6 wrestling rumors we hope are true and 6 we hope aren't: 3-time World Champion possibly retiring at WrestleMania 36, Returning star expected to eliminate Lesnar at Royal Rumble

John Cena, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins (left); Brock Lesnar (right)
John Cena, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins (left); Brock Lesnar (right)

Welcome to the second edition of "Wrestling rumors we hope are true and those we hope aren't" of 2020! The year has kicked off strong and we're just two weeks removed from Royal Rumble 2020 - which in turn, kicks off the road to WrestleMania.

It's crazy to think that the most exciting season of the year is upon us and if WWE plans to put strong programming on all three brands, then AEW will do their best to reach that level from a quality standpoint - resulting in more excellent wrestling for all of us to watch.

Either way, this week, the rumor mill was abuzz with a lot of things. Unsurprisingly, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania rumors are now coming to the forefront. We won't drag it out much further so let's get right into it - the biggest rumors of the week that we hope are true and hope aren't!

#6. Hope isn't true: Rey Mysterio's talk of retirement

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio

There has been a lot of rumbling about the legendary Rey Mysterio calling it quits on his career soon. Nobody can say that he doesn't deserve it and he's left an immortal legacy. As it turns out, the storyline where Mysterio was contemplating retirement (before his son Dominick stopped him) was based on real-life as well.

Tom Colohue reported that the word seems to be that WrestleMania could be the end of his run. However, it all depends on when Dominick will debut.

I’m starting to hear that WrestleMania may be his last hurrah but I think he definitely wants to see Dominick wrestle either alongside him or be in his corner for a match before he goes.

We hope this isn't true because it will be sad to see the legend retire when he still has a lot to give physically. With that said, we're unaware of potential niggling injuries (that most wrestlers appear to have) and when he does retire, nobody can question that decision. We hope that he's able to have that match alongside Dominick.

#6. Hope is true: WWE star to leave and lead AEW faction

A big boost for AEW
A big boost for AEW

AEW may have a big boost soon. WWE legend Matt Hardy hasn't been utilized too much on television except the occasional appearance to put over younger talent. While that's a fine role for him, it appears as though his time in the company may be done.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter had reported that Hardy pitched a new story and the return of the "Woken" character but it was rejected. It's well-known that his contract expires in early March 2020 and it's believed that Hardy won't be renewing the contract.

Instead, Dave Meltzer mentioned on WOR that there's a possibility that Hardy jumps ship to AEW and leads the "Dark Order" faction. While it looks like a faction with potential, it's been hard for the larger fanbase to take them too seriously.

They've teased having a leader and Hardy could be the man to take them to the next level. There's no doubt that he would be utilized well at AEW.

#5. Hope isn't true: The superstar expected to eliminate Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar's entry into the Royal Rumble has taken many by surprise. Given that there's no challenger on the horizon, perhaps it's not the worst thing that creative has done in recent times.

Logic would state that the objective, of course, would be for the man who eliminates Lesnar to be set up as his opponent for WrestleMania 36. Tom Colohue told Korey Gunz on Dropkick DiSKussions that the plan is most likely for Cain Velasquez to return and eliminate Lesnar. Here's what he said:

What’s most likely to happen that it’s going to be Cain Velasquez. But we are where we are with that one. I have mentioned in a previous report for Sportskeeda that the initial plan was for the Royal Rumble to feature another Cain Velasquez match or at least, Cain Velasquez would still be competing with Lesnar at some point. There was a little bit of loss faith in Velasquez, so that could be at play here.

As you know, Lesnar got his "revenge" for Velasquez knocking him out years ago by submitting him in Saudi Arabia this past November in just two minutes. While we love the idea of Velasquez returning, we hope this isn't true because the idea of Lesnar vs Velasquez at WrestleMania doesn't seem too appealing.

#5. Hope is true: Becky Lynch's contract extension

Becky Lynch's contract was used as a part of her storyline with Asuka
Becky Lynch's contract was used as a part of her storyline with Asuka

Before you mention it - we know. Becky Lynch denied the reports of her contract extension. However, it would be foolish to take their word for it. Remember when John Morrison vehemently denied reports of signing with WWE after all those years?

When Edge has been asked about the question of a return, he too has vehemently denied it - and who can blame him. In Becky Lynch's case, the same is understandable. The storyline she's a part of is one where she is the "golden goose" of the company or the "handpicked corporate face". As a result, the company wants to protect her from the one woman she's never defeated - Asuka.

In that story, Lynch has used her contract running up as leverage to get the match and as a result, she has likely denied the report.

The report was by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter - stating that Lynch signed a $1 million per year deal in 2019. We hope this is true and believe that it is, despite what The Man tweeted:

#4. Hope isn't true: Vince McMahon's condition to Tyson Fury for a return

Tyson Fury may not be happy about this
Tyson Fury may not be happy about this

There has been a lot of rumors floating about with regards to Tyson Fury. The first of which stated that he could be Brock Lesnar's potential opponent at WrestleMania 36. Tom Colohue denied these reports, stating the plan isn't for him to face Lesnar right now. There is a plan potentially in the works to have him team up with Braun Strowman to protect him as he's still very green.

ever, this isn't about that report. It's about a separate one by WrestleVotes - stating that McMahon has a condition before talks with Tyson Fury. Those talks could only begin around February 23rd. Why that specific date? It's because Tyson Fury has a rematch with Boxing Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder on February 22nd. Their last bout was a controversial draw (where most believe Fury won) and WrestleVotes reported that Vince McMahon will only begin talks with Fury if he beats Wilder.

We hope this isn't true because WWE brought in Mike Tyson in 1998 when he was coming off a loss. Fury is still a charismatic personality and win or lose, he would do well in the ring. Alex McCarthy confirmed the report by WrestleVotes, stating that he was told the same in December:

#4. Hope is true: Plans for Kevin Owens & Samoa Joe's long-term partner

An unlikely alliance
An unlikely alliance

The Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins & AoP storyline has captured a lot of interest and for good reason. Owens and Joe are now in a top babyface spot on RAW and in a six-man tag team match - they had the returning Big Show partner up with them to even the odds.

It ended in a DQ win for them and while The Big Show is expected to join the six-man "Fist Fight" match on RAW this coming episode, nothing is certain as to whether he's the long-term plan.

In all likeliness, he isn't (and we'll get to that later) and the idea is reportedly to get Rey Mysterio into that third spot, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. They stated that the MSG United States title loss to Andrade was to transition him into the storyline and it could happen sooner than later.

We hope this is true because it's a great spot for him to be in and it would add more interest to the story.

#3. Hope isn't true: Injured star not ready for Royal Rumble return

Unfortunate reports have emerged
Unfortunate reports have emerged

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and that has certainly been the case with Nia Jax. According to Tom Colohue, Jax isn't going to return at the Royal Rumble as many have suggested. The woman who entered at #30 for the Men's Royal Rumble last year won't make her presence known.

Colohue believes that she'll be put on the sidelines for the entirety of the WrestleMania season.

She has been recording some backstage WWE documentary stuff which is leading to her return which is expected to be moderately soon - probably not as soon as the Royal Rumble. And I don't think they will involve her in the build to WrestleMania either because there'll be a lot of focus on the main stars. However, I think a very realistic target for Nia Jax would be the Women's WrestleMania Battle Royal. I think that would be a good place for her to return. She could dominate that and potentially win it and that would be a good way to get her back in the system.

We hope this isn't true because Jax would be a great addition to the Women's Royal Rumble match. She would be one of the most dominant competitors in the match and be perfect to put over the person that eventually wins. However, we'll have to wait longer for her return.


#3. Hope is true: The purpose for The Big Show's return

Big Show being ambushed by AoP
Big Show being ambushed by AoP

Many were surprised at The Big Show's return on RAW. After completing his match, he has officially competed in four different decades for WWE - which is a mind-boggling stat in itself.

He appeared to be the logical choice for a short appearance and thankfully, nobody objected to that. Tom Colohue discussed Big Show's return with Korey Gunz on an episode of Dropkick DiSKussions, telling him that the reason for Big Show's return is to put over AoP in a big way.

As far as Big Show is concerned, he has come to put people over, and yes, he may have been made to look good this Monday night on RAW but that’s important in order to put people over because if nobody cares about you, nobody is going to care who you are putting over. He is not here to be wrestling every week, he is not going to do that, we are seeing a changing of the guard in the WWE at the moment.

He continued, saying:

He passed so much onto Braun Strowman as did people like Mark Henry, and he wants to put people over, he will be putting the AOP over, more than anything, which is important in the steps that they are taking.

We hope this is true because it's the perfect utilization for a legend of his caliber. He's done a great job of putting over people throughout his WWE career.

#2. Hope isn't true: A young RAW star lost his push to Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio had a whirlwind of a year in 2019, particularly in the last quarter. He was a WWE title contender and though he was never going to beat Brock Lesnar, he had a bit of a "consolation prize" one night later when he won the United States Championship.

He lost the title soon after to Andrade at Madison Square Garden - a title change that may have happened earlier. According to Dave Meltzer on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Andrade was always scheduled to win the US title, but it wasn't Mysterio who was the babyface - it was supposed to be Humberto Carrillo chasing him.

The title change wasn’t a change of plans. Andrade was planned for the title, which is why he lost twice to Humberto Carrillo, to get Carrillo into the U.S. title chase. That was planned several weeks back but the NXT angle with A.J. Styles led to some changes and Carrillo lost steam, so they went with Mysterio.

It looks like Carrillo lost his push and while we understand why we hope it isn't true because it can be deflating for a young superstar of his age.

#2. Hope is true: Kevin Owens to NXT in the future?

Kevin Owens on RAW
Kevin Owens on RAW

This is a bit of a mixed bag but there's a positive side to it. Tom Colohue revealed that Kevin Owens is in the shortlist of superstars to possibly return to NXT down the line.

He said:

There was a short list of people, in fact, there is a short list of people discussed between Triple H and Vince McMahon as to what superstars from raw/sd want to come to NXT. Asuka is someone I've mentioned to be on the list. She has been having a discussion on visiting or being involved in NXT. Kevin Owens is also on that list, someone who is interested in returning to NXT and that could happen at the next shakeup.

We can understand anyone objecting to this. Owens has a lot of momentum on RAW right now and is being pushed as a top babyface. However, the report didn't say that he would move immediately. It simply stated that he could go back down the line.

Finn Balor is enjoying success in NXT again and someday, Owens could return and give back as well, just like he did at WarGames this past November.

#1. Hope isn't true: John Cena's WrestleMania 36 status

John Cena with Robert Downey Jr.
John Cena with Robert Downey Jr.

Many were hopeful that we would see the leader of the Cenation John Cena back in action for WrestleMania 36. Tom Colohue says that it isn't happening. He said that we may see him in a non-match role but his schedule suggests that he won't be there this year:

We are not expecting to see him at this year's WrestleMania. He's currently filming with DC for the new Suicide Squad. He's not expected to be back. He may make a late appearance but he's not expected to be wrestling. Much similar to last year, we may see John Cena again, but it's more likely to be later in the year when he's finished filming and he believes he is necessary.

It appears that John Cena's days of part-time wrestling is over as well.

There is some discussion as to how much John Cena will be involved in the future. It looks like his full-time schedule is very much done. It looks like his part-time schedule is very much done and he will be approaching closer to a 'non-contract' contract where he appears for one-off paydays, one-off big shows.

There's no reason to justify why we hope this isn't true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and it's been over a year since we've seen him in the ring. We'll be lucky if we get to see him in action this year at all.

#1. Hope is true: Edge's Royal Rumble status

Could it be?
Could it be?

This is the one you were probably waiting for while reading this list. We discuss the rumblings about Edge's rumored in-ring return.

The first of two sources is from PWInsider, who claim that The Rated-R Superstar has signed a new deal with the company (H/T WrestlingNews):

“We’ve been told that Edge signed a new deal. We’ve been told that it has a very nice upside to it financially and you have to think it’s not just a legends deal where they just have him show up and have him do promos. So, I think there’s more smoke to the fire with Edge than there is with Paige as we record this.”

The second report is from Bill Pritchard of WrestleZone, who confirmed previous reports that Edge will be returning at the Royal Rumble 2020 (H/T WrestlingNewsSource):

A source speaking with Wrestlezone recently said Edge will make his in-ring return, and we can expect to see him as an entrant in the 2020 Men’s Royal Rumble match."

We hope this is true. Edge returning would be a huge moment and one of the biggest stories to start the decade.

Bonus: Triple H adds fuel to the Paige/Edge situation

Triple H
Triple H

We're going to do something a bit different this week. For the first time, we're adding a "bonus" point based on our exclusive by Gary Cassidy for Sportskeeda.

Gary asked Triple H about the situation with Paige and Edge returning amidst all the rumors and what The Game said only added fuel to the fire of speculation:

When you're talking about people as talented as Edge and Paige, who wouldn't want them to return? I'm a fan, just like everyone else, and, yeah, I'd love to see them step into the ring and compete. More importantly than that, though, I'd like to see them live long and healthy lives.

He mentioned it being a "personal choice" for them but was quick to retract his statement:

So, with both of them, those would be personal choice for them... No, I shouldn't say that. Personal choice would be a part of it, then medical choice for the other part. WWE is at a different level. There is no other level, almost, from a medical oversight standpoint.

He went on to explain the circumstances from WWE's perspective:

So, for us, there are certain perimeters. If we believe it's not in your best interest, we put the human being first, and their long-term health. Life goes on for a long time after this ends. Especially now. The style and the physicality has increased dramatically, so if you get to a point where we're telling you, medically, "Not in your best interest," you can do a lot of things to get back to that.

He concluded by saying that should the medical team clear both of them, they would welcome them back:

If you do, maybe it's an option but it's a medical decision. If our medical experts say that they believe this person has done whatever to rehab their situation, and there are multiple situations, they've done all of that and are safe to get back into the ring, then we allow it.

What do you think of Triple H's words on the matter? Voice your thoughts in the comments below!

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