WWE lawyer responds to MLW anti-trust lawsuit

MLW recently filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon's company
MLW recently filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon's company

WWE legal counsel Jerry McDevitt responded to Major League Wrestling's (MLW) anti-trust lawsuit against Vince McMahon's company.

The latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter relayed attorney Jerry McDevitt's response to the lawsuit. The lawyer said that his company wasn't served and that MLW should take up the issue with the streaming channel instead.

He even took a cheeky dig at their viewership numbers towards the end of his response:

"I have not seen the full lawsuit since WWE has not been served. If Tubi breached, then sue Tubi. As to Vice, WWE has no commercial relationship with them or for that matter any of the other dozens of content distribution entities with whom MLW could do a deal with if they had a commercially viable product. They put a show on Vice, if my memory serves me correctly after one of the Dark Side shows and lost most of the audience. I think I read they got 40,000 viewers. No wonder Vice did no further deal," said McDevitt.

MLW confirmed last week that they are suing the pro-wrestling giant for allegedly interfering in the promotion's potential deal with Vice TV and the Tubi streaming service. Court Bauer accused the Vince McMahon-run promotion of jeopardizing his company's agreement with broadcasting partners.

Details of MLW's lawsuit against WWE

Court Bauer's statement claimed that Vince McMahon's company has been depriving its competitors of critical opportunities for "many years." He further insisted that the rest of the pro-wrestling world should come together to end this "anti-competitive" behavior.

The lawsuit states that WWE programs have lost their popularity in the last five years due to "inferior content," among other things. Thus, it targeted MLW with "unlawful predatory conduct" that included airing without authority MLW wrestling footage, persuading wrestlers under exclusive contracts with MLW to terminate those contracts, and encouraging MLW wrestlers to breach their contracts with MLW by disclosing MLW's confidential and proprietary business information.

MLW further claimed that they reached an agreement with Vice TV in May for older content and that the two parties were negotiating for new shows. However, this reportedly didn't sit well with Vince McMahon.

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