3 predictions for WWE this month (November 2018)

Will Shane McMahon finally turn heel during this month?
Will Shane McMahon finally turn heel during this month?

Given the huge success of WWE Super Show-Down in October, followed by the critically acclaimed Evolution, the first ever all women pay-per-view, hopes of WWE fans were very high for Crown Jewel, WWE's second event in the Middle East after The Greatest Royal Rumble. However, for all the hype and excitement surrounding it, what we got was a damp squib.

But do not worry, because we are only in the first week of November, and the whole month lies ahead. Apart from the usual shocks and surprises, this month may feature WWE laying down the bread crumbs for a few potential feuds for Royal Rumble, and also there is Survivor Series, one of the 'Big Four' pay-per-views knocking at our door.

Thus, there is so much to look forward to, and in this article, I present to you 3 predictions for November.

#3 John Cena returns to feud with Lesnar

Cena could return to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship
Cena could return to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship

After being the poster boy of WWE for over 10 years, John Cena has transitioned himself into a part-timer.

The 16 time WWE Champion last featured in a tag-team match with Bobby Lashley at Super Show-Down in October, and recently The Leader of Cenation pulled out from the Crown Jewel pay-per-view.

However, the future Hall of Famer is rumoured to return anytime soon for a long stint with the WWE.

Cena has won the championship for a record 16 times, and is currently on a tie with Ric Flair. However, he along with the fans have waited long enough, and given Roman's temporary departure from the WWE due to illness, plus Strowman being involved in a temporary feud with Corbin, we may witness Cena return not only to challenge Lesnar for the gold, but also go on to win it before 2019. He could then put Strowman over at Royal Rumble.

#2 Ambrose feuds with Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship

The much-awaited heel turn finally happened two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw
The much-awaited heel turn finally happened two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw

After teasing us week after week for about one month, WWE finally turned Dean Ambrose heel, when he attacked Rollins, weeks ago on an episode of Raw.

Amidst all this, one should not forget that the duo currently hold the tag team titles of the red brand, plus Rollins is the current Intercontinental Champion.

However, given the recent heel turn of Ambrose, sooner or later they are going to lose the tag-team titles, probably to The Authors of Pain, and WWE will then have Dean Ambrose feud with Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship.

It seems that the Intercontinental Championship has been completely forgotten about on the Raw roster, and it is high time WWE does something about it. Thus, what better way than to have two brothers fight over it?

#1 Shane McMahon turns heel at Survivor Series

Shane McMahon won the first ever WWE World Cup at Crown Jewel
Shane McMahon won the first ever WWE World Cup at Crown Jewel

Shane McMahon won the WWE World Cup at Crown Jewel after he replaced The Miz who was declared unable to compete due to an injury. However, amidst all the cheer by the Saudi fans, Corbin was seemingly unhappy, and later went on to express his anger in an interview.

Thus, WWE has laid the bread crumbs for a traditional 5-on-5 elimination match between Team Corbin vs Team Shane McMahon for Survivor Series. However, Shane McMahon may turn heel at Survivor Series, causing Team SmackDown to lose.

SmackDown has been lacking a heel authority figure for quite some time now, and Shane McMahon may fill in the void after Survivor Series. Also, given Raw received a major loss in the World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel due to Shane McMahon, expect them to emerge victorious at Survivor Series, and a heel turn of Shane could do it.

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