SmackDown Review - November 29, 2013


SmackDown on Friday was preceded by Survivor Series, and it further developed the new angle of CM Punk being attacked by the Shield. In addition, the tag team titles were on the line as Cody Rhodes and Goldust competed against the Shield. However, a match that initially was supposed to involved four men, ended up involving 12.

Match One: Mark Henry (with Big E. Langston) vs. Curtis Axel


Axel kicks and strikes Henry to no avail. Henry rams him in the corner and hits a body avalanche.

Ryback runs down and attacks Langston on the outside. The distraction allows Axel to hit some offense. He attacks Henry’s leg. Axel punches Henry in the head and then locks it in from behind.

Henry gets out and hits a big boot. He rakes Axel’s face and hits a head butt. Henry hits the Junkyard Dog headbutt, knocking Axel out of the ring. Axel stares Langston down.

Ryback tries to attack Langston again, but Langston clotheslines him. Henry sends Axel back in the ring and hits the World’s Strongest Slam for the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

Match Two: Los Matadores and El Torito vs. The Plymouth Rockers (3MB)

Los Matadores

Slater and Torito start off. Torito dodges a bunch of grab attempts. The rest of the Rockers come into the ring, and the Matadores kick them to the outside.

Back in the ring, the Rockers quickly come back against the Matadores. McIntyre hits one of them repeatedly. The Matador hits McIntyre with a DDT. Torito tags in and hits a hurricanrana. He takes the other Rockers off the apron and head scissors McIntyre into the turnbuckle. One of the Matadors tags in. They hit their double team Samoan Drop on McIntyre for the win.

Winners: Los Matadores and El Torito

Match Three: Tons of Funk (with the Funkadactyls) vs. R Truth and Xavier Woods

Truth and Tensai start off. Tensai backs Truth to the corner. Truth locks in a side headlock. Tensai shoves him off. Tensai hits a big shoulder tackle. He hits Truth with a body avalanche in the corner. He charges again, and Truth puts a boot up. Truth hits a kick to the face.

Woods tags in. He hits Brodus on the apron and lands head shots on Tensai. Woods kicks out Tensai’s legs and hits an enziguri. Brodus tags in and hits Woods from behind. Brodus lands a corner splash and goes up top. He leaps off and hits Woods with a splash for the win.

Winners: Tons of Funk

Match Four: Antonio Cesaro vs. Titus O’Neil

Antonio Cesaro vs. Titus O'Neil

Titus hits a shoulder knockdown. He grabs his stomach. He locks in Cesaro’s head from the side. Cesaro gets out and lands a dropkick. Titus grabs his stomach again. Cesaro attacks him in the corner.

Titus counters with a big boot. He does his bark and grabs his stomach. Cesaro lands several gut shots. He hits Titus with his Gutwrench Suplex. Cesaro signals for the Cesaro Swing and starts doing it. Darren Young interrupts and hits Cesaro.

Winner via DQ: Antonio Cesaro

Match Five: WWE Tag Team Championships - Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c) vs. The Shield (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins)

cody rhodes and goldust

Cody and Rollins start off. They lock up and Cody locks in a side headlock. Rollins gets out and locks in a waist lock. Cody shoves him off. Rollins goes for a kick. Cody catches his foot. They both try for hip tosses and Cody hits a body slam. Goldust tags in and hits a snap mare. Cody tags in and slams Rollins to the mat. Goldust tags back in and Rollins escapes and tags in Reigns. He and Goldust stare each other down.

Reigns hits a head strike. He hits Goldust with a headbutt. Goldust comes back with a dropkick. Cody comes in and they clothesline both Reigns and Rollins out of the ring as things head to commercial. Back from commercial and Cody is in control of Rollins.

Reigns tags in and whips Cody into the corner. He takes Cody to his corner and Rollins tags in. He wraps Cody’s head and neck around the center rope and pulls back. Cody tries to fight back with elbows, but Rollins drives his boot into Cody’s neck.

Cody hits a missile dropkick and several clotheslines. He goes up top, but Rollins puts Cody on his shoulders. Cody charges and Rollins puts up an elbow. Rollins drops Cody into the turnbuckle and goes up top. Cody stops him, picks him up on his shoulders and slams him to the mat.

Reigns tries to get involved, but Goldust sends him outside. Goldust and Reigns fight on the outside. Cody goes up top and takes both Rollins and Reigns out with a dive. He sends Rollins back in the ring and goes up top. He goes for a moonsault, but Rollins moves and Cody collides with the mat. Rollins goes for a spring board something, but Cody dodges and hits Cross Rhodes. Dean Ambrose breaks up the pin attempt.

Winners via DQ: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Match Six: CM Punk, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Shield

cody rhodes, goldust, cm punk

Goldust goes to work on Rollins’s leg. Cody tags in and he and Rollins exchange strikes. Cody whips Rollins to the outside. Cody follows and whips Rollins into the barrier. He sends Rollins back inside.

They all exchange quick tags. Punk keeps working on Rollins’s leg. He locks Rollins in a bridging leg submission. Cody tags in and locks in a half Boston crab at the same time.

Rollins trips Cody into the corner and Ambrose tags in as things go to commercial. Back from commercial and Ambrose is in control of Cody. He power whips Cody into the corner. Cody counters with a boot in the corner. Punk tags in. He lands a leaping clothesline on Ambrose and a heel kick.

Punk lands his running high knee and a clothesline. Punk hits the swinging neckbreaker and signals for the GTS.

The Wyatt Family’s music hits and the lights go out briefly. When they come back on, the Wyatts stare on from the ramp. Ambrose drags Punk to his corner. Rollins tags in and keeps the attack up. Ambrose comes in and Punk hits them with a DDT/neckbreaker at the same time. The Wyatts attack Cody and Goldust on the apron.

Winners via DQ: Cody Rhodes, Goldust and CM Punk

Match Seven: The Usos, Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, Goldust and CM Punk vs. The Shield and The Wyatt Family

cm punk, cody rhodes, goldust

Harper charges, but the Uso attacks him. Harper comes back quickly. Rollins tags in and stomps the Uso. Bray tags in and stomps the Uso as well. Bray drops an elbow and tags in Harper.

Harper hits his gator death roll. He keeps the Uso’s head locked in. The Uso gets to his feet, but Harper hits an upper cut. Harper whips him and charges, but the Usos hits an upper cut.

Mysterio tags in and lands kicks to the legs. He goes up top and hits Harper with a seated senton. Mysterio bounces off the ropes, but Harper hits a big boot.

Bray drags Mysterio to his corner and Rowan tags in. Rowan hits a body slam. He locks Mysterio in a bear hug and rag dolls him around. Mysterio fights out with elbows to the head, but Rowan lands a side slam.

Ambrose tags in. Mysterio tries to crawl between his legs, but Ambrose stops him. He locks Mysterio’s head in on the mat. Mysterio gets to his feet, but Ambrose knees him in the gut. Rollins tags in.

Mysterio tags in Punk and Rollins tags in Rowan. Punk sends Rowan out of the ring and hits a dive. He sends Rowan back inside and hits his running high knee three times.

Punk hits his swinging neck breaker. Punk goes up top and hits the Macho Man elbow drop. Everyone tries to get involved from both teams. Punk lifts Rowan up for the GTS.

Bray attacks him and puts him in Sister Abigail position. Mysterio attacks Bray. Rowan tries to attack Mysterio, but Mysterio hurricanranas him and hits 619. Punk then hits Rowan with the GTS for the win.

Winners: The Usos, Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, Goldust and CM Punk

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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