Future Endeavored: 10 WWE Superstars that could be gone by the end of 2018

Is Lana looking to move on from WWE?

Each year we see what has become notoriously known as WWE's version of Black Friday. During this time, we see several WWE Superstars released from their respective contracts. Sometimes these cuts are blatantly expected, while others come as a complete shock. For instance; Just a couple of years ago, we watched in utter surprise as Superstars such as Damien Sandow and Wade Barrett were let-go. Then we see the ones that come as little-to-no surprise such as recently when James Ellsworth was sent packing.

Needless to say, these cuts are just a part of the process and something that all WWE Superstars will always have to be conscious about. With that said, it's that time once again that more and more names are being rumored to be either in danger of being released or maybe they actually want to be let go and freed from their contract for one reason or another. Regardless, it is and always will be the nature of the business and simply one of the ugly realities of sports entertainment.

Here's an in-depth look at 10 WWE Superstars who could very well be gone by the end of 2018.

#10 Rusev & Lana

This power couple could be headed down a different career path.

There are some fans who would suggest that Rusev should have been a top-tier champion at this point in his career. There are others who feel quite the contrary. Nevertheless, Rusev has spent the majority of his respective career somewhere in the "tweener" category.

As far as Lana, there was a lot of hype surrounding her singles run, which subsequently flaked out like a bad dream. In fact, not much has been seen or heard from The Ravishing Russian since her participation in the Fatal 5-Way Elimination match at Battleground, which was back in July.

For the past few months, there have been rumors that suggest Rusev, nor Lana are happy with their current status. With that in mind, rumors are often just that...rumors. However, sometimes there is indeed fire where there is enough smoke. While both have been very private and have not given us much to consider when it comes to whether or not they are happy with the company, there have been several social media posts, primarily on Twitter, which could be construed as an unhappy tenure.

With all things considered, I would not be surprised to see a mutual parting of the ways at some point in 2018. Personally, I would love for this prediction to be debunked because I am actually a fan of the Bulgarian Brute, but I guess time will give the ultimate verdict.

#9 Curt Hawkins

Curt Hawkins has a huge indie following.

For the past dozen or so years, Curt Hawkins has been a quick go-to for fill-in talent for WWE officials. Hawkins is someone who has good ring presence and the capability to fit into any situation or role. In his current situation, Curt has been called upon to help get others over.

In recent weeks, it seems as if Hawkins has not been needed as much as he once was. With this in mind, cutting Curt Hawkins could be a quick way to free up some valuable salary space.

to worry, though, Curt will land on his feet just fine. In fact, Curt Hawkins currently operates his wrestling school in New York, which is called "Create a Pro Wrestling Academy."

#8 The Colons(Primo & Epico)

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Where is El Torito when you need him?!?!

Despite multiple attempts at repackaging and rebranding, it just seems as if The Colon boys cannot link things up correctly. These guys have a strong family wrestling background, but it does not always equate to success in their own respect. Primo and Epico have been through the creative merry-go-round but cannot seem to find something worth sticking with.

At the end of the day, these guys just don't have that "it factor" which is mentioned so much when referring to top-tier superstars. While a trip back to NXT may very well be an option, I predict we've seen nearly all we will see of these guys. Impact Wrestling could potentially be a better playground for the Colons.

#7 Cruiserweight Division(multiple superstars)


r205 is LIVE.....but not necessarily ALIVE.

When news broke about the return of the Cruiserweight Championship, which ultimately led to the upstart division we now know as 205 Live, I was cautiously hopeful. I'll be the first to admit that I was a huge mark for the old glory days of the WCW Cruiserweight Division, but I was not sure how a segregated brand would sustain long-term or even short-term success for that matter.

WWE went after some pretty stout names to help beef up the cruiserweight division. Names like Drew Gulak, Tony Nese, Noam Dar and THE Brian Kendrick were just a few that would help get this thing up and running. Unfortunately, the hype was just that...hype!

Enough time has now passed. If this was going to be a success, we would have seen some signs of hope by now. Unfortunately, it's just not there. I don't believe the entire division will be sent packing, but I do see several of these guys taking a walk. When it's all said and done, the guys of 205, rather those who survive the cuts, they will be merged into normal, main roster action. Some will likely also be sent to Orlando to join the Yellow Squad of NXT.

#6 Mojo Rawley

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Why did he even make it to the main roster?

There is no denying whatsoever that Mojo Rawley is passionate about professional wrestling. In fact, Mojo is probably one of those guys that you would likely be a blast to hang out with on a Friday night. Unfortunately for this Hype Bro, fans are not interested in who does the most keg-stands on their nights off.

Mojo is 6'4" and just a cupcake shy of 300 pounds. With that frame, he should be built like a monster. Instead, Rawley has been rocking the "dad-bod" since he signed his contract. Simply put, it just makes him look like he's not really committed. If he can't commit to at least looking the part....he'll never be able to act the part.

#5 Kane

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Kane looks to shift his focus from destruction to public service.

For nearly three decades, the big red monster we now know as Kane has been entertaining crowds far and wide. From his early days as Angus King, all the way through the current era, Kane has been one of the most captivating and revered WWE Superstars not only of his time but of all-time.

Kane is one of those unique talents that has been able to remain not only active but relevant. Even today, at 50 years young, Kane is always ready for action.

Now with so many years under his belt, combined with a laundry list of championship victories, what else is there left to prove? Kane has a new direction in life, which includes public service at one of East Tennessee's highest offices. Stepping away from his WWE career will help in the transition from the in-ring monster, to a mayoral candidate for the college town of Knoxville.

#4 Aiden English

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The distinguished gentleman could be gone sooner than later.

Aiden English came to the company with very little outside independent experience, but he seemed to catch onto the "WWE way" of doing things relatively well. Once he was teamed up with Simon Gotch, the duo became the extremely interesting duo known as The Vaudevillains. While in NXT, The 'Villains went on a pretty successful run before being called up to the main roster as a part of the brand extension when they were drafted by the Smackdown Live brand.

Things appeared to be going better than ever for Gotch and English. Unfortunately, something happened along the way and suddenly Gotch was released from his WWE contract, leaving English alone for the first time in his WWE tenure.

Since making the change to singles competition, Aiden English has tried to find his place, but it's just not working. With that said, it is very likely that we could see English receiving his walking papers the next time WWE officials make the decision to trim the fat.

#3 Mark Henry

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The Worlds Strongest Man has left to prove.

I was one of those people who was always impressed by Mark Henry's size and power, but I was never much of a fan, or at least I wasn't until impromptu meeting with The Worlds Strongest man in late 2007.

I was in Tampa visiting friends and I heard that WWE was in town for a Smackdown taping. After finding some tickets the day before the event, I went to check into a hotel in beautiful downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. After going up to my room, I then decided to go find some food and as I got onto the elevator, I noticed this gigantic substance of a human and quickly realized it was, in fact, Mark Henry. At first, I was quiet because I have always heard horror stories about how rude Mark supposedly was to fans. But after a small amount of small-talk, I quickly learned that Mark Henry was a gentle giant. In fact, he ended up at the same restaurant that we went to. Needless to say, I instantly became a big fan of the misunderstood giant.

Mark Henry has had a long run as a WWE Superstar. While he has never been on top for an extended amount of time, he has certainly enjoyed periods of super-stardom at the top of the WWE food chain. Unfortunately for Mark, though, injuries have also plagued him at some of the most inopportune times.

Mark turned 46 years old in 2017 and after 21 years of in-ring action, its become increasingly apparent that the years and bumps have taken their toll. With that said, Mark has nothing left to prove. He has had what this writer would consider a Hall of Fame career, which is probably coming to an end very soon. Mark has made it clear that he wants an opportunity to help with the young stars in NXT, as well as the rookies as they come in. Personally, I cannot think of anyone more qualified for the job.

#2 Big Show

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For over 2 decades Big Show has entertained millions.

For over 22 years The Big Show has been amazing crowds with his size, power and his overall knowledge of the business. Big Show has been a consistent source of go-to quality work when needed. However, much like Mark Henry, the years and the slams have taken their toll on The Worlds Biggest Athlete.

The Big Show has excelled everywhere he's been and he has been a part of some magical, historical moments in professional wrestling history.

Not only is Big Show getting older, but the current landscape has changed as well. No longer is the sport dominated but instead, the younger, leaner high-flyers are coming and taking over...at least for now anyhow.

The Big Show can easily be a part of the business long after he's done with his time as an active WWE Superstar. He too could participate in the coaching and training process at the WWE Performance Center.

#1 Brock Lesnar

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The Beast Incarnate could be nearing the end....

Some of you may be looking at this final pick and shaking your head in disbelief, but before you think the writer has completely lost it, consider all that Brock Lesnar has accomplished, then consider his overall attitude towards the industry as a whole. It's no secret that Lesnar is in it for nothing more than a big payday from time-to-time, which he deserves. However, it has come to the point where we need to start thinking about life after the "feature attraction."

Lesnar has made it clear that he still has a desire to get back into the octagon and potentially fight for an MMA title. At 40 years old, Brock will need to pick a side sooner, rather than later and as valuable as he is to the sport of professional wrestling, his heart is in the cage. Don't be the least bit surprised if we see the beginning of the Brock Lesnar going away tour starting soon at a city near you.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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