5 WrestleMania matches that told a compelling story

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Austin shaking hands with his longtime rival Vince McMahon

WrestleMania has seen many great matches; Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker, Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels and Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage, just to name a few. But there are some matches that are compelling, not for the match quality necessarily, but for the stories they told.

WrestleMania has elevated many wrestlers to superstardom through the stories they tell in the ring, it is an event that can shape careers and define the legacy of a superstar.

These are those encounters where the Superstars have the fans in the palm of their hand, on the edge of their seats and can elicit an emotional reaction. These are the intangible moments that the crowd are invested in and stand the test of time as being memorable because they were captivating or helped a career to grow.

#5 Ric Flair vs Randy Savage - WrestleMania VIII

Savage got his retribution on Ric Flair

WrestleMania VIII was dubbed 'the Savage/Flair affair', with regards to the alleged affair that Ric Flair claimed to have with Macho Man Randy Savage's wife - Miss Elizabeth.

Flair said he had photos of him and Miss Elizabeth that he would show the world after he defeated Randy Savage for the WWE title. This may have all of been a ruse by Flair to get inside the head of Savage, but it didn't work. In this thrilling encounter, it was Savage who came out on top, much to the joy of the WWE audience.

Savage and Miss Elizabeth were a much-beloved couple among WWE fans. When they got back together at the previous WrestleMania, it was one of the most emotional moments in history, so fans were not going to be happy seeing the Nature Boy try to get in between them.

They were not disappointed, in the end, it was Savage who picked up the win in this emotionally charged match and the Savage-Miss Elizabeth's marriage continued.

#4 Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair - WrestleMania XXIV

Flair's last in-ring appearance in the WWE came at WrestleMania XXIV

It was the career-threatening match if Ric Flair lost he would have to retire, his opponent was Mr. WrestleMania, Shawn Michaels, and there was much heartbreak in Orlando, Florida once this one was over.

During the build-up to this feud, Michaels used the term 'Old Yeller' referring to Ric Flair's age and implying he was a has-been and needed to be 'put down'.

The match started with Ric Flair pushing Michaels and referencing Michaels' 'Old Yeller' comments; this push started an emotionally fueled match, fans were not ready to see Flair retire but that is exactly what happened.

At the match's conclusion, Michaels hit Flair with Sweet Chin Music, as both men climbed back up, HBK looked at Flair with a sad look and mouthed at him "I'm sorry, I love you" before one final Sweet Chin Music and a three count.

It was a sad ending to a great career for The Nature Boy, the match told a compelling story of Flair wanting to cling to his career even in his older years. Michaels' ruthless attitude in the lead up to the match ended in regret; he did not want to end Flair's historic career but he had to.

#3 Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - WrestleMania 13

Austin refused to quit and instead passed out in the sharpshooter

It was the match that shot Stone Cold's character into the stratosphere - the submission match between Austin and Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13.

Going into this match, Bret Hart was the face and Austin was the heel, but Bret had shown heelish tendencies, lashing out in anger at perceived injustices against him by the WWE. Austin, despite being a heel, was popular among audiences and appeared to be heading towards babyface status.

The match itself was a classic, a brutal encounter with both men fighting at the ringside area, through the crowd, and in the timekeeper's area.

The match's iconic moment was Bret Hart getting a bloodied Steve Austin in a sharpshooter, the Rattlesnake tried to fight through the pain with the blood gushing down his face, and the crowd then began to will Austin on as he tried to escape the submission. It was at this point in which the 'double turn' occurred; Bret had now made the transition to a heel, and Austin to a fan favorite.

The bout will live in infamy, not just for being a great match, but in helping define both men's careers after 'Mania - Hart as a heel and Austin as the toughest SOB in the WWE.

#2 Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon - WrestleMania XIX

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Hogan and McMahon had real-life heat stemming from the steroid trial in the early 90's

On paper, McMahon-Hogan did not seem like it would be a classic, however, it told a compelling story.

The match was dubbed '20 Years in the Making' and lived up to its billing. It centered around the real-life heat between McMahon and Hogan going back to the early 90's with the steroid trial in which Hogan testified against McMahon in court.

At the contract signing, McMahon bloodied Hogan and forced him to sign the contract for their match in his own blood. This was the pinnacle of the 'mad' Mr. McMahon character that everyone loved to hate.

The match itself was brutal, it saw the use of a lead pipe, a steel chair, McMahon leg dropping Hogan off a ladder through the announce desk and Hogan pinning McMahon after three leg drops.

McMahon was at his heelish best in this one, providing the perfect foil for Hogan to rise up against with the crowd behind him. McMahon, as the maniac owner, tried to stack the deck against Hogan, even with the help of Roddy Piper, but in the end, it was Hogan who came out on top in a classic encounter.

#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock - WrestleMania X-Seven

Austin finished off the Rock after a number of chair shots

It was the moment many thought they would never see - the anti-establishment Texas Rattlesnake siding with his long-term enemy, Mr. McMahon, during his match with The Rock at WrestleMania X-Seven.

Many wrestling fans hated it; how could Austin ever side with McMahon after everything they have been through? But in many ways, it told the perfect story.

Austin had been out of action for almost a year after being struck by a car driven by Rikishi under the orders of Triple H. Upon his return, Austin felt that he had to beat the Rock, losing was not an option, so Austin would resort to anything in order to beat the People's Champion even if it meant siding with his arch-nemesis.

The Rock at the time was the main guy in the company and Austin felt if he was to re-establish himself as the best then he needed to beat him by any means necessary.

This is exactly what happened. McMahon pulled the referee out of the ring, handed Austin the steel chair and ended up shaking hands with the Bionic Redneck after Stone Cold had hit The Rock multiple times with the chair and scored the win.

It was not the end many wanted but it was crucial in the evolution of the Stone Cold Steve Austin character into a ruthless heel and helped add another dimension to his persona.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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