5 WWE Superstars who must never turn heel

Some Superstars should just remain a face for the rest of their careers
Some Superstars should just remain a face for the rest of their careers

Being a babyface in WWE is pretty tough for a variety of reasons. There is a more rigid structure that Superstars need to adhere to when cutting promos and sometimes, the material handed to them is not always the best.

In various cases, the simple solution for a floundering face is to turn them heel. And it has worked wonders for refreshing the character in question, look at Seth Rollins for example.

But there are a few members on the roster who are complete babyfaces and should never turn heel. These Superstars have way too much going for them as good guys, whether it is their likeability, in-ring style, or their connection with the crowd.

While some of them are evidently not turning heel, WE must ensure that these five faces remain heroes for the rest of their time in the company.

#5 Ricochet

How can you hate his insane flips?
How can you hate his insane flips?

What makes Ricochet so wonderful to watch is his ability to do the impossible. His wrestling style is so exciting that fans of all ages cannot help but stare in awe at the jaw-dropping feats he performs.

However, recent months have slowed Ricochet's growth on Monday Night RAW. His 'real-life Superhero' promos were not exactly weighed in gold, as he will probably tell you himself, but there is always scope for improvement in the promo department.

The former United States Champion is as likeable outside the ring as he is brilliant inside it, as documented during the recently released 'WWE 24: WrestleMania New York' special on the WWE Network.

Even when Ricochet flexes his insane acrobatic skills, we cannot hate him for it. Him responding to Velveteen Dream with a wordless dive from the ring to the floor in NXT is simply golden.

Hopefully, WWE does a better job in booking Ricochet and allowing him to share his rare high-flying abilities with the world. They are what make him one of the best wrestlers in the world. A heel turn would only distance himself from what made him a WWE Superstar.

#4 The New Day

They will forever remain over with the fans
They will forever remain over with the fans

In terms of creativity, charisma and consistency, there aren't many tag teams as good as The New Day.

Over the past five years, the 7-time Tag Team Champions have constantly been one of the highlights of WWE programming. Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods have the trust of Vince McMahon to come up with their own stuff, after the incredible way they turned the fans around during their heel run.

The New Day have all shared stories about the long and stressful process they went through just to be on TV, let alone become one of the most over acts in the company. The three of them are inseparable and simply excellent together. And they never feel stale as a trio, a real testament to their effectiveness as babyfaces during an era of impatience and short attention spans.

However, the main reason why they should always remain babyfaces is because of the respect that the three commanded during Kofi Kingston's unlikely rise to the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 35. They should not break up, nor should they turn heel. And as long as they keep on evolving and stay fresh, The New Day will be just fine as lifelong heroes.

ALSO READ: 3 reasons why The New Day must never break up

#3 Keith Lee

Bask in his glory
Bask in his glory

Limitless is not just a nickname or a catchphrase. It truly describes Keith Lee's potential in WWE. The man is a "moments machine". Despite still residing in NXT, Lee has already produced a handful of moments that have captivated crowds and made Vince McMahon "fall in love" with him. He might be the most GIFable wrestler in WWE today, almost everything he does could be highlight reel-worthy.

Lee's face-off against Roman Reigns in the closing moments of last year's 15-man Survivor Series elimination match turned him from a possible star to an absolute baller.

The show of respect from Reigns after the match confirmed that fact. From then, Lee has been on the up-and-up. Pouncing Adam Cole into the fifth row of Full Sail University and winning the North American Championship were both pretty sweet moments.

But Lee's next mega-moment came opposite Brock Lesnar, who sold the NXT star's Royal Rumble entrance as a huge deal. thanks to his incredible facial expressions. The Limitless One is as athletic as he is physical in the ring, and a shift to the dark side would severely limit his potential. But as a face, there's no saying how far Keith Lee could go. All we can do right now is enjoy the ride, and bask in his glory.

#2 Edge

There is no way people will not root for him
There is no way people will not root for him

Edge returning at the 2020 Royal Rumble seemed like a pipe dream, limited to fantasy booking and nothing more. But once it happened, the entire wrestling world leapt in joy.

Not only is he an incredible pro-wrestler, but Edge also gets to finish his career on his terms. That is a blessing that would keep the fans on his side at all costs. There is no way people will not root for him, under any circumstances.

It may have been his heel run in the mid-2000s that got Edge his big break in WWE, but a lengthy spell in the sidelines has evaporated any possible heat he may have had heading into his big comeback.

Nine years has been way too long. The big angle on RAW with Randy Orton also furthers why Edge should remain a hero for the rest of his career, showing him as sympathetic a light as the previous decade had shown him in.

Sure, Daniel Bryan turned heel in 2018. But that was out of necessity after his babyface run had gotten stale over a few months and the program with The Miz had died down. Edge has a whole roster of new people he could feud with, once he finishes his feud with Orton at WrestleMania. Also, the limited schedule he is reportedly going to be on will keep this Rated-R Reunion Tour fresh as ever.

#1 Roman Reigns

The ship has long sailed
The ship has long sailed

There is no way WWE will, or should, turn Roman Reigns heel for the rest of his full-time career, at the very least. That ship sailed a couple of years ago. The company had multiple opportunities to do so a few years ago, when he returned from his 30-day suspension in 2016, or when he seemingly retired The Undertaker less than a year later.

But after those turbulent times, The Big Dog always remained a babyface. WWE is insistent in pushing Reigns as the face of the company, and he very well is. At least from a full-time male perspective. He has carried himself incredibly well over the years, in areas where Seth Rollins stumbled at. Reigns is just a likeable man who you would want to hang out with.

WWE has implemented more of his personality into his character, but it is not enough. The past year has been a success for Roman Reigns, in terms of crowd support. It has been an organic process and now, more people realise his true value. The Big Dog has done a great job since returning from his leukaemia diagnosis.

He helped stabilise the ratings for SmackDown on FOX despite the show not being that great at all. Hopefully, WWE gets creative in re-integrating Reigns into the world title scene. But, all of this is a blessing and the fact that he happens to be a brilliant WWE Superstar is secondary to the fact that he recovered from health problems that could have been fatal.

Roman Reigns has had the worst come at him, both professionally and personally, and is still standing. That is what makes him WWE's true superhero of today. The kids and women already adore him, while the rest of us respect him, at the very least. He is an inspiration to so many people across the world. This is why it is time for us to quit talking about the Roman Reigns heel turn.

He must never be a bad guy again.

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