Summerslam rewind: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar WWE World Heavyweight Championship - 2014

The Champ was challenged by the ‘Beast’

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar – SummerSlam 2014Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam! Exactly a year ago, this was regarded as the biggest fight of the summer 2014. To just remind you, this is one of the worst matches in the career of Cena. It was a match in which Lesnar totally dominated John Cena.The main event of any WWE PPV usually isn’t single-sided but this one was altogether different. I don’t mind if you like Lesnar or not but after watching this match, you will surely respect him. That’s one reason why this match has been among my favourite SummerSlam matches-

#1 The Build-Up

The Champ was challenged by the ‘Beast’

In 2014, Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania 30. John Cena won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Money in the Bank PPV later that year. Lesnar returned to RAW and challenged Cena for a match at SummerSlam for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Paul Heyman and Lesnar warned Cena repeatedly that he would get a beating of a life-time at SummerSlam and asked him to be prepared for all that. Below was Heyman’s message to Cena leading up to the match-


#2 The Match

Merciless beatdown

In this match, the 15-time World Champion, John Cena was totally demolished by the ‘Beast’. Brock delivered 16 German Suplexes and two brutal F5s to Cena and beat the hell out of the Champ to record a thumping victory. In the entire match that lasted for 20 minutes, John Cena was on his feet for less than a tenth of that time.

It was totally a merciless beat down by Lesnar. The hard stiff punches to Cena’s head left him hopeless. This might be the only main event Championship match in the PPV’s history that ended in such a dominating way and this happened to a man, who has been the face of the company for more than a decade.


#3 The Aftermath

Rollins comes into the picture

After the beating that Cena received at the hands of Lesnar, everyone was eager to hear from Cena. An expert panel comprising Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan was set up to analyse the situation. To everybody’s surprise, Cena showed up and exercised his rematch clause. He wanted to fight Lesnar once again at ‘Night of Champions’.

Just when Cena was about to win this match, Rollins interrupted and forced a disqualification. Later on, Rollins was involved in the title scene and at WrestleMania 31, he cashed in his MITB contract and became the Champion. Brock was suspended temporarily after WM 31 but now he is back and he is involved in a rivalry with The Undertaker. Cena on the other hand, is busy on the mid card and he now looks to rise to the top as he faces Rollins at SummerSlam.


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