10 superstars who should switch brands after Wrestlemania 

Which superstars would benefit from another WWE draft?
Which superstars would benefit from another WWE draft?

Wrestlemania season is upon us and for a lot of the WWE roster, that means a big match on the grandest stage of them all and a big step forward in their career. This is not the case for every WWE superstar though and during this time period, it becomes apparent who the WWE has big plans for, and who they don't.

There are many talented wrestlers with no real sense of direction as we get on the road to Wrestlemania and a big reason for that is that there is no room for them to progress on their current brand. They are either woefully miscast on their current show, or there is nothing fresh or exciting for them to do.

This seems unlikely to change before Wrestlemania but once the big show is out of the way, the company like to shake things up in preparation for the coming year. It was just after Wrestlemania 33 that the company had their last superstar shake-up, so let's take a look at 10 superstars (or tag teams) who could do with finding themselves a new home once the dust has settled in New Orleans.

#1 Smackdown to Raw: Randy Orton

The Viper has run out of options on Smackdown
The Viper has run out of options on Smackdown

Randy Orton has done all there is to do on the Smackdown roster and his character is growing staler and staler with each passing week. The former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion has spent the last several months as a side-show in the Shane McMahon/ Owens and Zayn storyline, and with Wrestlemania just around the corner, it looks as though the brand has very little to offer him.

Of course, because of Randy's status within the company, he could be instantly elevated, 'outta nowhere', to the WWE title picture but fans have grown tired of the same old feuds. A post mania feud with Shinsuke would be welcomed but a move to Monday nights would prove much more beneficial to The Viper.

While a feud with Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar is not exactly fresh, these are still matches we have only seen once or twice and Randy is more than legitimate enough to add a little bit of variety to a division dominated by big men.

#2 Raw to Smackdown: Finn Balor

The Demon King is miscast on Monday nights
The Demon King is miscast on Monday nights

With Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles tearing it up on Smackdown, Finn Balor feels all at sea sat in the mid-card on Raw. The former New Japan star is one of the most talented performers on the WWE roster but he has struggled to get anywhere close to the Universal Title since his return in 2017.

Balor jumping to Smackdown and turning heel would be an excellent move and would open the door to feuds with the likes of AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, and Shinsuke Nakamura, all of which would feel fresh and exciting.

Raw's main title division is dominated by giants and despite what the fans think, Vince McMahon has no intention of having Finn Balor topple any of them anytime soon. While a run with the Intercontinental Title would not be a bad move for Balor, there are much bigger prospects waiting for him on Tuesday nights.

#3 Smackdown to Raw: Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin needs some fresh feuds
Baron Corbin needs some fresh feuds

Baron Corbin makes this list simply because a change of scenery may revitalise his career. Corbin was riding high at the start of 2017 but his descent was fast and vicious. After losing his money in the bank contract, fans stopped buying Corbin as a legitimate main eventer and since then, he has floated around the mid-card looking like a lost soul.

The chances of Corbin getting anywhere near the title picture again are slim, and if he stays on Smackdown he will likely just be a superstar who is there to make up numbers in big matches. A move to Raw may result in the same but at least it would be giving him some fresh faces in the mid-card to feud with.

#4 Raw to Smackdown: The Club

A full Club reunion on Smackdown would be too sweet
A full Club reunion on Smackdown would be too sweet

If Finn Balor were to move to Smackdown, then it would only make sense that The Good Brothers, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, follow suit. The recent Club revival in the WWE has felt like a breath of fresh air for Anderson and Gallows, with the two men having become little more than a bad comedy act in the latter half of 2017.

The Balor Club feels limited on Raw at the moment though, and a move to Smackdown could see them get much closer to where they deserve to be- the main event. A heel Balor Club fighting against, or even trying to turn, their former leader, AJ Styles would make for some compelling viewing heading into Summerslam and as a team they would have plenty of new faces to fight. The Smackdown tag division is much stronger than its Monday night counterpart at the moment and The Club would only benefit from that.

#5 Smackdown to Raw: Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch really needs to move out of Charlotte's shadow
Becky Lynch really needs to move out of Charlotte's shadow

Becky Lynch is one of the most talented female performers in the WWE, if not the world, today. 2017, however, was a bit of a bumpy ride for Lynch as she spent the majority of the year playing second fiddle to the likes of Charlotte and Naomi on Smackdown, with even Natalya being granted a title shot ahead of her in the latter stages of the year.

With rumours suggesting Asuka may move to Tuesday nights, Smackdown is likely to be dominated by Asuka and Charlotte in the coming months and a change of scenery would do Becky the world of good. Feuds with the likes of Nia Jax, Alexa Bliss, a heel Sasha Banks, and even Ronda Rousey would make her feel relevant again and could also see her finally getting to compete for gold once more.

#6 Raw to Smackdown: The Revival

Can Wilder and Dawson revive their career on Smackdown?
Can Wilder and Dawson revive their career on Smackdown?

The Revival's main roster run has not been what fans would have hoped for. The former NXT tag team champions arrived on Raw with many fans expecting to set them to set the world on fire but a combination of bad luck, and terrible booking as seen them reduced to a team of glorified jobbers.

Their recent booking on Raw 25 highlighted exactly where they stand on the Raw roster and the chances of seeing them compete for the Tag Titles on Raw seem slim to none.

A move to Smackdown, however, could be just what the team needs to kickstart their run in the WWE. Feuds with the likes of The Usos and The New Day would give them a chance to show the WWE universe just how good they are in the ring and a big win on their debut could instantly blow off the remaining cobwebs from their horrendous run on Monday nights.

#7 NXT to Raw: The Authors of Pain and Sanity

Can Eric Young lead his stable of misfits to tag team glory on Raw?
Can Eric Young lead his stable of misfits to tag team glory on Raw?

Okay, so this is two teams but both moves need to happen. The Raw tag team division is in a bit of a mess at the moment. The Bar, the oddball pairing of Sheamus and Cesaro are the current tag team champions and with Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan set to implode any minute now, that leaves Titus Worldwide as their closest real competitors.

As discussed, The Revival have been booked so poorly that the general audience wouldn't buy them as a legitimate threat to the tag team titles, while The Club have also been so inconsistent that a push for them would be met with a lukewarm reception.

The Authors of Pain and Sanity have done just about everything there is to do in NXT and a debut on the main roster appears imminent. Both teams debuting and chasing the tag titles would provide a nice injection of life into a tag division that is a matter of weeks away from being on life support.

#8 Raw to Smackdown: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy could recapture former glories on Smackdown
Jeff Hardy could recapture former glories on Smackdown

Jeff Hardy spent the end of 2017 out of action but his return to Raw is imminent. We saw Hardy briefly during Raw 25 and it looks as though he could be returning in the coming weeks, possibly to add to Matt's Woken/Broken storyline.

Jeff returning as Brother Nero would be a well-accepted move but a solo run on Smackdown would probably be a much smarter one. Jeff was one of the company's biggest babyfaces in the late 2000's and his in-ring experience would be a huge benefit to a lot of the newer WWE superstars on Smackdown. Feuds with the likes of Bobby Roode and Rusev would be well received, while from a business standpoint, Jeff has always been a big merchandise seller.

As great as it would be to see Jeff join the Woken universe, it feels like a waste of his talents in a WWE landscape that is so vast and full of talent.

#9 Raw to Smackdown: Seth Rollins

The Architect Seth Rollins can carve a new path for himself on Smackdown
The Architect Seth Rollins can carve a new path for himself on Smackdown

Remember when Seth Rollins was the WWE champion? It feels like a lifetime since he has been in the conversation considering the Universal Title and while The Shield reunion, as brief as it was, was nice, it never really connected in the way that was intended.

Like Finn Balor, Seth Rollins has slipped further and further down the pecking order in a brand dominated by big men. Moving both of those men to Smackdown would give them the chance to wrestle with other smaller and dare I say it, more gifted performers.

There is a wealth of fresh faces waiting for Rollins on Smackdown and fans would be salivating at the prospect of the former Tyler Black getting in the ring with the likes of Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles.

#10 Smackdown to NXT: Dolph Ziggler

Could a move to NXT be just what Dolph Ziggler needs?
Could a move to NXT be just what Dolph Ziggler needs?

It's a move that would no doubt cause controversy but Dolph Ziggler's time on the main roster is clearly coming to an end. Once he has, inevitably, challenged Bobby Roode for the US title, there is going to be little for the former World Heavyweight Champion to do on Smackdown. A move to Raw would be possible but again, there are limited options for Ziggler on Monday nights.

Moving Ziggler to NXT would benefit everybody involved. It would help boost the viewership for NXT while also giving Dolph a chance to help get over some of the younger talents within the company. Ziggler could even turn up on Raw and Smackdown from time to time and talk about how NXT fans appreciate him in a way that WWE ones have never done, to stay in line with his current character.

Feuds with the likes of Gargano, Mcintyre, and Velveteen Dream are a mouthwatering prospect and the company wouldn't have to keep trying such silly gimmicks to get Dolph over on NXT as he would be guaranteed to be a major attraction for the brand.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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