5 Crazy footages of encounters between WWE Superstars and fans

John Cena and Brock Lesnar have had crazy fan encounters in the past
John Cena and Brock Lesnar have had crazy fan encounters in the past

Being a WWE Superstar isn't an easy job as many past and present wrestlers will tell you. A WWE Superstar's schedule is one of the toughest out there, with them needing to be on the road for the better part of a year. Superstars have to stay away from their families for long periods of time.

In addition to that, WWE Superstars don't have much of a private life. The fame that comes with being a WWE Superstar also has its drawbacks. Fans easily recognize wrestlers in public places, and many of them aren't polite enough to let them go about their day. There are always a few who will approach the WWE Superstar, or even get into an altercation with them. Let's take a look at five of the craziest encounters between WWE Superstars and fans.

#5 Chris Jericho maintains his cool while a fan tries to provoke him

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho

This happened back in 2017 when current AEW star Chris Jericho was attending a tribute show of a fellow musician, David Z, who had tragically lost his life in a bus accident. Jericho later agreed to sign a bunch of autographs for fans, but the crowd only kept getting bigger. Jericho then had a war of words with a crazy fan, who wasn't having any of it and lashed back at the WWE Superstar.

Jericho: "F**k off. Leave me."

Fan: “I ain’t going anywhere. You get off my block! I’m from Atlanta and I run this!”

Jericho: "Yeah, this is New York City, m***********, You’re from f****** Atlanta”

Another fan even went as far as taking his shirt off, in an attempt to provoke Jericho into fighting him. Jericho maintained his cool throughout the altercation, and didn't get physical with the fans. He later had this to say to TMZ:

“David Z was a good friend of mine and I was mentally and emotionally shattered after paying tribute to him and essentially saying goodbye to him Friday night.”


Chris Jericho has his fair share of crazy WWE fans

Jericho is one of the biggest Superstars in history, and has a huge fan following. This isn't the only fan altercation Jericho has had, and there are many more instances where he lost his cool with fans who didn't respect personal boundaries.

#4 Hulk Hogan gets into an altercation with a drunk fan at a bar

Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan

Last year, WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan got into a heated altercation with a fan who wasn't in his senses. The incident took place at a bar, and it seemed like the fan was trying to get into Hogan's personal space. Hogan told the fan that he had a right to have a few moments by himself. Hogan also decided to get back at the fan for trying to ruin his mood, by taking a jibe at him and mentioning his wife in the process.


The WWE legend then posted a video recalling the incident

Hogan went on to post a video on Facebook, where he explained what had exactly happened. Hogan recalled that he and fellow WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair were both having drinks at the bar, when the fan approached them and was shot off by Flair, who wanted to enjoy some private time without anyone disturbing him.

One thing led to another, and the fan hurled expletives at Hogan, following which the former WWE Champion lashed at him.

#3 WWE veteran Brock Lesnar's encounters with fans on a beach and at an airport

Brock Lesnar, former WWE Superstar
Brock Lesnar, former WWE Superstar

In 2014, WWE legend Brock Lesnar had a very awkward encounter with a female fan at Orlando International Airport. The fan approached Brock and Sable and asked for a picture, which Brock denied. The awkward moment was narrated by the fan's husband, who had filmed the whole incident.

"Saori went up to Brock and ask if he was Brock Lesnar... Brock first didn't hear her until Sable said to Brock" I think she is talking to you", then Brock turn around and looked at Saori and asked "How are you?", Saori said fine and she asks him"Are you Brock Lesnar?" He said "Yes" and then she asked "Can I take a picture with you?" And he said "No, not today", Saori then said thank you and walked away ... .. I told Saori it was ok ... No worries .. -It was still cool to see him and see my wife talk to Brock."

Soon after, the WWE Superstar had another encounter with a fan, while he and his family were at a beach. The fan stated that he was simply taking pictures when he heard someone yelling at him.

"On the beach here in Florida and I was taking a picture of the beach and all of a sudden I hear some guy yell 'HEY NO F**KING PICTURES' and I look and see Brock Lesnar. I didn't even know he was there and I wasn't even taking a picture of him! Pretty jerkish thing to say. Oh well still pretty cool to see him. After he walked by I took a picture, I have it right here but I'm not sure how to upload it. If anyone can tell me how to I will upload it immediately"


Brock Lesnar is quite possibly the most reserved guy in all of WWE

You can click this link to check out the picture that the fan took after being yelled at by Lesnar. It is common knowledge at this point that Brock Lesnar is a very private person, and doesn't like WWE fans invading his personal space. He has mentioned this in great detail in his book as well and made it clear that fans should stay in their lane and not approach him when he is enjoying some quality time with his family.

#2 John Cena gets into a confrontation with an unruly and disrespectful fan

John Cena
John Cena

Last year, WWE legend John Cena was leaving a store when he noticed that a fan had been filming him all the while he was in the shop. The guy who filmed Cena is a Youtuber named Mo Deen, who had the audacity to tell Cena that he had advice for him. Cena hit back at the fan by telling him that he had some advice of his own for him.

"I don’t care who you are, treat people with respect. Thank you for asking to film my video and then filming the entire time I was in the store. I don’t care who you are, or what you do, thank you very much for being respectful… I appreciate it."


John Cena is one of the greatest WWE Superstars in history, and has garnered tons of respect from peers

John Cena is one of the most respected Superstars in all of WWE. His work with Make A Wish has made him one of the most beloved celebs out there. He certainly didn't appreciate the fan filming him while he was shopping at the store. This was one awkward encounter and people lashed out at the Youtuber on social media for being a jerk towards Cena.

#1 Sami Zayn gets into an altercation with a fan at a WWE live event

Sami Zayn
Sami Zayn

Back in late 2019, WWE Superstar Sami Zayn got into a heated altercation with a fan. Unlike the other incidents mentioned in the list, this one happened at a WWE live event. The show was held at Daytona, Florida, and featured a match between Shinsuke Nakamura and The Fiend. Zayn accompanied Nakamura to the ring for his match, and was at ringside during the bout.

A fan, who was at ringside, allegedly made a homophobic comment while confronting Zayn, and the SmackDown Superstar didn't take kindly to it. He lashed out at the fan immediately. The fan was then ejected out of the building by security personnel.

"Get out of my f*****g face, homophobic moron."

Sami Zayn certainly put the WWE fan in his place that night

Zayn is one of the most outspoken WWE Superstars from the current crop of wrestlers, and he wasn't in the mood to let the fan get away with the slur. Here's hoping that WWE took strict action against the fan and banned him from all of its future events.

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