5 things WWE must do at Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view

Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns,
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What will happen when the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia hosts The Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view later this month? The question is a tantalizing one, especially after the many curve balls that the WWE Universe were thrown at WrestleMania 34. But the ultimate question is how will WWE capitalize on them to create something memorable for the fans?

In fact, with how receptive overseas crowds are to things that wouldn't normally work in the United States, wouldn't this be the perfect chance for WWE to pull their ace in the hole and do things that they couldn't normally do?

The Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view almost upon us; here are five things WWE must do at the star-studded event, if they want to make it memorable.

#5 Have Shinsuke Nakamura beat Daniel Bryan to win the Royal Rumble

Shinsuke Nakamura,
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Rumors have been spreading like wildfire about WWE wanting Daniel Bryan to win the 50-man Royal Rumble match. While that would definitely be a feel-good moment for the crowd, WWE also has the possibility of using Shinsuke Nakamura's heel turn as a way to subvert expectations.

In fact, if WWE really wants to build heat on Nakamura after WrestleMania 34, why not insert him into the 50-man Royal Rumble match and have him screw over Daniel Bryan to cement his heel turn. Not only would doing so grab a huge amount of heat from the crowd, it also sets up the Daniel Bryan vs. Shinsuke Nakamura dream match as well.

In the end, it's not known if WWE will want to do this or not, especially since WWE could just as easily have Nakamura defeat Styles in their title match that night and set up the match with Bryan on another date. Hopefully, a match between the two former roommates happens one day, but having Nakamura screw Bryan in The Rumble would be a better way to do it.

#4 Finn Balor must win the Intercontinental title

Finn Balor,
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WWE has seemingly captured lighting in a bottle with their recent string of matches between Seth Rollins and Finn Balor, and that trend should definitely continue into the summer. Not only do Rollins and Balor continue to have great matches whenever they are scheduled to lock up, it also elevates the Intercontinental title.

With that being said, why not have Balor win the belt from Rollins at the Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view to set up even more matches between the two. The two Superstars could then trade wins throughout the summer and eventually put the title on a younger star after Rollins and Balor have lost their in-ring magic a bit.

Interestingly enough, WWE has this match booked as a ladder match, which will allow Rollins to look strong in defeat by not being involved in the ultimate decision at all. Rollins could then issue his rematch, which will allow for the two to continue their feud and continue putting on great matches for the IC title.

In the end, Balor is in need of his first title victory since vacating the Universal Title in 2016 and a win over Rollins, Miz, and Samoa Joe would be the best way to do this. It also opens the door to so many different storyline possibilities, which could end up in a Balor heel turn, if WWE books it right.

#3 Have John Cena get squashed by Triple H

John Cena,
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It's no secret that John Cena has lost a lot of momentum after losing to The Undertaker at WrestleMania 34, but how will he respond? While a lot of fans are probably hoping with an AA to Triple H to win their match at the Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view, that might not be as best for business as people think.

In fact, it seems to make a lot more sense for Cena's bad luck to continue and for him to get squashed by Triple H in a match. Not only would doing this be a great way to write Cena off television, especially since he had just come off two key loses against future legends, but it also sets Cena back up for his appearance later on down the line as well.

In the end, Cena still has a little bit further to fall before people officially think he is in a funk and having him lose to The Game at the pay-per-view is a great start to that. It could even be a great way for Cena to eventually return and turn heel as he fights for his next world title, which will bring a little bit of extra spice to his storyline.

#2 Have The Undertaker squash Chris Jericho

The Undertaker,
Will The Undertaker continue his winning streak at The Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view?

Speaking of squash matches, another great idea would be for The Undertaker to destroy Chris Jericho in a matter of minutes during their match at the Greatest Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Not only would it allow for The Undertaker to get another big win in front of the WWE Universe, it also continues the trend of him easily dispatching of top stars.

With that being said and it being obvious that the WWE Universe would want to see The Undertaker win again, especially in a casket match, it makes a lot of sense to have The Deadman keep winning. Not only does doing that prove that his win against Cena wasn't a fluke, it also sets up for the two to meet again in the future.

In the end, WWE isn't going to have The Undertaker retire anywhere else besides WrestleMania or Survivor Series, which likely means that this won't be his last match in a WWE ring. With that in mind, it makes sense that this appearance is used to build upon something that WWE can use for later.

#1 Roman Reigns must defeat Brock Lesnar and turn heel

Roman Reigns,
Is it time for WWE to turn Roman Reigns heel?

Let's be honest here - Roman Reigns has failed disastrously as a babyface and will never get over with the WWE Universe as a good guy. Of course, that could change if WWE is willing to turn the former Shield member heel first, but it's not known whether WWE is willing to do that yet.

With that being said, WWE is running out of time to make their Reigns experiment work and they might have to dig down deep and get desperate if they want to see him reach his full potential in The WWE. Interestingly enough, WWE could succeed in doing that by finally turning him heel.

Think about it. The WWE Universe already hates Roman Reigns for being Vince McMahon's golden boy, and turning him heel would be as easy as having McMahon betray Lesnar to help Reigns win the title at the upcoming pay per view. Of course, the company is going to have to think of a reason for doing this, but if they can succeed in doing it, the sky would be the limit.

What are your thoughts? Would this be the best case scenario for Roman Reigns or should they remove him from the title picture entirely? Let us know in the comments below!

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