5 reasons why now is the time to turn Roman Reigns heel 

The time is right. The time is now.
The time is right. The time is now.

Let's start off by saying that we are all Roman Reigns fans. We believe that he is a talented individual who, despite overwhelming fan criticism, has ascended the ranks and established himself as a legitimate main eventer in WWE. He has improved immensely from the time he was asked to undertake a task he wasn't ready for and has earned his place at the pinnacle of sports entertainment.

Nobody garners the kind of reaction he does, maybe with the exception of John Cena. You ask...WWE is a profitable company with Reigns at the helm...why would they not want to maintain status quo? We give you 5 reasons that may make you ponder the possibilities, and come to the conclusion that a shift in character may be the need of the hour, right now.

If Reigns were able to tap into his dark side and unleash his inner demons, there would be a chance to create a character who could change the wrestling industry forever, for a very long time. Roman Reigns needs to go heel right away and here are 5 reasons why! Let us know if you agree or disagree in the comments below.

#5 Raw is one heel down

Who better than The Big Dog to fill this void?
Who better than The Big Dog to fill this void?

It is clear that WWE had big plans for Big Cass, based on how he lashed out when he suffered his legitimate injury. It looks like he could be out of commission for a while now, and Raw is clearly one heel short. The Big Dog could step in and capture the reins, no pun intended, with the injury to the 7-foot tall Superstar. Especially if the plans had involved getting a new babyface over, by having him work against Big Cass.

In fact, Cass could return as a babyface and take on Reigns in the future. It would get him far more ever than he is right now. A program with Reigns is a big ticket one.

#4 To spice up Wrestlemania's main event

As it stands, nobody wants to see this match again!
As it stands, nobody wants to see this match again!

Let's face it. As it stands, we are far more interested to see Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar at No Mercy than we are in the rumoured Wrestlemania main event. We've seen Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar take each other on in the past, and while it was a great match, it's not worthy of a grand stage like the Showcase of the Immortals, really. What may save the match though, is if Reigns underwent a shift in his character. Something that gave him an added edge in this titanic big match. Like a heel turn.

If Reigns used underhanded tactics to win the big match and become Universal Champion, or at least gave the impression that he would, we would be far more interested in the clash at hand, wouldn't we? If not, we have a sinking feeling that he would be booed out of the building, like in the past Wrestlemanias.

#3 There's no active program left for Reigns

He's already faced the top heels in the current roster
He's already faced the top heels in the current roster

As Raw went off the air last week, we asked ourselves what is next for Roman Reigns. With the exception of The Miz and possibly Elias, Roman Reigns has faced most of the top heels on Raw, right now. After all, he's been a babyface at the top for far too long, in the company already.

He had a very entertaining feud with Braun Strowman, we've seen him facing Samoa Joe too many times already and so the list continues, be it Bray Wyatt or even Triple H. If he were to go heel, it would open up the doorway to newer, fresher opponents who could all have interesting matches against a heel Roman Reigns.

Imagine how much a Finn Balor or even Jeff Hardy (embarking on a singles run) could benefit from working with a top guy like The Big Dog. Wouldn't they be exciting programs?

#2 Raw doesn't need two John Cenas!

Sometimes even one is too much to take!
Sometimes even one is too much to take

This week we saw a confrontation between John Cena and Roman Reigns on Raw, where the free agent called out the man who'd taken his place as the face of the company. While we are all for a clash between Cena and Reigns on pay-per-view, the build up to the match would be bothersome.

Unfortunately, WWE has booked Roman Reigns as a John Cena clone, and a Cena vs. Reigns match, as it stands, would be two men who are mirror images of one another clashing inside the squared circle. A shift in dynamics may make the program far more interesting.

This image says it all!
This image says it all!

We went off the air following Raw, with John Cena clutching his jaw, unnerved by a Superman punch that inadvertently hit him. What if the punch wasn't a mistake at all? What if it was an intentional move from Roman Reigns, a man who wasn't the man we all thought he actually was. Wouldn't such a program be far more interesting than two white meat babyfaces jostling for the throne, at the company's helm?

#1 NFL season begins very soon

With Reigns as heel, WWE can take on the NFL head on
With Reigns as heel, WWE can take on the NFL head on

Monday Night Football has been a thorn in WWE's side for a while now. We've heard rumours that John Cena was brought to Monday Nights, to overcome the damage caused by the NFL. All WWE needs to do to keep their viewers intact is just build a compelling storyline that would make their viewers tune in from one week to the next. What bigger storyline exists in WWE than Roman Reigns' heel turn?

NFL season begins in September, and with a perfectly executed heel turn, WWE could ensure that their viewers stay hooked to the product. WWE often surrenders meekly when confronted with bigger sporting extravaganzas, and with this heel turn, they may not need to, anymore. The time is perfect to make Roman Reigns go heel, and we all know it!

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