5 Superstars who got kicked out of the locker room

The Miz is just one of many Superstars to be kicked out.
The Miz is just one of many Superstars to be kicked out.

The WWE locker room is a united front. They have to be when travelling on the road together night after night, for years.

If they didn't work together, WWE as it is now, just wouldn't be able to work, as the company has taken huge leaps from in-fighting and sabotage that was abundant in the decades prior.

With each Superstar sharing a common goal of entertaining the fans, there is sure to be a sense of comradery to the group, as everyone there knows the toil that being a WWE Superstar can take.

However, on occasion, egos boil over, tensions begin to flare, and Superstars are ejected from their special spot in the group.

Here are five Superstars who got kicked out of the WWE locker room, and what they did to deserve it.

#5 The Hardyz

Matt and Jeff returned to WWE at WrestleMania 33.
Matt and Jeff returned to WWE at WrestleMania 33.

When Matt and Jeff Hardy debuted in WWE, they claim to have never drunk alcohol.

But that quickly changed, from a mix of wanting to fit in, and peer pressure, notably by Bradshaw, who was still years away from becoming the villainous JBL.

It was the same Bradshaw who threw them out of the locker room after they had apparently disrespected Kane, by sitting in his seats during a plane ride.

After a session in wrestler's court (with JBL prosecuting) the Hardyz were found guilty and were made to buy a lot of beer for the roster.

They were also made to do several chores to make up for their actions.

Whilst having the young rookies help the Big Red Machine could've been a nice bonding moment for the Superstars, these chores weren't to assist Kane, instead, the chores were designed to help (surprise surprise) JBL.

#4 Enzo Amore

Enzo made no friends during his reign as Cruiserweight Champion.
Enzo made no friends during his reign as Cruiserweight Champion.

The often-controversial former Cruiserweight Champion was no stranger to antics during his WWE run, and was kicked off a tour bus after several issues.

One problem was that he consistently bragged about how much money WWE were paying him, which rubbed many Superstars (both those earning less and earning more) the wrong way.

Another problem came when Amore would invite his friends backstage and have them pose with several WWE Superstars. Many saw this as unprofessional and showed a clear lack of respect for the business by the Certified-G.

However, Amore was not concerned at all by being kicked out, telling TMZSports at the time. "Bro, I got my own locker room -- literally. That is a fact."

It is currently unclear as whether that 'fact', was an actual fact, as few Superstars, including former World Champions, have received their own private locker rooms.

#3 The Miz

Miz as Intercontinental Champion, a title he has held on eight separate occasions
Miz as Intercontinental Champion, a title he has held on eight separate occasions

One of the most famous stories of being kicked out involves former WWE Champion and the company's resident A-Lister: The Miz.

Whilst Miz is a long-established star in WWE, many thought he would not last long, and was using the company to build his star more, due to his past appearances on several reality shows, such as The Real World.

The story goes that the future Miz & Mrs star was kicked out of the locker room for six months after some crumbs of chicken landed on someone else's bag.

Still new to the business, Miz did not want to question the choice and would change in places such as public restrooms and broom closets.

Fortunately, Miz would eventually be forgiven and started competing in 2006, winning his first title the next year, and the WWE Championship in 2010.

#2 Matt Striker

Striker appears on RAW, a show he clearly preferred.
Striker appears on RAW, a show he clearly preferred.

Matt Striker has often seemed to be one of the more intelligent commentators in WWE, with vast knowledge and genuine interest in the business.

But for such a smart guy, the former school teacher sure was dumb when he started in WWE.

When he debuted, Striker worked mainly on Heat, but was asked to work a SmackDown dark match in November 2005.

Whilst at the show, Striker openly bragged about how much better RAW was, with this news getting back to established SmackDown stars such as Bob Holly and the Undertaker.

It's unclear what motivated the former school-teacher to make such a bone-headed decision, though perhaps he wanted to make a name for himself with the Superstars of Team Blue.

Striker was quickly kicked out of the locker room and wasn't very popular when he moved to the Blue brand full time.

#1 Melina

Melina makes her entrance on RAW, where she held the WWE Women's Championship and the Diva's Championship.
Melina makes her entrance on RAW, where she held the WWE Women's Championship and the Diva's Championship.

Being kicked out isn't just a privilege exclusive to the men, as women have found themselves ejected for behavior deemed unacceptable, from time to time.

After debuting with MNM in 2005, the future Divas Champion clearly got things heated, as she reportedly carried a bad attitude backstage on SmackDown.

After the team split, she and Johnny Nitro (now Johnny Mundo/Impact) moved to RAW, where Melina continued to annoy and frustrate superstars.

It got so bad that she was kicked out of the RAW Women's locker room by Lita.

Whilst Melina would later change herself, becoming Women's Champion, as well as Diva's Champion, it's clear that she did not make many friends along the way, and must've done something very bad to infuriate the usually laid-back Lita, who retired in November 2006.

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