5 WWE Superstars who could replace Daniel Bryan as champion

Daniel Bryan surely went under the knife with a heavy heart as the chances of him losing the title so early after getting it touched the skylines. It was unfortunate for someone like Bryan to be in such situation as he was enjoying an all-time high in his career.But Bryan being out for some time is not going to stop WWE from building up plans elsewhere and the first probable step would be to find a new champion.Its still not clear whether the title will be taken away from Bryan, but just for the sake of things it will be important to analyze the potential candidates to carry the gold. And here is a look at 5 names that would be primes choices to do so.

#5 John Cena

Though Cena is not recognized as a baby face in the WWE at the moment, he is someone who Vince McMahon could go to in times of distress. Bryan’s absence is making a lot of financial havoc for the company now and having Cena on top again could make things better.

The problem with the scenario however will be the current feud that Cena is having. His battle with Bray is worth more than the title. but in desperation, WWE could manage to come up with some angle that could get the title in between them.

Cena winning the gold will be a lifeline for WWE as his win is sure to overshadow the absence of Bryan. He could also feud with Bryan after Cena returns so that the fans could see two top names of the company fighting it out for the title.

#4 Brock Lesnar

So Lesnar conquered the two decade long legendary streak of Undertaker at WrestleMania and we all know that the first thing he wanted before he did that was to get his hands on the title.

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H was not willing to give Lesnar a shot back then but now his advocate has a negotiation gem under his belt. Many consider Taker’s streak as something good as the title and Heyman could talk his way into making Lesnar champion once the title is vacated.

The problem with this however would be that WWE will have to convince Lesnar to return soon and drop the title when Bryan returns. A feud between Bryan and Lesnar is a mouthwatering one and it certainly opens up WWE’s chances to get some money in their pocket.

#3 CM Punk

Bryan’s probably out for one or two months, WWE doesn’t have a champion, their stocks are plummeting, but wait CM Punk is still under contract.

So what if Vince McMahon convinces CM Punk to come in to run out his contract and be a champion till July. He could be the new champion and drop the title when Bryan returns marking his exit with a credible farewell match.

This option solely depends on the mindset of Punk and its pretty much still a long shot despite the facts coming together.

However, it’s a possibility that can’t be rules out now that Vince McMahon has lost this much of money thanks to the injury of Bryan.

#2 Triple H

Though Hunter hasn’t been involved with Daniel Bryan directly after WrestleMania, Bryan was pretty much involved with the Authority in form of Stephanie McMahon. And last week Stephanie even decided to help out her husband by bring out a string of midcarders to stop the Shield.

So is WWE doing a crossover between the storylines now that Bryan’s gone? It certainly seems that way. Capitalizing Bryan’s injury to get a lot of heat would work well for the Authority in all angles.

Bryan coming back and feuding with Hunter would be a much bigger step from his current dilemma with Kane as well. The prospect of Shield among all this makes things more interesting and complex.

WWE could easily make Orton turn against Hunter for the title or even give the members of shield a wild title run.

#1 Kane

The most logical choice from the lot, giving Kane the title would be the best choice due to various reasons. First of all, he was the one who was lined up for the next shot which makes him the next best thing to champion.

Next it would be a fitting act of appreciation towards Kane who will be getting one last run as the champion before he decides to head home and look after his insurance company.

And most importantly, when Bryan returns, he could simply pick up from where he left off since Kane is on the other side.

It would also make more sense than picking up a random name from the roster and it’s a win for the company from whatever angle they look as the championship is going to keep Kane fresh until the warrior makes his return.

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