5 potential finishes for Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre at Stomping Grounds

Roman Reigns will face Drew McIntyre one more time at Stomping Grounds this Sunday night!
Roman Reigns will face Drew McIntyre one more time at Stomping Grounds this Sunday night!

We are now approximately four days away from WWE Stomping Grounds. The event will be streaming live on the WWE Network starting at 6pm (EST) with the kickoff show.

One of the key match-ups scheduled for the event is a rematch featuring the rivalry between "The Big Dog" Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre. As you may recall, the two have been feuding since WWE Fastlane during the temporary resurgence of The Shield.

The group defeated Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin at the show. McIntyre would attack Reigns the following night on RAW to setup their match for WrestleMania 35. and Reigns would defeat McIntyre at WrestleMania. Out of anger and disgust for Reigns, we would see McIntyre challenge Reigns to a rematch and lose by a disqualification.

Following this, Drew would align himself with Shane McMahon and use this new allegiance to further the rivalry with Reigns. He would assist Shane McMahon in defeating Roman Reigns at Super ShowDown. Due to his actions, one more match was booked between Reigns and McIntyre for Stomping Grounds.

Now that you know the backstory, let's talk about five potential finishes we could see from this match.

#5 Roman Reigns defeats Drew McIntyre -- Clean Finish

Roman Reigns spears Drew McIntyre out of his boots on an episode of RAW
Roman Reigns spears Drew McIntyre out of his boots on an episode of RAW

In latest WWE NEWS, the obvious finish to go with here would be to see Roman Reigns go over Drew McIntyre cleanly. Roman's had Drew's number in every match they have wrestled in, from a one-on-one perspective. Reigns needs to finish this rivalry off once and for all before he could move forward.

Drew McIntyre is by no means a slouch and can be a dangerous competitor inside the ring. One conclusion would be to see Roman Reigns cleanly defeat Drew McIntyre with a vicious Spear, followed up by the pin fall victory.

#4 Roman Reigns wins -- by disqualification

Roman Reigns delivering the Superman Punch to Drew McIntyre during their match at WrestleMania 35
Roman Reigns delivering the Superman Punch to Drew McIntyre during their match at WrestleMania 35

The next scenario we will talk about and discuss involves Roman Reigns getting the victory over Drew McIntyre by means of disqualification. One thing we have to keep in mind is that both men can certainly brawl with the best of them. Reigns was royally cheated at Super ShowDown after Drew smashed Reigns in the face with the Claymore Kick to cost him his match against Shane McMahon.

Reigns has a weight of humiliation just laying their on his shoulders that needs to be removed and thrown off him. The embarrassment of Reigns losing to Shane McMahon in front of the WWE Universe in Saudi Arabia is something that has likely not left Reigns' mindset.

Drew will be out for blood and understands this may be his last big chance to score a win over Reigns. Can you imagine how Roman would feel to not only lose one, but two big matches within' a span of less than a month? That would definitely lower the morale for "The Big Dog". However, we also understand the killer instinct McIntyre has to go along with that hot Scottish temper of his.

Could we see Reigns capitalize on this in order to gain a victory by a disqualification? Who's to say that Drew only wants to punish and hurt Reigns to the point of no return? I would not be the least surprised to see Reigns get the win by a DQ after Drew lays into Reigns with a steel chair or another object of his choosing.

Also, we have the other factors involved including Shane McMahon and The Revival. Could we see them get involved in the match? Would they be the ones to give Reigns the DQ victory via outside interference?

#3 Drew McIntyre wins -- thanks to outside interference

Drew McIntyre standing tall over Roman Reigns. Could this be the image we see at Stomping Grounds?
Drew McIntyre standing tall over Roman Reigns. Could this be the image we see at Stomping Grounds?

Now we're switching gears and exploring how Drew McIntyre could grab the much needed victory over Roman Reigns. Statistically, you could easily say that Reigns has McIntyre's number. He has defeated McIntyre at WrestleMania and Monday Night RAW.

If you were to count the six-man tag matches involving The Shield, Roman holds those victories over Drew's head as well. Reigns has nothing to gain but everything to lose if Drew beats him at Stomping Grounds.

Drew McIntyre could go over Roman Reigns with the Claymore Kick. Let the two WWE Superstars beat the heck out of each other for a good fifteen to twenty minutes in a solid wrestling match.

Undoubtedly, we may see interference occur. This happened at Super ShowDown, and we may see a case of deja vu occur. Given some interference by Shane or The Revival, I can easily see Drew smashing Roman in the face one more time with the Claymore and scoring the pin fall victory.

Imagine the boost of momentum Drew McIntyre could gain off this one victory alone? We all know the potential of McIntyre and see him as a future WWE Champion and/or Universal Champion someday. He has that ability and skill set to reach the top of the WWE mountain. One win over Reigns could propel him as a top contender to face Seth Rollins down the road.

One thing is for certain, this is definitely going to be a slug fest. Both wrestlers know how to deliver the goods. Reigns can put on a good match with the right partner. Drew can "go" with just about anybody and have a great match. Therefore, this should be a solid contest.

#2 Drew McIntyre wins -- by disqualification

Roman Reigns delivers a stiff right hand to Drew McIntyre as the two men continue to brawl outside the ring on an episode of RAW
Roman Reigns delivers a stiff right hand to Drew McIntyre as the two men continue to brawl outside the ring on an episode of RAW

One other conclusion to this match would see Drew McIntyre scoring the win over Roman Reigns by a disqualification. Let's face it, Reigns and McIntyre are out for each other's heads. No doubt about that, right?

Reigns has a fiery Samoan temper that he can lose in a moment's notice once he is pushed over the edge. If you factor in any outside interference, let's see if Reigns snaps and breaks out a steel chair or another weapon of his choosing to take everyone out, giving McIntyre the inadvertent win by a disqualification.

The main reason I chose this possible scenario would be a means to carry this over to the next pay-per-view, Extreme Rules. The idea would be for McIntyre to get a win over Reigns after he loses his cool and costs himself the match.

Feeling that he wasn't done punishing McIntyre and giving him exactly what he deserved, this could lead into one last match where Reigns would battle McIntyre in an "Extreme Rules" match. Let the two men tear each other apart, using everything and anything that isn't nailed down at ringside, backstage, etc.

I know this scenario is not far out of the realm of possibilities. Perhaps the WWE Universe is growing bored of the feud and just want to see it done so that both men can just move on. I would love to see these two men end their rivalry at Extreme Rules, personally. Let them fight and destroy each other. Give them no rules and no boundaries where anything and everything goes. That's the perfect way to cap off and end their feud.

#1 - Match ends in a no contest!

Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre brawling outside the ring. Will the squared circle be big enough to contain these two WWE Superstars?
Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre brawling outside the ring. Will the squared circle be big enough to contain these two WWE Superstars?

Let's face it, boys and girls - we don't always need to have a definitive winner to carry on or end a feud. For my last scenario, I am throwing out the possibility for Reigns and McIntyre to end their match in a no contest, Whether that would be a double disqualification or a double count out situation. The idea is to continue on the rivalry into the Extreme Rule. However, this scenario would go in a slightly different direction then what I have suggested in scenario number four.

Let us assume the match ends in a no contest. No winner. Nothing has been resolved. It's a "to be continued" situation. Let's solve it at Extreme Rules and bring back the "Three Stages of Hell" concept. Give these men a clear and decisive way to end their rivalry once and for all, but also bringing back a cool match concept that many fans in the WWE Universe haven't seen in a long time.

Book this as a Singles match for the first fall. The second fall can be a No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere/Extreme Rules style match, whichever of those three methods you would prefer to see most. Finally, for the third and final match (if needed), you cap it off with the Last Man Standing stipulation. You push the limits of both men. Make them both look strong.

Personally, I would go for Drew McIntyre to win the feud at Extreme Rules. Nothing against Roman Reigns at all, but Reigns can lose and still be okay. McIntyre needs this win more than anything if he wants to show the world that he is a serious contender to the WWE Championship or Universal Title.

Who do you think will win between Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre? What is your scenario? Let us know in the comments section below.

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