5 WWE feuds that must happen in 2015

2015 is rolling in pretty fast. WWE and Vince McMahon might still be recovering from all the mess ups that they made this year but as always, but even with that hang over in place, they will be planning the moves for next year.Superstars all set to make a big leap, wrapped up legacies, an emerging NXT and upcoming new promotions like Lucha Underground and Global Force Wrestling make matter worse for Vince and his party writers.Even if Vince McMahon decides to take the easy route out of the situation, as loyal fans of the promotion, we would love to see a handful of feuds happen in 2015 after all the missed opportunities this time around and here are a rundown on some of those dream scenarios.

#5 Roman Reigns vs. John Cena

This might not be a wrestling clinic but if WWE wants Reigns to succeed Cena, then this feud has to happen. Both Reigns and Cena are not the best in ring performers in the ring as they usually rely on flashy moves to get the job done.

However, torch passing storylines have always worked with the fans. Reigns looks set to be the WWE champion after WrestleMania by beating Brock Lesnar and since Cena is fond of Championship feuds, it’s an ideal situation.

Reigns getting a clean win over Cena on multiple occasions is just what the company would need for the Samoan’s ascension and at the same time, this would also end Cena’s Superman run.

#4 AJ Lee vs. Charlotte

The divas division needs something big if it is to survive amidst all the stupid bookings that they are going to get. Last year, WWE had the debut of Paige at their disposal, but they botched it as the story moved forward.

With Paige joining the Total Divas, it would be hard for her to get back into some serious feud which makes Charlotte the best option that the writers have.

She has been delivering solid matches and promos on a regular basis down in NXT throughout 2014. AJ locking horns with a Flair would be nothing short of spectacular and will also be a feud that set a different benchmark for all the divas that will follow.

#3 Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins

We cannot be sure whether Daniel Bryan would wrestle again or not but if he makes a comeback at any point of 2015, a feud with Seth Rollins is must.

WWE did tease from friction recently when Bryan was the guest general manager and though those segments sucked, they are going to cover up in between the ropes. The duo has plenty of experience thanks to their association in the independent scene and taking it to the big stage guarantees a lot of matches which others will sweat to replicate.

Rollins has been reigning as the top heel in the company while Bryan would certainly return as the most over face, also making it some great dynamics for the storyline.

#2 Goldust vs. Stardust

This feud has been in the buildup for nearly two years. Goldust and Cody Rhodes have given almost everything they could for the Tag team division and it is time for them to explore elsewhere.

Goldust despite his age is one of the best wrestlers in the roster while Cody is someone who could be the replacement for Randy Orton without much effort. With that said, both of them have great singles career ahead of them.

The only hurdle between the brothers and their singles stardom is the current arrangement. The tag team is being wasted on bull fighters and blue stables these days making a feud between the brothers look like the best option available.

#1 Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose

There is a reason why the Stone Cold – Vince McMahon feud worked. The idea of a rebellious unpredictable superstar going toe to toe with his boss was a sure shot success on any day.

The company did try to replicate the same with Daniel Bryan, but Bryan wasn’t clearly unpredictable. The fans didn’t see their blood boiling because of Bryan as he grew up as a hero instead of being the anti – hero like Steve Austin.

Dean Ambrose, on the other hand, would be an entirely different story. He has the charm that Austin used to have while Hunter could play the perfect replication of the old Mr. McMahon. it might sound a bit repetitive to some thanks to the Bryan storyline being the backbone of 2014, but the truth is, this one will be much better.

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