10 greatest WWE feuds of 2017


The WWE has had a bit of an odd year. We've dragged ourselves through the dismal Jinder Mahal experiment, trudged through the boring and bewildering feud between Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor, and sat through the "epic" clash at No Mercy between The Beast and The Monster Among Men that really missed the mark.

But even with these serious flaws, WWE has delivered some truly spectacular feuds this year. Both Raw and Smackdown Live reached new heights with the tag team division, NXT has continued to thrive, and despite rarely showing up, the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar has obviously stepped up his game (his bout against Braun Strowman excluded).

As we head into 2018, there is no point in reminding ourselves too much of this year's biggest duds, so let's focus on everything that WWE got absolutely spot-on.

#10 Neville Vs. Austin Aries

One of the best matches of the night; thrown away on the pre-show...

The two cruiserweights might have been frustrated with their place in the company (and on the card), but it didn't stop them from putting on a great series of matches in a feud that should have been given a significantly higher standing than it did.

Heading into WrestleMania season, Neville declared there was no one worthy left to challenge him for the Cruiserweight Championship. Austin Aries disagreed and laid down the gauntlet. Their match on the 'Mania pre-show was everything it needed to be. Aries and Neville provided plenty of high-flying action and a great ground game too. Neville had to resort to heel-ish underhanded tactics to win by raking at his opponent's damaged eye socket, cementing himself as a very dangerous champion.

Their following matches at Extreme Rules and Payback also hit the nail on the head in terms of in-ring work and story, the Submission Match, in particular, showcased just how good each man really is between the ropes. It's a shame neither Neville nor Aries will be competing on 205 Live for the foreseeable future, as they added the serious star-power the show desperately needs.

#9 The Bar Vs. Ambrose & Rollins

Double Suicide Dives to The Bar

2017 has been a fantastic year for tag team wrestling with Sheamus & Cesaro being key players in the division. Without a doubt, forming The Bar has produced the best work of the Swiss Superman's and Celtic Warrior's entire career in WWE. They've been hard-hitting, hard-working, surprisingly charismatic and funny, but more importantly, they've had great opponents to bounce off of in the reunited Ambrose & Rollins.

With every wrestler being main event calibre, and every fan fully on board with the partial reunion of The Shield, The Bar and Ambrose & Rollins put on a great match at SummerSlam. The balance between the story and the action was played out just right with the contest ending with the former Shield brethren proving they hadn't lost a step.

With The Revival's reemergence on the horizon, it's only a matter of time before either The Bar or Ambrose & Rollins stop chasing the titles, but the scorching hot matches they delivered through the summer has kept us nice and toasty going into these winter months.

#8 Brock Lesnar Vs. Samoa Joe

Joe getting the best of The Beast

The rivalry between The Samoan Submission Machine and The Beast may have been a short one, but it succeeded in doing what it set out to do and made Joe a star.

The month-long build that geared towards their battle at Great Balls of Fire was packed with jaw-dropping moments. Joe showed no fear going after Lesnar, and even got the better of the Universal Champion several times over. The promo segments between the two men often ended in brawls that played to their strengths of being two big guys determined to be the best.

One of the more interesting notes about this feud was Lesnar's involvement. He seemed really into his program with Joe, even going as far to speak for himself on occasion instead of relying on Paul Heyman.

Their match at Great Balls of Fire was explosive. Joe did a brilliant job of beating down Lesnar, and the attack before the bell rang really showed his ferocity. Lesnar sold the mugging like a champ, and despite Joe not winning the title, he showed that he is more than capable of being the next beast in WWE.

#7 John Cena Vs. Roman Reigns

Superman Punch to SuperCena

Much like Lesnar/Joe before it, the feud between John Cena and Roman Reigns was a short one but packed one hell of a (Superman) punch. Ultimately, this match was the passing of the torch from one Superstar to the other, but Cena didn't hand it over without a fight.

The promos between Cena and Reigns blurred the lines of kayfabe more than they have ever been blurred before. Cena mocked The Big Dog's mediocre mic skills and poked fun at his recent failing of WWE's Wellness Policy. Reigns hit back calling Cena a sellout and not a big deal, but the leader of the Cenation shrugged off pretty much every insult in hilarious fashion.

The match itself at No Mercy was the best bout of the night full of false finishes and huge OMG moments. Cena took the loss, giving Reigns his respect in the process. The powerhouse of The Shield looked every bit the main eventer he is that night, and delivered his best one-on-one match to date.

#6 Kevin Owens Vs. Shane McMahon

Do you get that feeling that your employee doesn't like you?

Although the authority figure going up against a disgruntled employee has been done to death (especially in recent times), Owens and McMahon have done a good job of keeping this angle interesting. The two have completely overshadowed the similar WrestleMania feud between Rollins and Triple H by simply being better in the ring, better on the mic, and overall by being more likeable.

Their program started in the midst of the rivalry between Owens and AJ Styles which soured the matches between the Prizefighter and The Phenomenal One, but Owens turned things around quickly with his beautifully impassioned promos on how McMahon had set out to screw him over.

Although their vendetta against each has started to feel like it has run its course, the match these guys had at Hell in a Cell within the sadistic structure was one of the best HIAC matches in recent memory. Owens and McMahon definitely have chemistry; the ring work was incredible, the mind games and insults were a great element, and that ending is still fresh in everyone's mind over two months later.

#5 Chris Jericho Vs. Kevin Owens

Great friends but greater enemies

Jericho and Owens provided us with plenty of laughs this year, but these chuckles came at a heavy price. Jericho's constant interference in the former Universal Champion's matches robbed many bouts of their importance and "big fight" feel. However, the end of their partnership during The Festival of Friendship was one of the biggest moments in wrestling this year.

After costing Owens his Universal title at Fastlane, the Canadians went on to battle for Jericho's US Championship during WrestleMania season and beyond, trading victories all the way through and elevating the importance of the mid-card title. The matches weren't as great as everyone was expecting from an in-ring perspective, but Jericho and Owens put on a solid show that was made better by their incredible mic skills and the dedication they have to their characters.

#3 Asuka Vs. Ember Moon

Moon hopes to "Eclipse" Asuka as champion

The greatest feud in NXT this year and definitely the best female rivalry in WWE 2017, Asuka and Ember Moon managed to tell an incredible tale inside the ring. She may have come closer than any other woman in the company, but Moon was unable to best the Empress of Tomorrow, proving beyond a doubt that no one is ready for Asuka.

Their bouts had the potential to get lost in the stacked cards they were on, but the ladies of NXT held their own and showed the world that women's wrestling can be every bit as exciting as the male divisions.

The feud between these two warriors showed a side of Asuka that we hadn't seen before when she underhandedly pushed the referee into Moon at TakeOver: Orlando to narrowly escape with her title.

Their final fight at TakeOver: Brooklyn III was made all the more special given that it was Asuka's last match in NXT. Moon received a standing ovation for her efforts, but ultimately left without the victory.

With Asuka now on Raw, there has never been a better time for another female Superstar to go after the strap. Whoever steps up to the plate had better make sure they are ready though.

#4 The Authors of Pain Vs. #DIY

Risking it all to take back their titles

As contenders for the NXT Tag Team Championships, Akam and Rezar were a formidable force, destroying opponents left, right, and centre. When the time came for them to wage war for the straps, they decimated #DIY and The Revival, but Ciampa and Gargano weren't about to let The Authors of Pain take the titles and run.

Instigating their rematch clause at NXT TakeOver: Chicago, the smaller duo of Ciampa and Gargano took the fight to their significantly larger foes, coming ever so close to recapturing their titles. In the end, the sheer size and resilience of AoP won out in one of the best David Vs. Goliath stories of the year with Goliath coming out on top.

The loss to Akam and Rezar also set in motion the post-match attack on Johnny Wrestling by the Psycho Killer that was heart-breaking to watch. Now we're all hoping that the biggest heel turn of the year plays out well when Ciampa returns to the ring and that one of the most devastating break-ups in WWE wasn't for nothing.

#2 Roman Reigns Vs. Braun Strowman

Words aren't even needed for this one

This rivalry had everything the fans could possibly have wanted. Reigns and Strowman have incredible chemistry inside the ring and have put on some seriously intense matches this year (even though so many people still don't want to admit how good Reigns actually is).

Some of the biggest highlights from their feud include Strowman tipping over an ambulance with Reigns inside, The Monster Among Men levelling Reigns with an announcer's chair in hilarious fashion, and The Big Dog attempting to commit vehicular homicide.

Both Superstars played to their strengths by showcasing just how much power they have. There was nothing fancy; just good ol' fashioned slams, spears, and takedowns.

Strowman, in particular, received a lot of love from the crowds coming out of this rivalry, which lead to him challenging Brock Lesnar for the Universal title at No Mercy (though let's not go into detail on that).

Overall, WWE's two biggest stars came across as legitimate badasses worthy of contending for the top title. They gave them all inside (and outside) the ring, cementing their places at the top of the card.

#1 The Usos Vs. The New Day

New Day Rocks! But so do The Usos

In a year that has had a dire main event scene, the tag team division on Smackdown Live has skyrocketed to the top. Words can't begin to explain how important The New Day and The Usos have been to the Blue Brand in 2017. They have managed to make every show feel bigger and more exciting just by being on the card.

Their initial match at Battleground was the best bout on the night, as was their match at SummerSlam despite being relegated to the pre-show. Their final encounter at Hell in a Cell inside the Cell was the culmination of months worth of work. Both teams went all out, showing ingenuity that has never been seen before with kendo sticks, determination, and skill.

Wisely, the program wasn't dragged out too long and ended with both sets of teams having found respect for one another.

The Usos and The New Day are on top of their game and have had a fantastic 2017, but the main event scene on Smackdown Live is about to heat again now that AJ Styles is the champion. One hopes that tag team division won't fall by the wayside come 2018 and that The Usos and The New Day continue to give it their all.

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