports in the internet claim that the program between John Cena and Seth Rollins is a longer term initiative, and thus unlilkely to have a clean finish at Summerslam, it is still irrefutable that John Cena is the Superstar, as ever, that stands to gain the most from what is poised to be yet another intruiging pay-per-view come August 23rd.

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