AEW Revolution Results: Massive title change, Cody gets a nasty shock

We have a new AEW World Champion
We have a new AEW World Champion

AEW Revolution was another fantastic PPV. There were three title matches on the card including the AEW World Championship match between Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley. The card also had the massive grudge match between Cody and MJF. We also had Jake Hager in his in-ring AEW debut as he faced Dustin Rhodes. Another hotly anticipated match on the night saw Orange Cassidy in his first singles match in All Elite Wrestling as he faced PAC.

Without further delay, let's head straight to the results.

ALSO READ: Top AEW star hints that Edge returned to WWE because of All Elite Wrestling

PRE-SHOW Results

The Dark Order vs SCU

The pre-show saw The Dark Order beat SCU with a roll up. Colt Cabana showed up after the match to help SCU during the post-match beatdown.

The Dark Order def. SCU


Jake Hager vs Dustin Rhodes

Jake Hager made his in-ring debut to kick off Revolution as he squared off against Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes was in no mood to play and was all over his younger opponent in the opening stages of the match, going after Hager's arm.

The action spilled out to ringside and Hager planted Rhodes with a slam on the apron. Hager dominated the match for the next few minutes until Rhodes set him up in the corner for the Shattered Dreams.

The referee stopped Rhodes but he followed up with a modified Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. Rhodes followed up with an armbreaker but Hager reversed it into an ankle lock. Rhodes managed to free himself of the hold but Hager hit him with a low blow while the referee's back was turned. Hager then locked in a sleeper hold and put Rhodes to sleep to win the match.

Jake Hager def. Dustin Rhodes

Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara

Darby Allin didn't wait for the referee to ring the bell and he hit Guevara with a suicide dive as soon as he got into the ring. They continued at ringside as both men got flung into the barricade in turn.

Darby Allin placed Guevara on the barricade and got back into the ring to hit another suicide dive, Guevara replied by throwing Allin's skateboard into his face. Guevara then set Allin up on a table at ringside and headed to the top turnbuckle and hit a 450 Splash.

The match officially started after Darby finally crawled into the ring. Guevara immediately caught him with a running knee for a nearfall. Allin replied with a modified chicken-wing submission hold, buying himself some time. Guevara brought the skateboard back into the ring but Allin caught him with a running Canadian Destroyer.

Guevara and Allin were both on the top turnbuckle after this. Guevara almost lost his footing but regained his balance and hit a top rope Spanish Fly for a nearfall. Allin hit back with his patented stunner before heading to the top rope and nailing the Coffin Drop for the win.

Darby Allin def. Sammy Guevara

Jake Hager came out to safely take Sammy Guevara to the back before Darby Allin could do any more damage.

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page (C) vs The Young Bucks (for the AEW Tag-Team Championships)

Things have been tense between The Bucks and Hangman Page in the run-up to this match, to say the least. Things got heated early between Page and Matt Jackson after Page spit in the latter's face. At one point it looked like Page was about to hit Matt Jackson with a move at ringside but Omega stopped him and rolled Matt into the ring.

Omega and Page were in control until Nick Jackson tagged himself in. He went after both Page and Omega, hitting an Escalera into a hurracanrana followed by a moonsault out to ringside. Jackson went back into the ring and locked in a Sharpshooter on Page with Omega breaking it up.

Matt Jackson tagged himself in at this point. Omega went for a tag but Nick Jackson pulled Page off the apron right in time. Matt followed up with a piledriver to Omega for a nearfall. Page finally tagged in and came in off the hot tag, clearing house.

Omega and Page were in total control at this point. Page hit a moonsault off the top rope before Omega and Page continued to isolate Matt Jackson.

Nick Jackson tagged in and went to hit Page with an Escalera. Page pushed him off the top rope but Nick landed on his feet and followed it up wit ha springboard Destroyer for another nearfall.

The Bucks had Page isolated in the ring after this but the big man fought off both men to take control. Page locked in a sleepr hold but Nick Jackson broke it up with a 450 Splash. Page and Omega followed it u with some amazing tandem offence but even this couldn't finish off The Bucks.

Kenny Omega followed it up with a series of Dragon Suplexes followed by a Tiger Driver to Nick Jackson but once again, it wasn't enough.

Matt Jackson hit Hangman Page with a series of suplexes on the entrance ramp. The Bucks then hit Page with the Indy Taker on the entrance ramp. They then turned their focus on Kenny Omega. The hit him with Multiple Superkicks and the Golden Trigger but he still kicked out at 1.

The Bucks then set up for an Indytaker on Omega but Page pulled Nick Jackson out of midair and hit him with a powerbomb. Omega and Page followed it up with a V-Trigger-Buckshot combo Matt Jackson but it was another nearfall. Page then hit Matt Jackson with his version of the One Winged Angel but Nick Jackson broke up the count.

Page was visibly livid and took Nick Jackson out with a Buckshot Lariat before following up with a second to Nick Jackson. Page went for the cover and this time it was enough to finish the match.

Hangman Page and Kenny Omega def. The Young Bucks

Nyla Rose (C) vs Kris Statlander (for the AEW Women's Championship)

Nyla Rose dominated Kris Statlander early on, using her size and strength to take control. She hit an early spear through the middle rope and followed it up with a series of lariats. Statlander hit back with elbow strikes and an enzuigiri, taking the champ down and forcing her to roll out of the ring. The challenger followed it up with a couple of tope suicidas before dragging Rose back into the ring.

The duo went back and forth but Nyla Rose didn't really look to be in any danger at any point. She hit Rose with a powerbomb for a nearfall before heading to the top rope.

Nyla Rose caught Kris Statlander in a precarious position on the top turnbuckle. Rose hit Statlander with a nasty looking powerbomb from the top rope to get the 3-count and win the match. Another dominant performance from the women's champion, Nyla Rose.

Nyla Rose def. Kris Statlander

Who could Nyla Rose's next challenger in AEW be? Sound off in the comments section.

Cody vs MJF

Cody forced MJF to roll out of the ring early and he considered leaving the arena for a few seconds. MJF finally got back in the ring and it was all Cody after this as he manhandled his younger opponent.

Brandi Rhodes got into Wardlow's face at ringside and threw beer at him. Wardlow tried to follow her but Cody took him out with a suicide dive.

MJF finally took got into the match fo the first time as we took control and worked on Cody's arm. He then locked in a submission hold but Cody somehow crawled to the ropes. MJF then took off Cody's book to go after his injured toe.

Wardlow tried to get involved as Cody took back control but Arn Anderson threatened him with a steel chair. At this point, we saw that MJF was busted open. Wardlow tried to get involved again and Brandi Rhodes tried to wipe him out with a crossbody from the apron. Wardlow caught her in midair but Arn pulled her down. Cody went to boot Wardlow but caught Arn by mistake. MJF used this distraction to low blow Cody.

Both men barely beat the 10-count and traded strikes inside the ring after this. MJF hit Cody with a Double Cross for a nearfall. Cody hit back with his weight belt, lashing MJF across the back twice.

MJF crawled to Cody's feet and it looked like he would beg Cody for forgiveness but he ended up spitting in Cody's face. Cody followed it up with the Cross Rhodes. He went for a second but MJF caught him in the face with the Dynamite Diamond Ring to pin Cody to the shock of almost everyone in attendance.

MJF def. Cody

PAC vs Orange Cassidy

Orange Cassidy showed what he can do in the first couple of minutes of the match, avoiding PAC's offense and taking him down repeatedly to the delight of the fans in the arena. Cassidy even got a 2-count of a pinning attempt but PAC firmly took control of the match after that.

Out at ringside, PAC sent Orange Cassidy head-first into the ring post. Back in the ring, he hit Cassidy with a series of nasty kicks followed by a powerbomb for a 2-count. PAC then took Cassidy to the top turnbuckle and hit hi with a top rope Brainbuster. PAC went for the cover but pulled Cassidy's head up after 2, intent on more punishment.

PAC went for a Black Arrow and Cassidy rolled out of the ring to the delight of fans. PAC rolled Cassidy back into the ring but Cassidy rolled out again. When Cassidy tried it a third time, PAC stopped him.

Cassidy did a kip-up and got back to his feet and hit PAC with a suicide dive. After rolling PAC back in the ring, he hit PAC with a spinning DDT.

After more dominance from PAC, Cassidy hit a Stundog Millionaire followed by a DDT from the top rope. Cassidy then leapt off and hit a second DDT from the top rope. PAC tried to roll out of the ring but Trent threw him back in.

The Lucha Bros came out at this point and attacked Trent. Chuckie T met them and they brawled to the back. PAC used this distraction to lock in the Brutalizer for the win.

PAC def. Orange Cassidy

Chris Jericho (C) vs Jon Moxley (for the AEW World Championship)

Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley went right after each other as soon as the bell rang. In seconds, the match spilled out to ringside and the two men brawled through the crowd. As the came back to the ringside area, Moxley took the barricade and smashed it into Moxley's back. Moxey replied by biting into Jericho's stitches. Moxley was then sent face-first into the ring post.

Jericho continued his domination after this despite a brief flurry of chops from the challenger. The champ threw Moxley out of the ring and distracted the referee which Santana and Ortiz unloaded at ringside.

Moxley finally took back control of the match by countering the Liontamer into a leglock, forcing Jericho to crawl for the ropes and roll out of the ring. Moxley hit him with a suicide dive and rolled him back in. Santana tried to get involved and Moxley knocked him off the apron. With the referee distracted. Ortiz hit Moxley with the loaded sock. Jericho followed up with the Lionsault for a nearfall.

Moxley then locked in a Liontamer of his own in the middle of the ring. It looked like Jericho could be forced to tap but Jake Hager ran out at this point forcing Moxley to break the hold. Jericho took advantage and locked in the Liontamer. Moxley reached the ropes and a frustrated Jericho took it out on the referee, Aubrey Edwards.

Hager tried to get involved again and the referee saw it this time, ejecting the Inner Circle members from ringside. Sammy Guevara ran in through the crowd while the referee was busy, hit Moxley with the title belt. Moxley kicked out again and Jericho went after Moxley's good eye.

It turned out that Moxley was playing possum the whole time. He caught Chris Jericho off-guard and nailed him with the Paradigm Shift to pin Jericho and win the AEW World Championship.

Jon Moxley def. Chris Jericho

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