5 Reasons why WWE fans are better than writers

There have been claims out there in the internet which said that any 5-year-old kinder garden kid could write better storylines than the current WWE writers.At certain instances, this may not be a correct statement but on a majority of the occasions, things could be better put. A lot of the company’s failure has been blamed on the same writers who have trouble pulling of a solid show ever once in a while.All the WWE fans in the Internet has had some great ideas that put the WWE product in shame and everyone has wondered at one point or the other why they aren’t on the WWE payroll for such brilliance. We, the fans are clearly a step ahead of the current crop of WWE writers and here is a look at the reasons why.

#5 We know that we are not stupid

We are not ‘that stupid’ period. For instance, we know that Big Show has been punching people throughout his two decade long career and all of a sudden, it is his finisher and he knocks out people with that same punch he threw all those years.

There are a million instances out there in the WWE’s recent history where they insulted out intelligence big time because they think we are stupid. Catering such angles for a regular basis has cost the company big time while the fans consistently feel betrayed.

When we come up with ideas out of the blue, we know that we are doing it for intelligent fans rather than stupid people who could digest everything thrown against them like Cena winning all the matches out there despite only having five moves in his pocket.

#4 John Cena is not the entire world for us

One of the most notable trends that come across when someone in internet sparks up a storyline is the involvement of all the superstars.

We just don’t want Roman Reigns or John Cena to look good; we want the entire roster to look good. Most of the recent WWE programming has been centered on one or two superstars with the aim of making them look strong at the expense of no matter who crosses his path.

With the internet fans, things turn upside down. We never want Cena to look good beyond a limit and same applies for everyone on the roster. Also, we rank the superstars on their ability to wrestle rather than his flashiness.

#3 Vince McMahon doesnt breath down our throats

Okay, this one might be a bit in favor of the WWE creative team but that doesnt still explain why they send out all those crappy storyline ideas.

Vince McMahon is clearly among the best businessmen in the world, that doesnt necessarily mean he is a good booker now. He was a good booker but now, Vince is someone who is in an era where he should not be in.

The chairman apparently doesnt see anyone else than John Cena in front of him while his ideas would have flopped even in the 1980s. So even if the writers bring up some good old storyline, Vince will be there to shoot it down unlike the luxury we have of unlimited imagination and no one to breath down our throat.

#2 Nor does the USA network

Another one in favor of the WWE creative, if Vince McMahon wasn’t bad enough, meet the USA network. They are the mainstream television which allows WWE to air on prime time every Monday and for some good reasons as well.

Raw is one of the highly rated shows in Network and they don’t know that this rating is nowhere near what it used to be back in the days.

The extra amount of PG era crap is injected every week by the USA network with a string of C grade celebrities and some awful things for the kids. Professional wrestlers who are supposed to look strong often end up as clowns and that’s probably the worst thing for them.

#1 We are wrestling fans not Hollywood dropouts

This one cancels out all the sympathy that you might’ve generated for the WWE writers after knowing the last two points. WWE employs nearly 40 writers and the truth is they still suck.

All these writers are Hollywood dropouts who are good in writing soap operas rather than wrestling show writers. Some might not even know that Mick Foley, Cactus Jack and Mankind are the same person. And it’s these people that Vince trust.

Paul Heyman ran some of the greatest storylines back in ECW and he claimed that booking was easy if you know what you’re doing. But these writers don’t know that. They don’t know what the fans want nor do they know that the squared circle is the biggest storyteller.

At the end of the days, these guys are similar to Kinder garden students who writes movie scripts for fans who are used to seeing all the Christopher Nolan films out there.

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