5 Reasons why you should watch Money in the Bank instead of Game of Thrones finale

MITB or GoT?
MITB or GoT?

Popular TV show Game of Thrones is all set for a historic conclusion this Sunday, as it prepares to air the final ever episode of the series. With the show being in its 8th season, GoT fans have had the chance of witnessing an extraordinary show with lots of ups and downs for the past decade.

With GoT now set for an epic finale this Sunday, it has been taken to everyone's note that the 6th episode of Season 8 will, unfortunately, collide with this year's WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view. And prior to WWE's first ever post-WrestleMania 35 show, former Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre has seemingly urged everyone to tune in for the show instead of the finale of GoT.

While recently speaking with Sporting News, McIntyre pointed out the fact that the MITB pay-per-view will be live, whereas, GoT can be watched on DVR and fans should instead tune in for the WWE pay-per-view.

By taking Drew McIntyre's interview into consideration, the only fair decision from here onwards will be to look forward to some specific reasons why fans should tune in for Money in the Bank instead of the Game of Thrones finale this Sunday.

#5 Money in the Bank will be live

Lots of intense action!
Lots of intense action!

As Drew McIntyre has already pointed out in his interview with Sporting News, the Money in the Bank show, as usual, will be live, unlike Game of Thrones. Fans could certainly tune in later for GoT which will be available on DVR, whereas, watching Money in the Bank will give the WWE Universe an idea on who the next WWE or Universal or the next Raw or SmackDown Women's Champion is going to be.

After all, much like every other year, this Sunday we will crown two new MITB winners, with both of them being guaranteed of a world title shot in the future and this might eventually shape the future of the WWE as well.

#4 Season 8 has been disappointing, to say the least!

Arya killing The Night King was epic but didn't work out too well with the GoT fanbase
Arya killing The Night King was epic but didn't work out too well with the GoT fanbase

The final season of Game of Thrones started off in an epic manner with almost every major character arriving in Westeros. However, things quickly took a turn when Arya Stark stabbed the biggest heel on the show, The Night King!

After having built the Night King's characters for years and years, killing him off in such an easy manner was highly disappointing, to be honest. And the recent deaths of so many major characters in similar fashion in episode 5 was also something that didn't go down to well with the fanbase as well.

With GoT fans signing a petition to remake Season 8, it is safe to say that the show hasn't really lived up to its expectations thus far and therefore, tuning in for Money in the Bank this Sunday, sounds like a far better option. Personally, I'd choose the latter!

#3 The ladder matches will be more action filled than "The Last War"

Loads of crazy action!
Loads of crazy action!

In episode 5, Game of Thrones pulled off a major swerve when they turned on one of the major characters of the show by having Daenerys Targaryen turn heel, as she burned down the entire city of Kings Landing into ashes, thanks to her mighty dragon.

With GoT now serving a purpose with a fresh, new heel in Dany, chances are we might possibly witness one final war between the Mother of Dragons' army and the army of Jon Snow, who in episode 5 had an up close and personal look at the Mad Queen's wrath.

This somewhat gives us a hint that we might be in for one final war in the 6th and final episode of the season and there will be a lot of blood and fake CGI deaths as well. But, if you wish to witness some brutal, jaw-dropping, hard-hitting action instead, then Money in the Bank is something you wouldn't wanna miss.

The traditional ladder matches have been highly entertaining for years and years now and this year's final ladder match line-ups are very exciting and unpredictable, at the same time.

#2 AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins might just surpass a North/South divided war

The show stealer? Very well!
The show stealer? Very well!

A war between the army of the South (Daenerys, The Unsullied, and a raging Dragon) and the army of the North (led by the evergreen Jon Snow) is something fans probably didn't hope to see at the start of the season but at the same time wouldn't mind seeing as well.

Now, this will be a war we'll be witnessing for the very first time on Game of Thrones, similarly, another clash that we'll be witnessing for the first time is the Universal Title match between AJ Styles and Seth Rollins.

Styles and Rollins have previously never faced each other in singles competition, however, the two men did share the ring a few years ago in a multi-man Raw vs SmackDown tag team match.

The hype around this upcoming Universal Title match between 'The Beast Slayer' and 'The Phenomenal One' is real and there is absolutely no doubt that the two men will deliver on the big stage, surpassing the final war of all time in Game of Thrones.

#1 The ending of GoT could be very predictable at this stage

A betting man would think twice before predicting this year's Money in the Bank
A betting man would think twice before predicting this year's Money in the Bank

The once beloved Daenerys Targaryen has turned her back on GoT fans and Jon Snow, on the other hand, has realized the fact that he finally might just have to take a step in order to stop 'The Mad Queen' and eventually claim the throne. After all, Snow or Aegon Targaryen, as some of you might know him by, is the rightful claim to the throne now after the revelation of the fact that the man who was once considered as the Bastard of the North belongs from the Targaryen family after all.

Therefore, fans definitely shouldn't be surprised if Jon Snow steps in to save the day in the final episode and takes his place on the throne by quite possibly executing Dany. All of this makes sense after all, isn't it? Well, it does and it is also very predictable, to say the least. Whereas, Money in the Bank isn't!

Yep, this year's MITB show is absolutely stacked and every match on the show is expected to deliver. And predicting the eventual winners of every single match on the card is going to be tough even for the most experienced of wrestling pundits. Expect WWE to pull off some major swerves this Sunday at Money in the Bank. Therefore, stick to MITB if you wish to get absolutely surprised.

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