Best and worst of the first AEW Dynamite of 2020: WCW icon helps Cody win, Major technical botches

This week's episode had a lot more good than bad
This week's episode had a lot more good than bad

There was a lot about this week's episode of AEW Dynamite that was good. I thought it was a great way to start the year and the focus on a clean slate, that JR and Excalibur stressed upon was felt quite intensely beyond pro wrestling storylines.

Even though AEW had started with a lot of momentum, by the time the weekly shows kicked in a lot of flaws in their game were exposed. I think the best thing about All Elite Wrestling is that they took stock of what the internet was saying and changed up their game, which reflected on this week's show in a big manner.

That said, there are so many little things that AEW needs to iron out before it's even in the same ballpark as WWE, in my personal opinion. There are so many things about WWE that we take for granted and we see AEW falter in that regard.

In any case, here's my best and worst of AEW Dynamite.

#1 Best: MJF's crowd control

MJF is such a master of the microphone that it is easy to forget how young the man is. Not only did he list off all of the stipulations for his match against Cody in a very entertaining manner, but he also insulted the crowd in attendance while doing the same.

I find it very interesting that the upcoming match between Cody Rhodes and Wardlow will be inside a steel cage. I mean the situation right now is that Cody Rhodes has to accept the match, but when has a match ever been teased with the top babyface of the company turning it down thereafter?

The Cody vs. MJF rivalry is the coolest thing in AEW at this time, and I'm very curious to see where it leads.

#1 Worst: Terrible audio issues

Like I said at the very start of this article, most pro wrestling fans are used to the WWE product. And WWE operates at such a high level from a technical standpoint that we take many things for granted.

So many interesting backstage segments in AEW Dynamite this week were ruined because of poor audio issues. And this is coming from someone who turned the volume all the way up to follow exactly what was being said on screen.

If AEW has to be seen as the 'alternative', it really needs to step up its game from a technical standpoint because these things affect the audience's experience in a major way. It was especially bad in the segment between Private Party and Hangman Page which was almost inaudible.

AEW is obviously not lacking in the money department so what they can do is invest in good people with technical know-how.

#2 Best: Arn Anderson helps Cody pick up a win

I really like the Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson pairing because of how the opening match played out. Darby Allin took Cody Rhodes to the limit wrestling in the daredevil style that we've all come to know and love in AEW. But it was the experience of Arn Anderson that got Cody Rhodes to get his feet up on time so that he could sneak out with a victory.

It's very interesting that Arn Anderson will be Cody Rhodes' cornerman against MJF in the upcoming feud because I'm sure that he will be the critical factor that helps Cody Rhodes navigate the hurdles that MJF throws in his path. Sure, you may choose to align yourself with the sheer brute of the man that is Wardlow, but at the same time, Arn Anderson's brains and experience surely have no equal.

#2 Worst: Keeping the title on Riho

There are only so many women in the AEW Women's Division and Riho's been the face of the division since the very start. Of course, she's amazing at what she does, but from the looks of it, the plan is for her to tussle with Britt Baker once again. I'm not really sure that the feud is all that exciting.

The match that took place on this week's show was one of the better women's contests that AEW has had since the division actually began. But the fact that we saw a promo after the match where Britt Baker basically confronted Riho, essentially extending their feud is one that left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Baker was the weakest of the four women in this week's contest. Maybe bringing Awesome Kong into the title picture could freshen things up for All Elite Wrestling. Bear in mind that this match wasn't even scheduled to happen, but because Kris Statlander was double-booked, this was a last-minute amendment to the card.

#3 Best: Page refuses to join The Elite in celebration

I really loved the main event of the evening, even though there wasn't a storyline reason for the match to take place. Omega and The Young Bucks tussled with PAC and the Lucha Brothers, and anytime a match of this nature happens, you know that the outcome is guaranteed to be explosive.

What really caught my attention was the fact that Hangman Page did not join the Bucks and Kenny Omega in celebration at the end of the match, signaling a potential heel turn. I really do think that because his style isn't necessarily the most flamboyant in The Elite, chances are that he can work fantastically as a heel and still get over with the audience with great matches. He will likely get to work against his best friends with this storyline, and that's always a good thing.

#3 Best/Worst: Chris Jericho's offer

I quite liked the fact that Chris Jericho threw in a luxury fancy car in addition to 49% stakes in The Inner Circle to Moxley. As ridiculous as it sounds, Jericho's delivery was great as always and I was hooked when the segment was happening.

But honestly, I wish Jericho were around in person in this episode just so that the stakes for this segment would have been higher. As great as Sammy Guevara is as a heel, he just doesn't have the same presence as Jericho does, and Le Champion's absence was really felt by everyone in attendance in the arena.

But more importantly, everyone who's watched any amount of pro wrestling in their lives knows that Jon Moxley will not accept The Inner Circle's offer and hence, delaying the outcome by yet another week is just a colossal waste of everyone's time, in my personal opinion.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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