5 burning questions after Seth Rollins destroyed Firefly Fun House

Why did Seth Rollins burn it down?
Why did Seth Rollins burn it down?

WWE made one of the most controversial moves of the new era by having Seth Rollins burn the Firefly Fun House to the ground. While some fans are sure to despise this segment, this move might have been a way to set up something bigger. Beyond that, it may have finally revealed the inner workings of The Fiend's character as a whole.

Whether that turns out to be true or not is anyone's guess and will depend on what the company has planned, but the segment has left the WWE Universe with some questions that need to be answered. The problem, however, is whether the company can adequately answer the fan's questions.

With Seth Rollins burning down the entire set of the Firefly Fun House down to the ground, here are the five biggest unanswered questions following the bizarre segment. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us what questions you are hoping to have answered.

#5 Did Rollins turn heel?

Did WWE just turn Seth Rollins heel?
Did WWE just turn Seth Rollins heel?

Seth Rollins did the unthinkable when he arrived at the Firefly Fun House and burnt the entire place down, but what did this bold move mean for the future of his character? Beyond that, were his actions the result of mind games that The Fiend has been playing with him or did the 'Kingslayer' finally turn heel?

While it's a pretty reasonable assumption that Wyatt is playing mind games with Rollins, especially with how Wyatt provoked him into using a sledgehammer at Hell in a Cell, it is also likely that this was the result of a heel turn. In fact, between the fans being firmly behind Wyatt and upset at Rollins, what's the point of keeping Rollins a face?

If nothing else, the heel turn sets up an interesting dynamic for their match at Crown Jewel, by making Rollins a heel champion going forward and leaving The Fiend on a pretty stable ground on Friday Night SmackDown. Maybe WWE can even have Wyatt win the belt off of Rollins for a few weeks at Crown Jewel and then force it to be vacated over Raw without the Champion on the Red brand.

WWE could even be hinting at The Fiend taking control of Seth Rollins and turning him into a bad guy. Believe it or not, the motive has been hinted at several times throughout their feud and would be a very interesting way to move the storyline forward.

#4 Is the Firefly Fun House gone forever?

Is this the end of The Firefly FunHouse?
Is this the end of The Firefly FunHouse?

What will become of the Firefly Fun House now that Seth Rollins quite literally burned it down last week on Raw? Although a lot of fans in the WWE Universe are hopeful that the company will ultimately decide to rebuild the beloved set and continue the spooky kids show, that might not be their intention.

With that being said and the increasing difficulty of fleshing a character like The Fiend out, maybe this is the company's way of ditching that layer of the story. At least that way, WWE can devote their full attention to the dark nature of The Fiend.

This is just a speculation and the Firefly Fun House set could return as early as next week. However, you have to wonder why the company would go through the trouble of burning it down in the first place if it wasn't a turning point in the story. Furthermore, wouldn't it instantly diminish the impact of the event if WWE just rebuilt the set and acted as if nothing happened?

If nothing else, it's obvious that the segment was planned for a reason. Hopefully, that reason will result in some of the best storytelling that WWE has done up to this point and they can book themselves out of the corner that they have been pushed into. If they can't, however, it will be another nail in the coffin of The Fiend and will end up making the fans furious.

#3 Why did Wyatt ask about Rollin's motives?

Why did Bray Wyatt ask Seth Rollins why he was doing this?
Why did Bray Wyatt ask Seth Rollins why he was doing this?

There was a lot happening during the final moments of Monday Night Raw this week and while it can only be described as a bizarre sequence of events, it was very puzzling to watch Bray Wyatt's reaction to it all. In fact, Wyatt asking Seth Rollins why he was doing this to him was particularly off-putting.

Not only does this put into question whether Bray Wyatt knows he is The Fiend or not, but also whether he has control over his alter ego. This is particularly interesting due to the fact that Wyatt originally explained The Fiend as a protector and it now seems like the creature is controlling him in some way.

If that is the case, it will be fairly interesting to watch WWE implement that narrative and might even lead to Wyatt being seen as a victim of his own creation. Unfortunately for the company, however, getting to this part of the storyline may force them to choose a side and kill off the other character, thus meaning the end of The Fiend or the end of Bray Wyatt.

Both avenues raise some very interesting questions of their own, but it will be an important milestone in the character's journey and could shift the narrative of the The Fiend for good.

#2 How did Rollins get to Firefly Fun House?

How in the world did Seth Rollins get to The Firefly Funhouse?
How in the world did Seth Rollins get to The Firefly Funhouse?

Despite this seeming completely random, it is in fact, a very important question and is a peek into the world-building of WWE. For example, is the Firefly Fun House a physical place where Bray Wyatt goes to so that he can escape from his demons or is it a delusion in his head that is all a part of The Fiend's persona?

With that in mind, Seth Rollins being able to visit the Firefly Fun House seems to point towards it being a physical place and Wyatt's character suffering from some kind of delusion. What that delusion is and all the little unique things about it remain to be seen and will most likely be unraveled in time. But having Rollins visit the Firefly Fun House is a huge step in finding out.

Of course, WWE would want to go as slow as possible with this storyline in order to milk the gimmick for all it's worth, but there is a lot that fans are going to enjoy exploring. There will definitely be a growing list of victims for Wyatt to eventually place on the mantle, which will mean some pretty earth-shattering dream matches in the future.

#1 What happens at Crown Jewel?

Where is WWE going with all this at Crown Jewel?
Where is WWE going with all this at Crown Jewel?

Where is WWE going with all of this?

That has to be the biggest question on everyone's mind after Bray Wyatt versus Seth Rollins was announced for Crown Jewel and could also be a pivotal moment for both Superstars. The move is also very confusing due to Bray Wyatt being a SmackDown exclusive Superstar and Seth Rollins being Raw exclusive.

Adding to the confusion is that the Falls Count Anywhere match at Crown Jewel will be for the Universal Title, which has to make you wonder if the Blue brand will hold both titles for a while. Of course, some see that as highly unlikely, especially with how Hell in a Cell turned out, but can anyone see the company finding a way to justify not putting the title on The Fiend?

That's not to say it can't happen and WWE won't find some way to make Wyatt look strong while failing to win the belt, but that's doesn't seem to be what the fans want. Furthermore, the likelihood of the company being able to justify the move is pretty slim, making a victory for Wyatt very possible.

In the end, it's up to WWE what they want to do here and they will ultimately do what they think is best for business, but will it end up drawing the ire of fans in the process?

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