5 Things possible at WWE Money in the Bank 2018


This Sunday is WWE Money in the Bank, which is usually one of the most unpredictable nights of the year, and this year is shaping up to continue. With not one, but two, Money in the Bank Ladder Matches, including four women and four men from each brand in the matches followed by a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship between AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura.

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In addition, Elias will get his first ever title match against Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship, and Roda Rousey will be in her first Women's title match against Nia Jax, as well as a grudge match between Roman Reigns and Jinder Mahal. Here are my five bold predictions for this Sunday's pay per view in Chicago, Illinois.

#5 Big Cass will upset Daniel Bryan

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Daniel Bryan will once again face Big Cass this Sunday at Money in the Bank. This feud has been underwhelming, to say the least, with the only bright side thus far being the improvement in Big Cass's promo skills. Their match at Backlash was lackluster, with Bryan coming out on top.

The proper booking here should have been to have Cass win at Backlash, with Bryan getting his win back at Money in the Bank. That did not happen, but I see Cass pulling off the upset here, which may possibly lead to a rubber match on a future Smackdown episode or at SummerSlam in August.

#4 Roman Reigns v. Jinder Mahal will exceed expectations

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This prediction may be controversial to a lot of people since Reigns and Mahal are two of the most disliked wrestlers on RAW. However, I feel that people aren't giving this match a fair chance, and if it is given a chance and done properly, it can exceed people's expectations. The build to this feud has been pretty good overall, but what will determine how this match plays off is the Chicago crowd.

Chicago has some of the most passionate wrestling fans in the United States, and usually have the loudest crowds. If the crowd is into the match, then it will be good, but if it drags out and has too many rest holds, expect a lot of "CM Punk" chants among other things. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the match will go 10-12 minutes with lots of action that will keep the crowd into it.

#3 A Smackdown Superstar will win the Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

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Unlike last year's Money in the Bank event, which was a Smackdown-exclusive pay per view, this year's event in co-branded, meaning both RAW and Smackdown superstars will be participating in the match. However, that will not change the fact that a Smackdown superstar will win the contract again this year.

While the case can be made for Braun Strowman winning the contract, he honestly does not need it. As for Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Bobby Roode, they have not been built up well enough just yet to hold the contact and pose a challenge to Brock Lesnar. Speaking of Lesnar, since he rarely appears on WWE television, it would be nonsensical for a RAW superstar to win the contract when Lesnar is barely around to be cashed in on, although it would make for an interesting storyline.

That leaves us with the four Smackdown competitors in the match. While a Russev or whichever member of the New Day is chosen to be in the match victory would be nice, I don't see that happening. Which leaves us with Samoa Joe and The Miz. While a powerhouse like Joe doesn't need a contract to win the title, I could see him winning and cashing in on AJ Styles if he retains his WWE Championship down the line.

The Money in the Bank in perfect for The Miz and his character, which is a coward heel that likes to take the easy way out. MIz carrying the briefcase and taunting a babyface champion like Styles, or someone else, would make for some entertaining television.

#2 Natalya will win the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match...and will cash in on the same night

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In the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match, which will feature Ember Moon. Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Naomi, and Lana, an interesting development has happened.

Natalya, who was moved to RAW in the Superstar shakeup and turned face without any explanation, has also had her nose involved in the RAW Women's Championship Match between Nia Jax and Ronda Rousey. I feel like this is being done for a reason, and that reason will be shown at Money in the Bank. If the Women's Ladder Match goes on before the RAW Women's title match, I fully expect Natalya to win, and then later in the night, one of two things will happen.

Natalya will either cash in on Rousey after she wins the title and is wiped out from the match, thus turning heel once again. The more likely scenario I see happening is during the match, Rousey and Jax will both be down and out and Natalya will come running down the ramp with the briefcase. She will attempt to cash in and the bell will ring, Rousey will begin to stir, but it will be too late as Natalya will have pinned Jax to win the title and begin a slow heel turn. One way or the other Natalya will cash in on Sunday night.

#1 Shinsuke Nakamura will finally win the WWE Championship

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In what should be their final encounter, one year after they came face to face in a WWE ring for the first time, AJ Styles will once again defend the WWE Championship against Shinsuke Nakamura. This time it will be in a Last Man Standing Match, and I predict Nakamura will be the Last Man Standing come Sunday night.

Styles has had a lengthy run with the title, and while it hasn't been a terrible reign at all, it hasn't set the world on fire either. It is time for a new face to hold the belt and some fresh feuds. While Nakamura's promo skills still aren't great, his heel work has been good so far and his "Sorry no speak English" line is gold, so I think the time is now to pull the trigger. Plus, if Nakamura doesn't win the belt, where does he go from here? If Styles loses the belt, there are still feuds for him and he has some direction, but that is not the case for Nakamura in my opinion.

I can see Nakamura pulling a John Cena from Extreme Rules 2010 and duct taping Styles' legs to the ring post and taking the easy way out to win the belt. I'm not sure what the WWE title match will be at Extreme Rules, but if Nakamura wins the belt Sunday, I see a marquee match for him at SummerSlam.

Would you like to predict something for MITB? Let us know...