5 things Triple H would do if he took over the WWE

The case for Triple H to take over completely is a strong one
The case for Triple H to take over completely is a strong one

Vince McMahon has made WWE the behemoth it is today. It is undoubtedly his creation, and he will always be associated with the company. However, there is a large contingent of the WWE Universe clamouring for Triple H to take complete control of the company.

Whether they believe McMahon has lost touch with audiences, or whether they feel Triple H is better suited to carry the company forward, the case for Triple H to take over completely is a strong one.

If Triple H won't be taking complete control in the near future, the transition is well underway, with The Game primarily functioning in a backstage role with occasional appearances in the ring.

Here are 5 things Triple H would do if he took over the WWE.

#5 Retire from in-ring competition

He usually only steps into the ring around WrestleMania season
He usually only steps into the ring around WrestleMania season

Triple H is arguably the most talented wrestler in WWE. We may not realise this at the moment, but getting to see Triple H step into the ring is a treat for the Universe.

He usually only steps into the ring around WrestleMania season, and tends to be involved in the biggest matches of the show. Once he takes control of WWE, there's only so much he could have on his plate at a time.

He is a father of three, and is seen as a father figure to a number of younger stars backstage. Being an active in-ring competitor, and running the company will probably be a little too much.

Being an active in ring competitor and also running the company just seems improbable. So It can be expected that Triple H retires after he takes control. It's not like money will be a problem, his new salary and job title should cover things up quite nicely.

#4 Define the role of a face and heel

One of the best heels in NXT
One of the best heels in NXT

We live in the era of the cool heels, as most main roster heels are often cheered more than baby faces because their agenda usually makes more sense than the good guy who is standing in the way.

On NXT, you know exactly who's good and who's bad. No one is going to be cheering for Tommaso Ciampa anytime soon because he's just so easy to hate. The Miz is perhaps the only true heel left on the main roster capable of generating himself nuclear heat, and elevating the baby face he's up against in the process.

Wrestlers such as Bobby Roode, Sami Zayn, and Bayley have floundered on the main roster where they haven't had a role for months on end. NXT is Triple H's brainchild, so there is no doubt he will implement the same blueprint on the main roster when he takes over.

#3 Give the talent creative freedom

You can look no further than Roman Reigns' infamous sufferin succotash promo
You can look no further than Roman Reigns' infamous sufferin succotash promo

There was a time when WWE Superstars were only given general points to hit during a promo, and they were given the option to improvise and really let their personalities shine. Today's superstars are not afforded that same luxury, and they have to speak fully scripted promos, which make them come across as unnatural and really disingenuous.

You can look no further than Roman Reigns' infamous sufferin succotash promo. The disparity between NXT and the main roster is obvious as NXT still follows the old style of allowing the talent to improvise as needed, leading to much better promos and character interactions.

The WWE will never have another Dwayne The Rock Johnson if it keeps feeding its superstars every single word in promos.

#2 Reduce the length of the shows

The most lengthy PPV
The most lengthy PPV

Raw is currently three hours long, and WWE's big four pay-per-views run anywhere between five to seven hours, that's a whole lot of wrestling to sit through. Raw is often criticised for being a bloated show, with a lot of segments clearly just filler.

Pay-Per-Views tend to have packed cards and two hour kickoff segments, so by the time the main event rolls around, audiences are too tired to give much of a reaction. SmackDown Live and NXT are shorter in duration, and therefore better paced shows.

Increasing the length of shows is understandable from an economic perspective, but this cannot come at the expense of the quality of the final product.

#1 Promote NXT

Triple H to promote NXT when he takes over WWE
Triple H to promote NXT when he takes over WWE

NXT is Triple H's baby. In a lot of ways, NXT is more popular with the WWE Universe than the main roster. Triple H has built a program capable of competing with the main roster, with talent that is for all intents and purposes still learning what it means to be a WWE Superstar.

There is no doubt Triple H wants NXT to stand toe to toe with Raw and SmackDown, and he will probably do it by getting NXT a TV deal.

NXT is proof of everything Triple H has done right as an executive, and once he takes over, he will probably do all it takes to show off his creation to the world.

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