10 Off-screen moments that revealed the real Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar and Paige.
Brock Lesnar and Paige.

In an age where social media is an extension of human personality, Brock Lesnar is the last person you'd see indulging in online frivolity. The Beast Incarnate's Twitter handle is like a Paul Heyman fan page. You'd scroll endlessly but still find nothing but retweets of his advocate

Just like with Heath Slater's kids, Brock Lesnar doesn't give two hoots about social media. In hindsight, that has helped preserve his image of being a no-nonsense badass.

He's a destroyer in kayfabe but a recluse in real life, and that has given rise to many rumors about how Brock Lesnar actually is when he isn't booked to be an intimidating suplex machine on WWE TV.

Well, the Beast Incarnate is actually a really nice guy, albeit a few moments. Don't you believe us?

We'll give ten examples of how the real Brock Lesnar is.

#10. Playing football with the boys


Brock Lesnar is rarely pictured in candid moments with the boys from the locker room, but this video above is a refreshing exception.

The Beast Incarnate can be seen trying his hand - legs would be more appropriate in this scenario - at football (soccer) while preparing for the Greatest Royal Rumble PPV in 2018. Randy Orton, Cesaro, Sunil Singh, and Brock Lesnar were busy knocking the ball around under the sweltering heat of Jeddah.

Lesnar's unsuccessful attempt at controlling the ball and his subsequent spurt to retrieve makes for a comical moment. It's moments like these that humanize the Beast, and it's amazing to see him unwind with the rest of the guys backstage.

#9. Brock Lesnar is always open to advising Paige


Brock Lesnar can be the most intimidating guy in the room even when he's not trying to scare somebody off. The man's huge. His presence is daunting, and that can put off many people who would want to approach him for advice backstage,

Paige revealed during an interview with Inside The Ropes that beyond his menacing exterior, Brock Lesnar is actually a very sweet guy once you get to know him.

Paige said that she could go up to Lesnar without any hesitation and ask him for advice. She went on to add that The Beast Incarnate is a really wonderful guy.

"He's scary, he is definitely scary when you first meet him... he's an intimidating man for sure, like massive. But, like, once you get to know him, he's also very sweet. So, if I wanted advice too from him, I could go to him, and he would be like, 'Sure I'll give it to you', you know. He's really wonderful too."

#8. On-screen rivals, real-life pals


This incredible footage of the WWE Superstars enjoying a banquet before the Greatest Royal Rumble wrecks one of the most storied kayfabe rivalries of all time.

Undertaker and Brock Lesnar may be bitter rivals on screen, but they are actually quite close in real life, which explains why The Undertaker accepted Lesnar as the man to end the streak.

In the video above, Lesnar and Undertaker can be seen sitting next to each other while they enjoy a grand spread of food. There are many Superstars in the video. How many can you spot?

#7. His willingness to work with R-Truth again


Brock Lesnar has often been accused of being someone who is in the business just for the money. He is also targeted for not working as much as he should, while also being termed as lazy. Brock Lesnar, however, is a veteran of the game who recognises a fellow talent's worth and if the opportunity presents itself, he will go all in to make an angle work.

The fans universally loved Brock Lesnar's hilarious segment with R-Truth from an episode of RAW earlier in the year. The Beast Incarnate loved it too. He liked it so much that he wanted to work with R-Truth again. Yes, Lesnar even pitched a few ideas.

R-Truth revealed the following during an interview with "With Spandex" following the segment:

"Brock actually has been pitching ideas. He wants to work with me doing something because of that segment. He pitched a couple of ideas. He and I talked afterwards. The sky's the limit. This business is always changing, and I'm always changing with things."

#6. He is a dog person


This incident happened during Brock Lesnar's media tour after he was announced to make his MMA return at UFC 200 back in 2016. The Beast and the dog met in the green room of ESPN.

In the video above, The Beast Incarnate can be seen feeding treats to a dog. Lesnar even tricked the puppy and ate off one of the treats after an epic tease. We must say, Lesnar would make an excellent dog trainer.

Brock Lesnar wasn't giving in to the adorable dog's enthusiastic desire to have more treats as he told the dog to 'beat it'. What else did the dog expect, eh?

#5. He went out of his way to put Drew McIntyre over


It's a shame that Drew McIntyre winning the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar happened without a single fan in attendance at the WWE PC as it would have gotten a massive pop from a live audience.

WWE did a fine job of building up towards Drew McIntyre's coronation, and credit has to be given to Brock Lesnar for being motivated towards the cause.

During an interview with talkSPORT and Sportskeeda's Alex McCarthy, Drew McIntyre revealed how Brock Lesnar helped him behind the scenes leading up to their WrestleMania showdown.

McIntyre called Lesnar an elite Superstar who was on a level of his own. He highlighted an unscripted moment from RAW when Brock Lesnar signalled McIntyre to hit him with another Claymore kick as the crowd was really into the segment. McIntyre said that only a select few people understand the business the way Brock Lesnar does.

In my experience, Brock has gone above and beyond to ensure I look as good as I can possibly look.
I'm sure you probably noticed, one of those kicks wasn't necessarily planned! He went out of his way – he felt the crowd because that's how good he is and I'm a professional. There were no physical cues so we just kept going. And I was like, 'Wow, this guy is unbelievable' and I'm glad I'm at a level where I can read him at the same time. We're working together here, and he's more than willing to go overboard to make me look as good as possible and make me.
In my experience of anyone I've been in the ring with – and even talking with him backstage – in terms of learning it's like wow… this guy gets it more than anybody I've ever spoken to. There's a superstar level and being over level, and then there's the elite level that very few people get to.

A backstage report also revealed that people in the WWE were really impressed with Brock Lesnar's efforts in putting McIntyre over at the Show of Shows.

Irrespective of what you've heard about the man, if Brock Lesnar likes you, then he'd go out of his way to make you look like a million bucks.

#4. Throwing the Universal title at Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 34


While the general theme of this article is about how nice Brock Lesnar is in real life, the Beast can also get really mad, and we mean furious!

Brock Lesnar was not a happy man after retaining the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 34 against Roman Reigns.

The Beast Incarnate arrived in Gorrila Position after the match. As revealed in the exclusive footage released as part of the WWE 24 series, he threw the Universal title at Vince McMahon in a fit of rage. Vince McMahon responded by calling Brock Lesnar an 'a*****'.

The match received backlash from the live audience and the fans at home for its unexpected finish and the generally poor quality of the contest.

Brock Lesnar was rumored to leave WWE. The Big Dog was set to win the title. However, none of that happened. Lesnar retained and continued his stay in the WWE. The fans, however, panned the match and the outcome.

Contrary to everything that has been said about Brock Lesnar, he seems to take pride in his craft, and he may not have been pleased by the fan outrage. That may have contributed to his backstage outburst after the match.

That, or another possible theory that was floated was that it was all a work. What do you guys think?

#3. His act of generosity towards the WWE locker room


This particular incident took place in 2015 after a snowstorm forced WWE to cancel a live episode of RAW and instead air older matches and recaps. The WWE staff and various WWE Superstars had to stay indoors at a bar, and Brock Lesnar was also part of the team.

Lesnar wasn't letting the bar close that day as he paid a significant amount of money to keep it open for the entire staff.

Corey Graves revealed the story on an episode of his After The Bell podcast:

"The show was very interesting. They re-aired the Royal Rumble match from the night before [and aired] a few backstage interviews with Roman, Brock and many others, and allegedly, [the] now WWE Champion paid a significant amount of money to keep the bar wide open for everybody to make sure they made the best of a crappy situation,"

May we all get blessed with a drinking buddy like Brock Lesnar.

#2. A day as a security guard


They say Brock Lesnar is not a people person, he doesn't like social interactions and prefers to stay away from the public spotlight. All of that is partly trued based on all that we know about Brock Lesnar. But if given a chance, the former WWE Champion can be hilarious in any given social set up.

Brock Lesnar filled in as a security guard for a day at ESPN and the outcome was extremely amusing to watch.

From ribbing guys for their foul language to flirting with a woman - Brock Lesnar may have reached the crescendo of his entertainment quotient in this one.

The humorous and charismatic side of Brock Lesnar's real character has rarely been explored in his second stint with the WWE, and that is something WWE should consider booking down the line if they wish to freshen up his act on TV. Remember Boombox Brock? That was golden for as long as it lasted.

#1. Brock Lesnar returns home


Before being known as the baddest man on earth, Brock Lesnar put together an impressive record as an amateur wrestler while representing the Minnesota Golden Gophers of the University of Minnesota in the Big Ten Conference. Brock Lesnar joined WWE after graduating and the rest, as they say, is history,

On the 20th anniversary of the NCAA Championship, Lesnar returned to Minneapolis in January earlier this year as an honorary Gophers coach for the team's opener against Wisconsin. He was also honored during the event and the footage showed the humble and grateful side of the Beast Incarnate.

For a guy who once claimed on live TV that he didn't care about Heath Slater's kids, Lesnar does seem to love high-fiving young blokes. The video above is Brock Lesnar at his wholesome best.

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