Dream Booking the Semifinal and Final Matches of the World Cup

A dream match will take place in the semifinals.
A dream match will take place in the semifinals.

In the first round, Kurt Angle defeated John Cena, Seth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton defeated Jeff Hardy, and Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz. In the semifinals of the tournament, Seth Rollins should face Kurt Angle in a dream match while Rey Mysterio should reignite his old rivalry with Randy Orton.

Here is a link to the article that breaks down what the bracket should be: https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/crown-jewel-dream-booking-the-wwe-world-cup-bracket-ss

Here is a link to the article that breaks down the first round: https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/dream-booking-the-1st-round-of-the-wwe-world-cup-ss

Semifinals: Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton have faced off several times in the past.
Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton have faced off several times in the past.

Randy Orton immediately starts the match by hitting Rey Mysterio with a dropkick. Rey Mysterio then takes him out with a tilt a whirl head scissors. He then goes for a suicide dive but Randy Orton throws him into the barricade. Randy Orton hits him with a back suplex on both the barricade and the announce table. Randy Orton then goes for the hanging DDT from the apron but Rey Mysterio counters it into an apron enziguri.

Rey Mysterio then hits a Springboard Seated Senton followed by a springboard crossbody from the middle rope for a near fall. Rey Mysterio then hits Randy Orton with a Wheelbarrow Bulldog for a near fall. Rey Mysterio then goes for a Diving Crossbody but Randy Orton catches him with a Snap Powerslam for a near fall. Rey Mysterio then hits Randy Orton with a Springboard Asai Moonsault to the outside. He goes on the top rope but Randy Orton hits him with a superplex for a near fall. Rey Mysterio then catches Randy Orton with a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT for a near fall.

Randy Orton then goes for a superplex but Rey Mysterio counters it into a Sunset Flip Powerbomb for a nearfall. Rey Mysterio then goes for a Springboard move but Randy Orton hangs him up on the top rope and hits a Top Rope Hanging DDT for a nearfall. Rey Mysterio then hits the 619 out of nowhere. He goes for the Frog Splash but Randy Orton catches him with an RKO out of nowhere. He goes for the cover but then he hears "Ten". Tye Dillinger makes his return and is staring a hole into Randy Orton. Mysterio then hits a 619 around the ring post followed by a Springboard Frog Splash for the win.

Semifinals: Kurt Angle vs Seth Rollins

Many people wanted to see this match at WrestleMania 34.
Many people wanted to see this match at WrestleMania 34.

Kurt Angle and Seth Rollins shake hands before the match. Rollins rolls Angle up a series of times. Rollins then hits him with 2 Suicide Dives. Rollins goes for another one and Angle catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle then goes after the knee of Rollins. Angle then goes for a Powerbomb but Rollins counters it into a hurricanrana. Rollins starts to make a comeback. Angle then hits a series of German Suplexes but Rollins lands on his feet the 3rd time.

Rollins then hits Angle with a Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo for a nearfall. Rollins then hits a Frog Splash for another nearfall. Rollins goes for the Curb Stomp but Angle moves out of the way and hits the Angle Slam for a near fall.

Angle then locks in the Ankle Lock but Rollins counters it into a crossface. Angle then goes for the Avalanche Angle Slam but Rollins counters it into a Buckle Bomb and Angle bounces right back with a vicious clothesline. Rollins then hits King’s Landing for another nearfall. Rollins goes for an Avalanche Hurricanrana but Angle counters it into an Avalanche Sit Out Powerbomb for a nearfall. Angle then hits Rollins with a Moonsault for a nearfall.

Rollins then hits Angle with 3 superkicks followed by a springboard knee strike for a nearfall. Rollins then goes for King’s Landing but Angle counters it into the Ankle Lock and grapevines the leg. Rollins counters it into a roll up for a nearfall. Angle then goes for the Angle Slam but Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins then hits the Curb Stomp for the win. The 2 shake hands afterward. Baron Corbin lays Kurt Angle out with an End of Days on the stage after the match is over.

Finals: Rey Mysterio vs Seth Rollins

This dream match should definitely happen in the finals.
This dream match should definitely happen in the finals.

Rey Mysterio immediately hits Seth Rollins with a Tilt-a-Whirl headscissors. Rey Mysterio then hits Seth Rollins with a suicide dive. He then goes for a springboard move but Seth Rollins catches him with an enziguri. Seth Rollins then hits a Springboard Clothesline for a nearfall. He goes for a Frog Splash but Rey Mysterio hits him with an Avalanche Hurricanrana out of nowhere. Rey Mysterio then starts to make his comeback by hitting Seth Rollins with a Diving Seated Senton for a nearfall. He then goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl Satellite DDT but Seth Rollins counters it into a Falcon's Arrow for a nearfall.

Seth Rollins then hits a suicide dive of his own. He goes for a Tope Con Hiro but Rey Mysterio moves out of the way and hits Seth with an Asai Moonsault Plancha. He then goes to the top rope and hits a Dragonrana for a nearfall. Seth Rollins then catches him with a big knee to the face. He goes for the Ripcord Knee Strike until Rey attempts to counter it into a Hurricanrana. Seth then powers out and hits a Buckle Bomb followed by a Superkick for a nearfall. Rey Mysterio then goes to the middle rope and hits a beautiful sunset flip out of nowhere for a nearfall. He then delivers a Frog Splash for a nearfall. Rey goes up top once again but Seth hits a Superplex and instead of doing a Falcon Arrow, he uses a Small Package Driver for a nearfall.

Rey goes for a Wheelbarrow Bulldog but Seth counters it into the Ripcord Knee for a nearfall. Seth Rollins then hits a Phoenix Splash for a nearfall. He then sets Rey Mysterio up on the top rope backwards and goes for his Avalanche Inverted Suplex combo. Rey Mysterio manages to land on his feet and hits an Avalanche Reverse Rana for a nearfall. Rey Mysterio then hits a 619 around the ring post. He goes for a Frog Splash but Seth pops right back up and catches him with a Curb Stomp for the win. Seth Rollins wins the World Cup as Rey Mysterio presents the trophy to him.

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