"Two of my role models" - Current AEW champion names Sasha Banks and Bayley as influences

Sasha Banks and Bayley
Sasha Banks and Bayley

Current AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker recently named Sasha Banks and Bayley as two of her biggest role models while she was training to become a wrestler.

Britt Baker recently spoke to Fandom Spotlite at the Steel City Con 2021. During the panel, Baker opened up about her influences while she was training to become a pro wrestler. The AEW star named WWE stars Sasha Banks and Bayley as her biggest inspirations (H/T: Post Wrestling):

"Probably Bayley or Sasha [Banks]. It’d have to be one of them because those are two of my role models that I watched when I was first training to be a wrestler, so that’s something — but I mean that’s five years ago so that’s when I was training, they were main-eventing NXT TakeOver so that was when the tides were turning, they kind of paved the wave for my generation of wrestling even though they’re still my generation, they came before me."


Britt Baker on having 87 thumbtacks being taken out after Thunder Rosa match on AEW Dynamite

Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa main-evented an episode of AEW Dynamite earlier this year in an unsanctioned match. We saw a number of weapons being used, including tables, ladders and thumbtacks.

Britt Baker spoke about how the hard-hitting match had an effect on her and how much pain she was in after the match. The current AEW Women's Champion also revealed how she had 87 thumbtacks removed from her body after the match (H/T: Post Wrestling):

"Oh my God, I go to the gym religiously every day. I didn’t go to the gym for a week, did not even walk on the treadmill, nothing. I just laid around for a week because I was in so much pain. I did go to work though. I went to the dental office three days after and I had thumbtack pinpoint holes down all my arms and everyone’s like, ‘What happened? Like why do you have holes all over you?’ So that was an interesting conversation. ‘Well there was these thumbtacks?’ ‘Like what do you mean thumbtacks? What are you doing with thumbtacks?’ 87 [thumbtacks had to be taken out]."

Britt Baker is currently in a feud with former AEW Women's Champion Nyla Rose.

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