Top 10 WWE weapons of all time

The additions of a foreign object into the matches have been professional wrestlings easy route in making matters more interesting for the fans. Over the years, WWE have used this situation to their advantage in many occasions.Some ended up giving the desired results while some were botched. No matter what the outcome of the usage was, one thing which remained constant is the weapon which was used.Ranging from the everyday things to specially designed ones, the weapons could be anything that could put ones foe to the floor.There have been countless memorable moments thanks to this unsung part of wrestling so here is a look at the top ten weapons that were used over the timeline.

#10 Steel Chair

Let’s start with the obvious one here. Steel Chair is literally one of the most used weapons in the WWE and has allowed many superstars to come out victorious in crucial matches.

It is often the first weapon that a wrestler goes to in any provided occasion. Eddie Guerrero faking the chair shot is one of the most memorable moments which had chair as a protagonist.

Snitsky (He is in TNA right now if you are curious) used the chair to break peoples neck at one point which was another application.

The chairs could be used with a combination of barbwires to make matter more interesting or it could just benefit from a good blade job that Eddie once did against JBL on Judgment day pay-per-view.

#9 Kendo Stick

If chair spreads the force over a flat surface, the Kendo stick is used to get some long red marks in the skins. It was utilized to the core at Paul Heyman’s original ECW and was the signature weapon of Sandman.

There was an even a match stipulation with an alteration of the Kendo Stick back in the promotion. Tommy Dreamer got his back bloodied simply through strikes from the Stick.

Dreamer was also on the receiving side when Jerry Lawler used the same and this time it was Dreamer’s testicles that almost got busted open. Heyman got his share of the stick on top of a Cell when CM Punk delivered a beating adding another moment to the archive.

A lot of WWE superstars have tried to replicate the aura of ECW, but still, Heyman’s baby comes first when it comes to kendo Stick.

#8 Steel Steps

Apparently the steel step has more chances of defeating Brock Lesnar than John Cena. It has been Lesnar’s kryptonite in his second run in the company and there have been many names in the past who put the steps into good use.

Usually, the steps are used to knock the opponent down while in some cases it could be used to brutalize a slamming move. Spine busters or RKO delivered into the steps would be unforgiving.

Some superstars even like to throw the steps to make it effective. Goldberg and Cena fall into this category. Being legal to an extent is another advantage of this weapon making it the easily available and usable thing around the ring.

#7 Brass knuckle

Knuckles could be tagged as the sneakiest weapon in the business. Often used in real life scenarios, the knuckles were first made famous in the WWE by William Regal.

He used them in 2002 to defeat Edge for the Intercontinental championship. And even after Regal went on to use many weapons in his career, the fans always found a special chemistry when the knuckles where in his hands.

Knuckles are the trademark of an established brawler and apart from Regal, anyone who needed a sneaky win used the weapon to their will.

Some of Ric Flair’s win also came thanks to this when he lived up to the “dirtiest player in the game” nickname.

#6 Table

Now Tables is a weapon which was instrumental in almost all the promotions across the world. Every superstar who stepped in between the ropes have been slammed into the table at one point of their career.

Mae Young got crashed into the table when she was the age of our grandma. Recently Dixie Carter went through one and gave the fans a whole angle based on the table that had her name on it.

That brings us to Team 3D. It was these two that made tables look extraordinary even though it was ordinary. Flaming tables have been also one of the most exciting things in WWE, ask Mick Foley if there are any further doubts regarding going through a flaming table.

#5 Ladder

Heights and wrestling is a combination that the fans often loved. It has been a high flyer’s favorite tool ever since it was introduced and gave us some of the death defying jumps.

Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon had their classic match for the Intercontinental title with ladder as an integral part with many matches following that tradition over the years.

The match however that would come into any wrestling fan’s mind when they hear ladder will be the triple threat tag team match between Hardy Boys, Team 3D and Edge and Christian.

These six men showed how the ladder could be used as a lethal weapon to destroy oneself and one’s opponent.

#4 Guitar

The modern fans might only see the guitar as Jeff Jarrett’s favorite weapon. But before Jarrett started his guitar bashing run in TNA, it was the Honky Tonk Man who was credited with one of the most unique weapon in the business.

Being the longest reigning Intercontinental champion, the Honky Tonk Man wasn’t reluctant to let his guitar sing some song to his opponents head once in a while.

This was the path which Jarrett followed in TNA and if he hadn’t spent that much money in the guitar he bought to mix things up, his company would’ve still be by his side. This however is not something for the music fans to be frank.

#3 Thumbtacks

Wrestling is not fake, it is simply scripted. So when a superstar falls into the thumbtacks, his skin is getting teared in for real. Thumbtacks are not for the faint hearted as it is one of those legitimate weapons in the business right now.

Foley has a wealth of experience falling into thumbtacks. Usually, the superstars fall on their back to protect the internal organs in the front from being punctured, but Foley was mad enough to take a pedigree into the tacks.

Abyss of TNA also know the feeling of tacks being stuck into his back as he would give Foley a run for the money if there is a competition to determine who went into the tacks more.

#2 Sledgehammer

Anyone who has crossed paths with Triple H would’ve met with Hunter’s personal favorite, the Sledgehammer.

Ever since Hunter introduced the sledgehammer first, it has been a part of his gimmick and gave some of the brutal attacks in the history of WWE. Once Jim Ross claimed that it wouldn’t be a handicap match if two wrestlers were facing Triple H with a sledge hammer.

Though he doesn’t carry it always, once he has his weapon, Hunter will be out to cause chaos everywhere. Still the sledge hammer is confined to the COO of the company and hopefully, he would have someone follow his path.

#1 Barbie

There are regular wrestlers, there are technicians, there are mat wrestlers, and there are high fliers. All categories of styles would have one or two legends here and there and when it comes to hardcore wresting, one of those legends is Mick Foley.

Foley has done many sick things during his career across ECW and WWE. He has gone through thumbtacks, C-4s, tables, flaming tables and the list goes on and one.

But when it came to offence, Mick had his share of fun. He had a baseball bat covered in barb wire as his gimmick weapon and even named it Barbie to add more reality quotient.

Foley often ended up on the receiving side of Barbie, but knowing him he wouldn’t have cared any bit.

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