5 surprise decisions which could turn SummerSlam 2018 into a memorable show

The Best Rivalry in TNA History, Now in WWE.
The best rivalry in TNA history, now in WWE

The excitement for SummerSlam this year is at its lowest in recent times. With boring and repeated matches from previous pay per views, along with worthless rivalries, it doesn't feel like one of the big four events, but rather like a regular B-level pay per view.

Even the buildup of blockbuster and high voltage matches like the Universal Title match, the WWE Title Match, and the Raw Women's Title match haven't managed to create enough buzz for this pay per view.

It would take a mammoth effort from the WWE to turn a dull build into a must watch show. With almost 7 hours of professional wrestling featuring 13 matches, and an in-ring segment, it is obvious that the fans will get bored or agitated due to several things that will happen at the show.

In order to prevent the show from turning into a disaster, here are the 5 surprise decisions that could turn SummerSlam 2018 into a memorable event.

#5 The Return of the Demon King

Summerslam is incomplete without the Demon King.
SummerSlam is incomplete without the Demon King

No WWE wrestler has had more ups and downs in 2018 so far than Finn Balor. From giving the performance of his life at Royal Rumble, and fighting show stealing matches with Seth Rollins through the WrestleMania period, Balor's stock has fallen so badly that he is now engaged in a worthless feud with Baron Corbin, and is scheduled to face him at SummerSlam this Sunday.

However, the Balor facing Corbin is not the one we fondly associate with SummerSlam. Be it becoming the inaugural Universal Champion in 2016, or defeating Bray Wyatt in the fight of the weird personas in 2017, SummerSlam has always been graced by the rare appearance of The Demon King, and it has always resulted in a feel good moment for the fans.

Although it seems highly unlikely that Balor will appear in his demonic persona, considering that WWE has not promoted it till this point, it won't be an entirely bad idea to surprise the fans by bringing the demon back after a year.

Imagine the reaction from the crowd if the lights suddenly go out and the cryptic 'Catch Your Breath' song starts playing. Not only will this generate a huge pop from the crowd, it could actually help in giving the dull program a memorable end.

#4 Becky Lynch - new SmackDown Women's champion

Becky Balboa Baby.
Becky Balboa baby

It is always great to see an underrated fan favourite climb up the ladder and fight for the top prize, and there is clearly no bigger fan favourite or underrated female wrestler in the WWE than Becky Lynch.

Despite the kind of treatment she has received ever since she lost the SmackDown Women's Championship, Becky has constantly received the loudest pops among all the female superstars on the roster.

Hence, it was immensely satisfying to see her finally return to the title scene after more than a year and emerge as the #1 contender to Carmella's championship. However, all this excitement and expectations took a hit when WWE dropped the ball by adding Charlotte to this match.

Right when everyone thought they might actually see Becky hold the title again, the addition of Charlotte made her the underdog in the title match.

But what if all this was the plan all along? Maybe all this was done to get Charlotte to turn on Becky after the latter regained the title in that match.

Right now, Becky is easily the least favourite to win the title, and a surprise victory for her at SummerSlam would easily be one of the best moments in the recent history of SummerSlam. Add to the fact that there is a good chance that Flair could turn on her on the same night - you have a great storyline for the next couple of months.

#3 A Betrayal in the Intercontinental Championship match

The Heel turn we are all looking for.
The Heel turn we are all looking for.

Dean Ambrose's return to the WWE was huge. Donning a new hair style and in the best physical shape of his life, The Lunatic Fringe looked like a more serious and more intense man than he was before his injury last December. He joined Seth Rollins in his feud with Ziggler and McIntyre.

When was the last time Ambrose was this intense and serious inside a WWE ring? When he was a heel.

Before he got injured, rumors were rife that WWE was planning to have Ambrose turn heel on Rollins during the WrestleMania period, leading to a match between the two.

Considering that this program is a huge deal for the company, it is highly unlikely that WWE will do away with this angle and instead focus on rebuilding those two as a team again. Ambrose is turning heel on Rollins, sooner or later, and it would be a really huge moment for WWE if it takes place this Sunday.

But what if it isn't this pair going rogue against each other? What if it is the opposition, the pairing of McIntyre and Ziggler? Won't it be nice to see McIntyre beat the shit out of Ziggler after the match and proclaim himself the next challenger to Ziggler's title?

Of course it would be, although not on the level of Rollins/Ambrose. WWE has two probable and sensational betrayals at hand - in the same match at SummerSlam, both of them capable of generating an everlasting image of the show.

It would be a huge bummer if WWE doesn't press the button on either one of them this Sunday.

#2 Ronda Rousey squashes Alexa Bliss

Alexa's days as champion are numbered.
Alexa's days as champion are numbered

Ronda Rousey has only been part of three matches so far in the WWE, and in all of them, she has looked like an absolute beast.

Let alone against smaller opponents like Stephanie McMahon and Alicia Fox, even in front of a bigger opponent like Nia Jax it was Rousey who looked like the Goliath and made Jax look like the inferior opponent.

This is working perfectly well for Ronda, and WWE must continue with this baddest woman persona in the future.

However, there are still some doubts about how exactly Ronda will be portrayed at SummerSlam when she faces WWE's favourite 'diva' - Alexa Bliss.

Despite her small stature and her lack of in-ring skills compared to others, we have seen Little Miss Bliss defeat almost every other female superstar on the Raw roster. But can she defeat someone as popular and as strong as Ronda? I highly doubt that.

There's no way Alexa is leaving Brooklyn with the title still around her waist. Everyone is expecting an even contest with Ronda finally emerging victorious. This actually makes some sense.

However, Just imagine this scenario - After an early cheap attack from Bliss and Fox, Rousey goes on a rampage.

She destroys Alexa for the next few minutes and forces her to submit after a short squash match. Not only will this shock the crowd, it will create a memory that will be remembered for many years.

#1 WWE Championship match in the Main Event

This would be the surprise of the year.
Oh the unfulfilled dream

The card for SummerSlam 2018 has 13 matches scheduled for the marathon show, this includes 3 matches on the kickoff show as well.

From those 14 matches, 2 have a legitimate chance of ending up being the final match, the official main event of that show - The Universal Title Match and The Raw Women's Title match, mainly because both of those matches have a part timer fighting for a top belt in that division.

What pains my heart so much is that a match for the WWE Championship, the so-called most prestigious title in WWE history is not even considered for the main event slot.

While not having it in the main event of a big four event seemed somehow OK, the fact that AJ Styles, the WWE Champion since November last year has not main evented a pay per view since February is just mind boggling.

Even the dream feud between him and Shinsuke Nakamura didn't get a single main event match in four consecutive pay per view clashes.

WWE has clearly degraded it's very own magical creation to the point where fans know in advance that they are not going to see it in the main event. How about shocking the fans by giving them what they want.

While it is a long, long shot, considering the AJ/Joe feud has been a secondary priority for WWE even on SmackDown, how great it would be to see the WWE Title match in the main event of the second biggest show of the year.

Styles vs Joe is a dream feud for the entire wrestling fraternity, and watching their two favourite stars fight in the main event of a show would bring out the best not only from the fans, but also result in improved performances by Joe and Styles.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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