5 things that should've happened on Raw this week (19 March 2018) 

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WWE needed to produce an edition of Raw that built up every superstar's motivations

This week on Monday Night Raw, WWE’s creative team continued their process of finalizing key programmes on the road to WrestleMania 34, and for most of the broadcast, the company got many of their integral stories right.

However, while certain things clicked on the show, there were many decisions that WWE should’ve rethought, which would’ve created more anticipation for the eventual culmination of these narratives at 'The Show Of Shows'.

#1 The Bar levels Strowman

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Strowman is a beast but can he handle two world-class athletes by himself?

Ever since Braun Strowman won the number one contender’s Tag Team Battle Royal, many thought that he would make history at WrestleMania 34 by being the first man to win the Raw Tag Team Championships by himself.

However, this week on Monday Night Raw, Kurt Angle informed 'The Monster Among Men' that he is required to have a partner in order to compete for the Raw Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania 34 as per management rules.

While it is smart that WWE is keeping the identity of Strowman’s partner a mystery, as it can be revealed at 'The Showcase of Immortals' or, on Raw in the coming weeks. WWE should’ve used this week’s segment to present Sheamus and Cesaro as credible threats to Strowman. As Strowman vs Cesaro saw 'The Swiss Cyborg' put on a good fight against Strowman, but there was little doubt that 'The Monster Among Men' would lose this match.

Therefore, instead of Strowman uneventfully destroying Cesaro, The Bar should’ve jumped Strowman after the match, beating him with weapons, sending him through the announce table and possibly laying the monster out for a couple days. While some might argue that presenting a protected megastar such as Strowman in a vulnerable state would be foolish, it would accomplish many things.

Firstly, it would’ve displayed The Bar as credible brutes, secondly, it would’ve revealed that Strowman needs a partner to level the playing field and, finally it would've made this feud feel more intense, as WrestleMania is just a few weeks away.

#2 Kane destroys Cena…verbally

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Words speak louder

After John Cena verbally annihilated The Undertaker last week, a majority of the WWE Universe were expecting 'The Phenom' to answer Cena’s Wrestlemania challenge or even respond to his shocking promo.

Therefore, Cena came to Raw this week with the expectation of receiving answers from The Undertaker. Instead, these questions were answered by one-half of the 'Brothers of Destruction', Kane. While the inclusion of Kane here was smart, WWE could’ve used 'The Big Red Machine' in a better role that would’ve benefited the storyline.

Instead of Kane coming down to the ring and confronting Cena in the most generic way possible, WWE should’ve had Kane speak his mind against Cena. Kane should’ve addressed Cena's unexpected promo last week on Raw, and relayed that he understands what Cena is trying to do by tempting Undertaker into a match at Wrestlemania.

However, Kane should've exclaimed that no wrestler has insulted The Undertaker in his 30-year career the way Cena did.

The WWE creative team could've used Kane to show Cena's desperation, as 'The Big Red Machine' would've conveyed to Cena that his obsession to get on the Wrestlemania card in the biggest match possible has seen him take the cheap route of dragging the respected name of The Undertaker down with his.

As WWE has told the story of Cena being scrambling for a WrestleMania match ever since January, they needed to validate that Cena is a different man, a man willing to stoop to low levels to draw The Undertaker out of retirement, and Kane could've conveyed that.

That would've made the eventual chokeslam from Kane feel validated as he is disgusted with Cena trying to tarnish the legacy of the greatest performer in Wrestlemania history.

#3 Asuka and Ronda Rousey gets some serious attention

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Planting the seeds for a future money match

When Asuka showed up at Fastlane challenging Charlotte to a match at WrestleMania, many fans were pleased to finally witness this dream match. When Ronda Rousey was announced to debut at WrestleMania, many of her fans were excited to witness that anticipated moment.

But, ever since those moments, WWE have been portraying these badass competitors in a wrong manner. As Asuka has been booked in, as a regular wrestler and, Rousey has made a lesser impact in WWE than most would expect.

This week on Raw WWE continued that odd decision by booking Asuka on the same level as Alexa Bliss, a Superstar who has been presented as a coward for the better part of her reign. Rousey made her presence felt in an awkward showdown against Dana Brooke, after the broadcast went off the air.

Instead, what WWE should've done was book Ronda Rousey's promo time before the Asuka vs Bliss match, as this would've allowed her to have a much more important showdown.

Rousey and Asuka should have confronted each other, and since these two Superstars are not masters of the mic, a simple staredown would've sent shockwaves through the WWE Universe.

As Asuka is the most protected Superstar on the roster and Rousey's video package that aired on the show built her up as the 'baddest woman on the planet'. While no physical contact would've been made, this would've planted early seeds for a marquee match between these two world beaters.

#4 Balor pulls no punches

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Finn Balor needed that one promo that can set him on the right track

There is no denying that The Miz may be the best promo artist in the entirety of WWE. The Miz’s rants are always entertaining, intriguing, and most of all logical, as his sensible reasoning behind all of his grievances, make it hard to not relate to what he is saying.

This week on Raw, Miz once again made headlines by destroying Finn Balor and Seth Rollins in a matter of seconds.

Miz made constant mentions of sending his challengers back to the bingo halls and even went so far to refer Rollins and, Balor as their indy personas of Tyler Black and 'Prince Nevitt', even if the mispronunciation of Balor's indy name was a mistake or pure ignorance, Miz was a genius on the mic.

While Miz was selling this match in his promo and Rollins on commentary, the one man that WWE has not given a chance to give an input is Finn Balor.

Balor may be smooth in the ring and have a cool persona, but his character has no motivations, therefore, with Miz's constant insults being thrown at Balor for the last few weeks, Balor needed a chance to vent his anger into a game-changing promo this week.

A promo that would've had him use his frustration to talk about of always being undermined, never given a chance to regain the title he never lost and outline his future goal of climbing the ladder in WWE once again, which starts with him winning the IC Title at WrestleMania.

This would’ve helped Balor define his character better and certify his place in this match. Thus creating more anticipation for the match at WrestleMania and how it means the resurgence of Balor.

#5 Reigns fights back

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A different Roman Reigns

When Roman Reigns was suspended by Vince McMahon a majority of the WWE Universe weren't buying into that angle. Therefore, WWE chose to ignore that 'suspension' by booking 'The Big Dog' on Raw this week anyway.

Reigns came to the ring and demanded to face Brock Lesnar, instead Kurt Angle sent for US court marshalls to arrest Reigns and escort him out of the building. However, in true WWE fashion that didn't happen, as Reigns attacked them in a Stone Cold Steve Austin rage. This then prompted Brock Lesnar to show up and destroy a defenseless Reigns.

While that move presented Reigns as a sympathetic babyface getting destroyed by a raging beast, the time is up to present Reigns in that light. This feud doesn’t need the sympathetic babyface Reigns, this feud requires Reigns to show that intensity, that anger, that frustration that has probably been brewing inside him for the last 4 years ever since he got humbled by Lesnar at WrestleMania 31.

Reigns needed to stand toe to toe with Lesnar this week on Raw, and he needed to send a message loud and clear that he is not the same man Brock Lesnar has faced before. It would've been more beneficial to Reigns if WWE had this fight take place out of the arena, as it would've presented Roman as a predator waiting to strike.

This would’ve been a sight to behold and it would ve shown Reigns as a man that is no more sitting down taking a beating wanting sympathy from fans but a man that has one goal and that is to beat Brock Lesnar.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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