7 WWE records that will never be broken

There are a number of WWE records that will never be broken
There are a number of WWE records that will never be broken

Records are made to be broken and this has been true in WWE. WWE Superstars make and break several records during their careers. From Pete Dunne’s record 685 days as the WWE NXT United Kingdom Champion to Brock Lesnar’s 504-day Universal Championship reign, a few records made recently in the WWE seemed unattainable.

However, there is more than enough talent in the company capable of taking these records head-on and breaking them in the near future to set their own records.

While that seems to be the case for most of the records that are currently held in the company, there are a handful that appear to be unbreakable. Some of the records are so bizarre that it seems like no one will even try to break them, while others will remain, out of respect for the WWE Superstars who hold them.

Let's take a look at seven WWE records that will never be broken.

#7 Most reigns with a single Championship in WWE

Remember when Raven’s 27 reigns as the WWE Hardcore Champion seemed a bit too bizarre and unattainable? Well, R-Truth has not only managed to beat Raven’s record, but also made one that seems unbreakable.

The 24/7 Championship was introduced in May 2019 by WWE, and R-Truth became the third ever 24/7 Champion on the first day of its existence. The uniqueness of the 24/7 Championship allows it to be open to anyone, regardless of gender, age, or WWE employment status. Additionally, the championship is defended "24/7", as in any time, anywhere, as long as a WWE referee is present.

This has allowed R-Truth to win the title no less than 42 times in just a year and a half, and there is no stopping him at the moment. He is currently in possession of the title and looking at the way things are going, it is likely that he will end up with over 50 reigns as the 24/7 Champion.

This is one record that is probably unbreakable in WWE, and it’s good to see a veteran like R-Truth who has worked hard to entertain the WWE Universe get a chance to leave an unerasable mark with the title in the company.

#6 Youngest Champion in WWE

Renee Dupree and Tyler Bate were both just 19 years of age when they won their first Championships in WWE. While Dupree won the WWE World Tag Team Championships with Sylvain Grenier in 2003, Bate won the WWE NXT United Kingdom Championship in 2017.

However, those two men were put to shame by one young boy who did not let his age come in between him and the WWE RAW Tag Team Championship.

At WrestleMania 34, Braun Strowman challenged The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) for the RAW Tag Team titles. However, Strowman had to find a partner to make the match official, and he picked the 10-year-old Nicholas from the crowd to partner with him.

While Strowman did most of the hard work in the match, Nicholas benefitted from the outcome as the duo won the RAW Tag Team Championships from The Bar.

Nicholas and Strowman were forced to relinquish their titles a night later as the former had to return to school.

Nicholas’ record as the youngest champion in WWE in any category will likely remain unbroken. Even if the bizarreness of the 24/7 Championship allows a newborn to win the title, we will likely see Nicholas forever remain the youngest ever RAW Tag Team Champion.

#5 Oldest WWE Champion in history

While Nicholas will probably hold the record for being the youngest champion in WWE’s history, Vince McMahon will forever remain the oldest WWE Superstar to hold the WWE Championship.

Brock Lesnar won the WWE Championship when he was just 25 years old, while Yokozuna, The Rock, and The Undertaker did so at the age of 26. However, Vince won the WWE Championship at the age of 54. While most men are worried about their prostrate exam at 54, Vince was busy winning the title from his future son-in-law Triple H, in 1999.

While Vince McMahon’s reign only lasted four days, after which he had to relinquish the title, he still managed to make it to the history books as the oldest WWE Champion of all time.

Hulk Hogan was the oldest WWE Champion at 48 before McMahon broke his record. Even though Vince McMahon’s record seems unbreakable, he is not the oldest titleholder in the company’s history.

Pat Patterson won the 24/7 Championship at the age of 74 last year, which made him the oldest Champion in WWE. That’s another record that will never be broken.

#4 Shortest WWE WrestleMania match between The Rock and Erick Rowan

While many WWE Superstars can only dream of meeting or sharing the ring with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson one day, Erick Rowan got the chance of facing The Greatest Sports Entertainer of All Time at The Grandest Stage of Them All - WrestleMania.

A match was booked for WWE WrestleMania 32 on short notice, and Rowan got to live his dream as he competed in a match against The Rock. However, a single Rock Bottom was all it took for The Rock to defeat Rowan, and the match lasted no more than six seconds.

Earlier this year, Rowan talked to Sporskeeda about facing The Rock at WrestleMania 32 in the quick match.

"We usually used to leave on Monday or Tuesday after SmackDown taping, which is Friday now. We usually leave the taping and go to whatever town we have the signings and Access appearances. I think it was at Dallas. We were there and we went from not having a match at the event to being called and told that 'oh hey, you know, you're probably going to have a quick little thing with The Rock and it's going to turn into a match between you and him.' I was like oh sweet. And the it was going to be this and I went 'oh ok, oh well.' You go from not having anything to do on the show to having a thing with The Rock in front of . You can't be upset about that it's The Rock and it's in front of a hundred thousand people there. That itself was an experience. Even though you didn't get to do what you wanted to do, it's still an experience and I'm ever grateful for that experience."

This was, by far, the shortest WrestleMania match of all time, and this is one record we don’t see getting broken anytime in the future. Luckily for Rowan, his loss came against a legendary WWE Superstar.

#3 The Honky Tonk Man’s reign as the WWE Intercontinental Champion

The Honky Tonk Man was a very interesting character, who signed with WWE in 1986. He had a great Elvis Presley impersonator gimmick, and that helped him become a favourite among the WWE Universe.

While The Honky Tonk Man was largely a mid-card wrestler, on the June 13, 1987, episode of Superstars, he defeated Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat for the WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship.

Honky held the title for 454 days and had a really good run with it. Even though his reign lasted a record-making 64 weeks, he did not go on to win any other title in WWE. Honky is the self-proclaimed Best Intercontinental Champion of All Time.

"I approached every day as if it could be my last hurrah because you are only as famous as your last big match anyway. The intercontinental championship is something that I was shocked and surprised about getting the opportunity to have that. Then I put all my time and effort into being the best I can be because that's just how I want to do stuff. If I can't do it the right way and I can't make the people happy that come to see me than I'm not doing my job."

Over the last twenty years, the longest Intercontinental Championship reign came from Shelton Benjamin who held the title for 244 days between 2004 and 2005.

Keeping in mind how WWE loves to shuffle up the mid-card nowadays, it seems like Honky’s record as the longest Intercontinental Champion in WWE history will never be broken.

#2 Bruno Sammartino’s record for the longest WWE Championship reign

WWE Hall of Famer Edge thinks that Bruno Sammartino was the biggest WWE Superstar of all time, and he may not be too wrong:

"It feels like the end, the kind of end of an era in terms of, he's the biggest star of the WWF/WWE ever. I mean, you can say 'Stone Cold' [Steve Austin] and you can say [Hulk] Hogan, but if you're looking at MSG sellouts, if you're looking at… I mean, Bruno, man, was champ I think you're looking at, combined in two reigns, 11 years, like, 4,000 however many days. That doesn't happen nowadays."

Bruno Sammartino walked into WWE in 1963 and Vince McMahon Sr. immediately saw him as a top WWE Superstar. Sammartino became the World Heavyweight Champion and his first reign lasted 2,803 dats. That’s seven years, eight months, and one day, spanning from 1963 to 1971.

He became the World Heavyweight Champion a second time in 1973 and held the title for 1,237 days. His combined reigns 4,040 days which is almost double of Hulk Hogan’s 2,185 days as Champion in eight combined reigns.

Considering that WWE likes to mix things up nowadays and build new stars, this is one record that will never be broken as it would push the WWE Universe away from the product. Seeing the same WWE Superstar hold the title for that long in the modern era could end up taking all the excitement away from WWE.

#1 The Undertaker’s WWE WrestleMania Streak

There are many reasons why The Undertaker is one of the most important stars in WWE history, and his WrestleMania streak tops that list.

For 21 WrestleMania matches, The Deadman remained undefeated. Jimmy Snuka was his first victim at WrestleMania VII, and CM Punk at WrestleMania 29 was the last man to taste the Tombstone and take the pinfall at the hands of The Phenom during The Streak.


‘The Beast’ Brock Lesnar finally ended The Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania XXX, leaving the WWE Universe completely stunned. While the Undertaker did not think Lesnar was the right man to break his streak, he accepted what Vince McMahon had planned for the night:

"Obviously, in Vince's mindset, if it's not Brock, then who?" Calaway said. "My biggest concern was I just wanted to make sure that [McMahon] was sure and that's what he wanted to do. I didn't feel like Brock needed it. Brock was already a huge star, and it wasn't going to help him one way or another. My only concern was there might have been someone down the line that could have benefitted from it more and that probably would've been Roman later on.“

Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak is one record that we can’t imagine being broken by any WWE Superstar, and it will likely stay intact till the end of days.

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