5 Superstars Ronda Rousey should team up to battle The Authority at WrestleMania 34

Ronda Rousey making her intentions very clear at The Royal Rumble.
Ronda Rousey making her intentions very clear at The Royal Rumble.

There has been an outpouring of speculation ever since Ronda Rousey set foot in the squared circle and while a lot of fans believe she will end up competing in a singles match at WrestleMania 34, there has also been rampant speculation that she will team up with mystery opponent to take on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Of course its probably not what The WWE Universe was expecting for Rousey at The Show of Shows, especially since it doesn't involve her competing for a title or even taking on one of the company's current top stars, but the possibility of her teaming up with a mystery partner to take on The Authority does have it's positive aspects too.

For example, the match format will allow for Rousey, who hasn't had an extensive amount of training in the squared circle yet, a chance to shine and give the heavy lifting to a partner. Not only that, the addition of the tag team format also gives a deserving superstar the chance to have one of the biggest WrestleMania moments of all time.

With that being said and the fact that this is probably the most fail-safe publicity stunt that WWE has ever pulled here are five superstars that should team up with Rowdy, Ronda Rousey to take on The Authority! Make sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

#5 Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan unleashing The Beast inside of him!
Jason Jordan unleashing The Beast inside of him!

This probably isn't the dream pairing that everyone was expecting when Ronda Rousey made her return at The Royal Rumble. In fact, it definitely pales in comparisons to other names on this list, but it would be a great way for one Jordan to gain attention as a main event star in The WWE.

Not only that, it also pairs Rousey with one of the best pounds for pound pure athletes in The WWE, which would be a great way to hide her inexperience in the ring and keep fans engaged throughout the entire contest. It even allows for Rousey to beat up on the heelish Jordan after the match and solicit huge cheers for doing so!

In the end, it probably wouldn't have the same mainstream appeal that the other people on this list will have, but it is definitely a way WWE can give Rousey a special moment at WrestleMania 34 without feeding her to the wolves in a singles match

#4 Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins,
WWE's very own cross fit Jesus, Seth Rollins!

Seth Rollins is everything WWE looks for in a main event contender.

Speed, charisma and a physique that has earned him the moniker of, "cross fit Jesus", Rollins has already graced the cover of WWE 2K18 and would be one of the most high profile people that WWE could possibly put with Ronda Rousey. Not only that, he is also immensely popular with The WWE Universe, which would make this a dream pairing of sorts.

While Rollins already faced off against Triple H last year at WrestleMania, his history with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon gives him a great motive for wanting to team up with Rousey to take The Authority down one more time. He is also a multi-year veteran of the WWE, which makes him able to hide Rousey's weaknesses.

In the end, it's still not as great a pairing as the next three people on this list, but seeing Rollins and Rousey stands tall over a beaten down Authority would be a WrestleMania moment to remember forever!

#3 Finn Balor

Finn Balor,
Should The Demon King team up with Rowdy Ronda Rousey?

Maybe this isn't everyone's ideal choice for Ronda Rousey's WrestleMania partner, but its hard to deny that it wouldn't be a bit of an interesting pairing if WWE wanted to go in this direction. Furthermore, it would be a great way to elevate Balor a little bit by putting him up against his mentor in NXT, Triple H.

Again, maybe this choice is just coming from bitterness after watching Balor lose in his Elimination Chamber qualifying match to John Cena, but its also hard to argue that this wouldn't be a good thing for both Balor and Rousey. It could even be one of the marquee matches for WrestleMania 34 if WWE is able to put a believable story behind it.

In fact, next to superstars like John Cena, and The Rock, Finn Balor is one of the most appealing superstars to young audiences, which means the company would be able to use Balor to captivate the younger audiences and make them fans for life. WWE could even do Demon Mode, Finn Balor to appeal to older fans as well!

#2 Bruan Strowman

Bruan Strowman,
Should The Monster Among men team up with Ronda Rousey?

While The WWE Universe probably wants to see Bruan Strowman finally get his hands on The Universal Championship, the next best thing would probably be to pair up The Monster Among men with Rowdy Ronda Rousey to take on The Authority in the match of a lifetime at WrestleMania 34.

WWE has already paired Strowman with Raw Women's Champion, Alexa Bliss, and while the partnership was originally a little awkward,, the pair soon did their part to make the team a memorable one. With that being said and Strowman most likely missing out on the big prize, why not do something with him that will benefit WWE in the long run?

Sure, Finn Balor, The Rock, and John Cena are much more personable superstars then Strowman could ever be, but if WWE partners Rousey with Strowman, it would definitely be a headline maker. In fact, WWE could gain a lot of publicity and maybe even longtime fans from Strowman's insane feats of strength alone.

And then there's Ronda Rousey, who is being build up as an absolute badass by WWE right now and would have no problem gaining more headlines of her own! Of course, the headlines aren't the only thing that would matter, as both superstars would generate a lot of crowd excitement by beating the crap out of The Authority at The Show of Shows!

In the end, it would be a great moment for Strowman, an amazing start to a career for Rousey and maybe something that could lead to even greater things for both superstars down the line!

#1 The Rock

The Rock,
The Great One, The Rock, pumping up The WWE Universe!

Why not end things where they all began.

It was only three years ago that Ronda Rousey was picked out of the audience by The Rock to help vanquish The Authority in one of the most jaw-dropping segments in WWE history . Of course it was short, sweet and didn't feature anything more then an arm drag on Triple H and a submission hold to Stephanie McMahon, but it was also truly special to watch!

In fact, it marked the first time that former UFC Bantamweight champion had every stepped inside WWE ring and fueled countless rumors of her eventually move to WWE. Unfortunately for Rousey, her time in UFC was cut short by two dominated losses in championship bouts, but it only made her WWE debut all the more imminent.

With that being said and WrestleMania 34 drawing ever closer, why not pair the dream up one more time to do battle with The Authority? Yes, it's arguable that the match wouldn't last very long, especially with The Rock's tricep injury a couple years ago in his match with John Cena, but it would be great for continuity and true headline grabber.

Having The Rock team up with Rousey in her first official match with WWE would put the former UFC star with one of the most talented superstars in company history and help hide her weakness in the ring as well. Not only that, it also puts Rousey with someone that can cut a great promo, which could end up being one of her early weaknesses as well.

In the end, The Rock and Rousey's mainstream appeal would be like a dream situation for WWE, which could mean extra pay per view buys for the company! What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!

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