Ranking the Superstars Most Likely to Win the Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

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Not-so-glorious on the main roster

One of the most exciting PPVs is just two weeks away and the participants in the ladder match have the potential to make this match one of the best in history. A star-studded match, likely to have a direct influence of WWE booking moving forward, the Money in the Bank ladder match, not only has the potential to shorten careers, it can also make or break a Superstar.

With the exception of perhaps Bobby Roode, each of the other Superstars seems likely to either hold WWE's top prize or has already held it in the past. However, there can only be one winner and for that one person, becoming WWE or Universal Champion will become an eventuality.

Some Superstars are more likely to achieve victory than others. For the seven other men in the match, it's probably not their time yet, or their time has passed. Here is our ranking of each Superstar's likelihood of winning the Men's MITB ladder match, starting with the least likely.

#8 Bobby Roode

The Glorious One had a great heel-run on NXT, playing a guy you really could not like. However, ever since he debuted on the main roster, he has inexplicably been playing the role of a face. Roode is naturally suited to playing a heel and his discomfort as a face is readily apparent. WWE Creative has not really done him any favors, as they haven't given him a proper character to work with and his entrance theme remains the most memorable thing about him at this point.

He was given a brief run with the United States Championship when he was on Smackdown Live, before losing it to Orton and ending his relatively unmemorable reign at 54 days. He entered a short feud with Elias before qualifying for the Money in the Bank ladder match by beating No Way Jose and Baron Corbin in a triple-threat match.

Roode has little to no momentum on his side right now and the WWE Creative has not truly understood what made his character so appealing on NXT. Roode is likely to stay in the mid card for the foreseeable future unless there is a character change on the horizon. Till then, he remains the least likely Superstar to win the Money in the Bank briefcase.


#7 Rusev

Why does WWE still portray Rusev as a heel?
Why does WWE still portray Rusev as a heel?

In an ideal world, Rusev would be much higher on this list. He has gotten himself over with the WWE Universe in a way that hasn't been seen since Daniel Bryan's fantastic run from Summerslam to Wrestlemania 30.

Since his appearance on the main roster, Rusev has turned everything the WWE has given him into gold. He's entertaining on the mic and in the ring and is built like a beast. Chants of 'Rusev Day' fill every arena he steps foot in, but WWE still don't seem to realize how big a superstar they have on their hands. Rusev is still portrayed as a heel on WWE programming and WWE's booking of him doesn't suggest he is a serious contender to win the Money in the Bank ladder match. His win over Daniel Bryan to qualify for the match seemed like a step in the right direction, but that has ultimately amounted to nothing.

It's really a shame Rusev is not one of the top contenders to win the briefcase, but hopefully, next year may be his year.


#6 Braun Strowman

Does he really need to win the briefcase?
Does he really need to win the briefcase?

Braun Strowman is just one of those guys who will remain over with the WWE Universe. His massive size, insane feats of strength and sheer entertainment value ensure he will remain at the forefront of WWE's booking.

He isn't one of the front-runners for the briefcase, because he doesn't need the briefcase to ascend to the top of the mountain because he's already there. The briefcase can be used to build a star up and the Monster Among Men doesn't need it to be a dangerous challenger to the reigning Universal Champion at any point in time.

Strowman has the potential to be one of the most credible WWE champions of all time, but he doesn't need the briefcase to get there.


#5 Kevin Owens

He will be on top of the mountain again, just not right now
He will be on top of the mountain again, just not right now

Kevin Owens never got a rematch after he lost the Universal Championship (much like another Superstar on this list). KO has been consistently involved in storylines that have featured him prominently on WWE programming and his recent 5-year deal is an indication of how important he is to the company.

Having said that, Owens' chances of winning the Money in the Bank ladder match are not that high as there are other Superstars who need the briefcase more than he does right now. He will continue to be featured prominently and will most probably be a champion in WWE again sooner rather than later, but the odds of that journey starting at Money in the Bank are slim.


#4 The New Day (Big E)

A future WWE Champion?
A future WWE Champion?

The New Day has not declared which member will be entering the Money in the Bank ladder match. However, if the rumor mill is to be believed, Big E is in line for a big push as a single's competitor and is a strong bet to enter the match. So for the purposes of this article, let us assume that Big E will be entering the match on June 17th.

If Big E is going to be pushed by WWE Officials, then having him win the Money in the Bank briefcase makes sense, as the briefcase has often been used to establish single's stars before their eventual cash-in. Big E has a very high ceiling and his journey to the top could begin as early as June 17th, however, there are three superstars than rank above him and should arguably win the briefcase instead of him.


#3 Samoa Joe

Will MITB be his moment?
Will MITB be his moment?

If Samoa Joe does not win the WWE or Universal Championship at some point in his career, it will be a travesty. He is fantastic on the mic, understands in-ring psychology and can thrive against a variety of opponents.

Samoa Joe is one of the favorites to win the briefcase and understandably so, as he is currently one of the best things on Smackdown Live. It could be argued that Joe does not need the briefcase to be a credible threat to the champion, but Joe's character is one that uses his vast experience to find ways to win, no matter how. This was apparent when he waited for the right moment to swoop in and apply the Coquina Clutch on Daniel Bryan to book his ticket to Money in the Bank. With the briefcase by his side, Joe could become a bigger threat than he already is, but there are still two superstars that rank above Joe and are more likely to win the briefcase.


#2 Finn Balor

Balor with the championship he never lost
Balor with the championship he never lost

Finn Balor has been grossly underutilized for the past few months. He is also the second superstar on this list to have never gotten his rematch for the Universal Championship. Balor arguably needs the briefcase the most to become more relevant in WWE programming and have the spotlight he deserves.

Balor can be at the forefront of WWE programming as a constant threat to the champion and his eventual cash-in would be electric as he remains a massive fan-favorite. Balor deserves another shot at the championship he never lost and his journey towards reclaiming his lost title could begin at Money in the Bank.

The only problem is, there is a certain A-lister that ranks above Balor and is the favorite to win the MITB briefcase.


#1 The Miz

The Miz will become a 2-time MITB briefcase winner on June 17th
The Miz will become a 2-time MITB briefcase winner on June 17th

The Miz can be considered one of the most valuable Superstars on WWE's roster today. He has greatly improved his in-ring performance and he remains superlative on the mic. Over the last year or so he has established himself as the best part of Raw and Smackdown Live and has been the cornerstone of WWE programming on multiple occasions. There have been times when he has shined bright enough to cover the cracks in WWE programming and he has managed to bring back prestige to the Intercontinental Championship.

The Miz may not necessarily need this win, but he deserves it. His last run with the briefcase and as WWE Champion resulted in him being shunted to the side in favor of bigger stars. It ultimately did more harm than good to him. However, this is not the same man that won the briefcase back in 2010, he is better in every way today and should get another run with the top prize in WWE.

Also, the prospect of a possible feud between Daniel Bryan and the Miz for the WWE Championship is not something WWE can miss out on.

Who do you think should win the Men's Money in the Bank ladder match? Share your views in the comments below!


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