AEW Dynamite Results: Huge brawl ends show, Jericho's next title challenger confirmed (October 9th, 2019)

This week's episode of AEW Dynamite ended in a massive brawl
This week's episode of AEW Dynamite ended in a massive brawl

This week's episode of AEW Dynamite was headlined by a tag-team match pitting Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara against Adam Page and Dustin Rhodes. We also saw Jon Moxley's in-ring Dynamite debut as well as the start of the AEW Tag-Team Tournament.

The Young Bucks vs Private Party (AEW Tag-Team Tournament quarter-final)

Private Party announced themselves
Private Party announced themselves

Nick Jackson and Isaiah Kassidy started off the first match of the AEW Tag-Team tournament. Both men skillfully avoided each other's offence until Matt Jackson came in and took control of the match for his team. The Bucks trade tags and work on Kassidy before going for a double suplex only for Kassidy to reverse it.

Quen hit an Asai moonsault out to ringside before tagging in Marq Quen who throws himself all across the ringside area, Quen then had Nick Jackson in the middle of the ring and hit a 450 Splash from the top rope for a nearfall.

The Bucks follow up with double superkicks to both men. Matt Jackson follows up with a sunset flip powerbomb to Isaiah Kassidy out at ringside on the entrance ramp. Nick Jackson then locked in a Sharpshooter but Quen managed to reach the ropes.

With Marq Quen isolated in the ring, The Bucks continued to dominate the match and work on Quen. The Bucks hit a Diamond Footstomp but even that wasn't enough to put Quen away.

Kassidy finally made his way back up to the apron just as Quen hit a double rolling kick to The Bucks to make the tag. Kassidy favours his back as he comes in, giving Matt Jackson the opening to hit a series of Northern Lights suplexes. He then locked in a Sharpshooter as Nick Jackson took Quen out with a Superkick.

Kassidy tried to crawl to the ropes but Nick Jackson hit him with a facebuster while he was still in the Sharpshooter. Kassidy still reached the ropes and Quen then tagged himself in.

They hit a double team on Nick Jackson before Quen hit a Shooting Star Press to Matt Jackson for another nearfall. The Bucks went to finish the match off with a Meltzer Driver but Marq Quen rolled up Matt Jackson to pick up the win for his team.

Results: Private Party def. The Young Bucks

Chris Jericho unveils the Inner Circle

Chris Jericho officially unveiled his new faction, the Inner Circle, on AEW Dynamite
Chris Jericho officially unveiled his new faction, the Inner Circle, on AEW Dynamite

Chris Jericho was out next with Sanatana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Jake Hager. Jericho says that it was because of him that last week's episode of AEW Dynamite was the highest-rated TNT premiere in years.

Jericho introduced the members of his new faction one by one. He started off with Sammu Guevara who he said was one of the most talented people of his age Jericho had ever seen. He then moved on to Santana and Ortiz who he described as a pair of pitbulls and street fighters. Last but not least was former WWE Superstar Jake Hager. Jericho threw shade at WWE creative for dropping the ball on Jake Hager after "We the people" chants broke out.

Jericho then unveiled the name of the new faction to be the "Inner Circle" and they added that they were ready to take over All Elite Wresting. The numbers game would prove advantageous to Jericho later on in the night although, it didn't all go his way in the massive tag-team main event.

Jimmy Havoc vs Darby Allin (winner gets an AEW World Championship shot next week)

We got a singles match between Jimmy Havoc and Darby Allin next with a shot at Chris Jericho's AEW World Championship on the line next week. Havoc described this as the biggest opportunity of his 15-year long career before the match began.

Havoc dominated the match early on and hit a devastating Falcon Arrow from the apron to the floor out at ringside. Back in the ring, we saw Jimmy Havoc bite Darby Allin and the referee wasn't happy with that. Havoc continued to control the match as he locked in a sleeper hold before suplexing Allin with the hold still locked in. The action spilled out to ringside as Havoc continued dishing out the punishment.

Back in the ring, Havoc had a rear chokehold locked in. Allin climbed to the top rope with Havoc still there and they both dropped to the mat. Havoc went to bite Allin again but got hit by a Tornado splash from the middle rope. Havoc replied with a spinning clothesline for a nearfall. The veteran followed up with a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckle for another nearfall.

Havoc continued to dish out the punishment with a Tiger Driver but Allin still managed to reach the ropes. Allin looked like deadweight as Havoc looked to set up for the Acid Rainmaker. It was Allin's turn to bite Havoc and he followed it up with a cutter. Allin quickly headed to the top rope and hit the Coffin Drop for the win.

Results: Darby Allin def. Jimmy Havoc

Bea Priestly and Emi Sakura vs Dr. Britt Baker and Riho

Britt Baker and Riho teamed up on Dynamite
Britt Baker and Riho teamed up on Dynamite

Riho and Emi Sakura started off the match by locking up. Sakura clearly had the power advantage as she dropped Riho to the mat and went for an early pin. Riho maneuvered out of the pin and hit a dropkick. Sakura continued to dominate after this and locked in a Romero Special before tagging in Bea Priestly who went straight after Dr. Britt Baker.

Priestly tossed Baker into the barricade at ringside. Baker replied with a Lou Thesz Press and followed up with right hands. Baker went for a suplex after this but Sakura intervened. Riho saw her partner in trouble and launched herself from the top rope, wiping everyone out.

Back in the ring, Priestly and Baker were the legal women but Sakura came in to turn the tide. Priestly and Baker traded punches in the middle of the ring. Baker hit Priestly with a DDT and went for the pin, only for Sakura to break it up.

Sakura tagged herself in as the legal woman after this and hit Baker with an impressive Vader Bomb. Baker kicked out of it and Riho came in to hit Sakura with a double stomp. Baker took this opening and hit Sakura with a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. Baker then locked in the Crossface with the Mandible Claw for the win.

Results: Dr. Britt Baker and Riho def. Bea Priestly and Emi Sakura

Shawn Spears vs Jon Moxley

Jon Moxley faced Shawn Spears
Jon Moxley faced Shawn Spears

Shawn Spears got the upper hand when the bell rang thanks to a distraction from Tully Blanchard. Jon Moxley bounced right back and dominated the early stages of the match, looking like a man possessed. Mox followed Spears out to ringside and booted him from the back before tossing him into the barricade.

Tully Blanchard got involved again but Spears couldn't make use of the distraction. Moxley tacked Spears into the barricade before tossing him back into the ring. As the referee had his back turned, Blanchard pushed Moxley into the steel steps creating another opening for Spears.

Spears headed back out to ringside and sent Moxley face-first into the steel steps. Moxley was then tossed into the barricade but beat the 10-count and got back into the ring just in time. Spears laid in the knife-edged chops and followed it up with a dropkick.

The action headed back out to ringside and Spears made the mistake of spitting water into Moxley's face. Spears locked in a single-leg Boston Crab inside the ring and followed it up with a suicide dive out to ringside. As Spears gloated in front of the fans, Moxley hit a suicide dive of his own.

Back in the ring, Moxley got a nearfall from a running knee strike. Spears was back on top soon after this but he just couldn't keep Moxley down. Moxley hit Spears with a headbutt before countering a Death Valley Driver attempt into a Paradigm Shift DDT to pick up the win.

Results: Jon Moxley def. Shawn Spears

Kenny Omega came out to confront Moxley after the match with a barbwire broom and a barbwire baseball bat. Moxley went out to ringside to meet Omega on the ramp. Omega tossed the baseball bat to Moxley.

PAC attacked Omega from behind with a steel chair before gesturing to Moxley to take advantage of the situation and walking away. In a sign of respect, Moxley tossed the bat away and made his way out.

Dustin Rhodes and Adam Page vs Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara

AEW Dynamite ended with a huge brawl
AEW Dynamite ended with a huge brawl

This match was all Dustin Rhodes and Adam Page in the beginning. Rhodes took the fight to Jericho at ringside before wiping out Guevara. After the action headed back into the ring, Page tagged in as the legal man and was all over Sammy Guevara. Both men continued trading tags and punishing Guevara. They followed it with a series of tandem offense capped off by a running moonsault from the Hangman. Jericho broke up the ensuing cover.

Page headed to the top rope after this and a distraction from Jericho gave Guevara the opening he needed. Guevara and Jericho continued punishing Page during the commercial break. Jericho tagged himself in and hit Page with a suplex before taunting Dustin Rhodes. Jericho then draped his knee across the back of Page's neck against the middle rope. Jericho went for a running strike but Page dodged it.

Guevara tagged himself in and took out Rhodes before Page could get a tag in. He then turned to Page but was hit by a suplex. Jericho quickly tagged himself in and prevented Page from making the tag before slapping the Hangman across the face. The AEW World Champion then went for his patented Lionsault but Page got the knees up. Jericho tagged Guevara in as Page tried to crawl to his corner. This time page wiped Guevara out with a Discus Clothesline and tagged in Dustin Rhodes.

Rhodes came in hot and was all over Guevara, Jericho tried to intervene and got an Atomic Bomb for his troubles. Rhodes then flew off the top rope, taking out Guevara and Jericho with a diving crossbody. Page wiped out Guevara at ringside with a moonsault but he himself almost got beheaded by a clothesline from Jake Hager, who was at ringside.

Rhodes had Jericho trapped in the corner in a vulnerable position and Hager made his presence felt again. As Sammy Guevara had the referee distracted, Hager took out Rhodes with a clothesline. Jericho then hit the Judas Effect to pick up the win for his team.

Results: Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara def. Dustin Rhodes and Adam Page

Jericho and Guevara continued beating down Dustin Rhodes after the match as Hager and Page brawled to the back. Cody appeared in the ring after the lights went out and took out Guevara with the Cross Rhodes. As Cody went for Jericho, Santana and Ortiz came out from the back and attacked Cody,

MJF came out with from the back with a steel chair and tried to drive off the Inner Circle. He was almost successful but Jericho hit him with a Cross Rhodes.

The Bucks came out to even the odds before Jericho's opponent from next week, Darby Allin, came out and attacked Jericho.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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