Summerslam 2018 - Predictions for every match scheduled for The Summer Spectacle

Will it be the end of Brock's WWE career?
Will it be the end of Brock's WWE career?

Just 5 weeks after presenting a weird show in Extreme Rules, WWE returns to the Barclays Center for their Second Biggest Show of the Year. The card for Summerslam 2018 is all set, barring any last moment changes, and, with 13 matches and an in-ring segment scheduled for the event, this show might end up being the longest show in the history of WWE.

The buildup of this show was, well, lacklustre at best, and WWE has a humongous uphill task at their hand to present a successful show after a disappointing build. Ahead of the show, a lot of focus is on the future of Brock Lesnar, who is rumoured to leave WWE after his match with Roman Reigns for the Universal. Similarly, Daniel Bryan's future with the company is also generating a huge amount of buzz ahead of his clash with The Miz.

With every active championship on the line, we can certainly expect a lot of titles to change hands this Sunday. Here are the predictions for every match scheduled for The Biggest Event of the Summer - Summerslam.

#1 Rusev and Lana vs Andrade 'Cien' Almas and Zelina Vega

It won't be a Happy Rusev Day in Brooklyn.
It won't be a Happy Rusev Day in Brooklyn.

While this feud has been good so far, one can easily mark out that this match, or the rivalry, is not the main focus of this program. It is the impending implosion of Rusev Day, something that could happen soon in the future, maybe even at Summerslam.

However, it is a good surprise to see a mixed tag match on a pay per view, even though everyone knows the outcome of this match. Almas is a star in making in WWE, and it won't be a shame to see him lose in a kickoff show match. While still popular than most of the roster, Rusev is not the same man he was 6 months ago, and another loss won't hurt his position in the company's pecking order.

Expect Aiden English to cost Rusev and Lana the match, and finally initiate the break-up.

Prediction:- Almas and Vega defeat Rusev Day

#2 The B-Team(c) vs Revival - Raw Tag Team Championship

Time to put the title on Revival.
Time to put the titles on Revival.

To be frank, the only reason why this match is on the pay per view is that there is a title involved and WWE needed another match on the kickoff show. Other than that, there is no other worthy reason for putting this match on a pay per view like Summerslam.

After 4 months of senseless title reigns by Deleters of Worlds and The B-Team, it is now time to bring some legitimacy back to the tag division. And who's better than holding the tag titles on Raw than The Revival. Struggling for momentum after their giant burial at Raw 25, Wilder and Dawson are slowly making their way back to the top, and Summerslam will be the official start of their time at the top of tag team division.

With Akam and Rezar standing in line, this is the best decision WWE can make at Summerslam.

Predictions:- Revival wins the Raw Tag Team Championship

#3 Cedric Alexander(c) vs Drew Gulak - Cruiserweight Championship

Alexander all the way.
205 Live needs a new King.

What a sensational 6 months it has been for 205 Live. Ever since the Cruiserweight Championship tournament was announced in January, the dying division took a turn for the good and became a must watch show, proudly led by Cedric Alexander.

Alexander, along with other exciting wrestlers like Buddy Murphy, Mustafa Ali and Hideo Itami, changed the whole landscape of 205 Live in such a way that they are actually delivering better matches than the main roster. While Alexander has been a terrific champion since Mania, it is now time for a change in that division.

Ever since dropping that powerpoint gimmick, Drew Gulak has improved exponentially as an in-ring performer. It's time to finally give him the top prize.

Prediction:- Drew Gulak wins the championship.

#4 Finn Balor vs Constable Baron Corbin

Balor is 2-0 at Summerslam.
Balor is 2-0 at Summerslam.

It's a real shame that WWE won't be bringing The Demon King back at Summerslam this year. Balor is undefeated at Summerslam with the Demon gimmick, and an undefeated streak at Summerslam could have been a nice little storyline for Balor.

Anyhow, Balor would once again face Constable 'Boring' Corbin at Summerslam in a match that no one cares about. Even though Corbin's gimmick changed has revitalized his career slightly on Raw, he is still the same dull wrestler in the ring. Balor, on the other hand, is probably the most underrated wrestler on Raw. Hence, it is really confusing why WWE is pushing Corbin so hard and using Balor as a foil.

I hate to say this but, after Raw last night, it is all but confirmed that Balor will take the fall this Sunday.

Prediction:- Constable Corbin wins.

#5 Bludgeon Brothers(c) vs The New Day - Smackdown Tag Team Championship

There's still no stopping the Bludgeons.
There's still no stopping the Bludgeons.

While it would have been nicer to see The Bar challenge The Bludgeon Brothers at Summerslam, one can easily say that The New Day are easily the safest bet for any tag team title match at this point in WWE.

Ever since they won the championship at WrestleMania four months ago, The Bludgeons have rolled past almost the entire tag team division on Smackdown. Although these two teams faced each other at Mania, they haven't crossed path since then, giving a fresh pair of challengers to the Bludgeons.

However, it doesn't matter who the Bludgeons face at this point in time. There is no stopping them right now, and we can certainly expect them to steamroll past The New Day before possibly beginning a feud with Sanity.

Prediction:- Bludgeon Brothers retain

#6 Braun Strowman vs Kevin Owens - Money in the Bank Contract

The Monster vs The Prize Fighter.
The Monster vs The Prize Fighter.

One-on-One matches in the past, with the Money in the Bank contract on the line, have always been fun affairs, and this contest between Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman also has the potential to be one of those good matches at Summerslam.

The feud between The Monster and The Prize Fighter has been weird so far, with Strowman's actions resembling more with a heel than a face. Be it his so-called win at Extreme Rules, the fall of the portable toilet or the collapse of his stage last week, Owens has only acted as someone who is being bullied. And the best prize for all those calamities now awaits Owens at Summerslam.

Strowman doesn't need the briefcase to get a championship shot, but Owens does. A long due double turn is also expected this Sunday, but, as far as the result is concerned, Owens is definitely the favourite to weasel his way out.

Prediction:- Owens wins the MITB Contract.

#7 Shinsuke Nakamura(c) vs Jeff Hardy - United States Championship

Knee... To.... Face....
Knee... To... Face...

This rivalry took a phenomenal turn when Randy Orton became involved in this rivalry, and everyone was expecting Orton to be added to the US Championship match at Summerslam. However, it seems highly unlikely that WWE would add Orton to this match after the allegations that resurfaced against him a few days ago.

Nakamura's heel run has been sensational so far, and the US Championship over his shoulder has only added more to his character. As evident from their match on Smackdown a few weeks ago, these two have great chemistry with each other. With serious bad blood between these two, their match promises to be a slobber knocker if given enough time.

As for the result of the match, Jeff Hardy has zero per cent chance of regaining the title. Nakamura excels as secondary champion, and he will continue to do so after SS.

Prediction:- Shinsuke Nakamura retains the title

#8 Dolph Ziggler(c) vs Seth Rollins - Intercontinental Championship

A double betrayal is on the cards in the future.
A double betrayal is on the cards in the future.

While it is a slight letdown that these two are fighting without a stipulation, especially after fighting each other in an Iron Man Match a month ago, the chances of this match delivering are more than 90% of the card. Both superstars are veterans in the ring, and no very well how to present a sensational story through a match.

However, a lot of attention will be on the two superstars who are scheduled to join them on ringside. Dean Ambrose's return to the corner has again fueled the rumours of a long due heel turn for The Lunatic Fringe, with some even expecting him to turn on Rollins' at Summerslam. On the opposite side is Drew McIntyre, whose chances of turning heel on Ziggler are more than the former, even though it has not been teased so far.

It won't be a shock if both of these brotherly pairs in the aftermath of Summerslam. Rollins and Ambrose don't need a title to fight with each other, meaning Dolph will walk out as the champion, somehow, and, hopefully, will be betrayed by McIntyre on Raw next night.

Prediction:- Dolph Ziggler retains the championship

#9 Daniel Bryan vs The Miz

A Match years in making.
A Match, years in making.

This is, without any doubt, the most intense and personal rivalry, without a title being on the line, that I have seen in the WWE in almost 2 years. With a whole decade of history between these two veterans, WWE has the script of presenting arguably the best match of the year at Summerslam.

While a special stipulation could have added a lot more to this rivalry, that doesn't mean that these two cannot deliver a gem in a regular match. Bryan is easily one of the best inside the ring and Miz is more than capable of wrestling a good match with any superstar. Add to this the intensity of this feud, and it becomes a guarantee that these two will steal the show this Sunday at Brooklyn.

Given that Bryan has still not signed a new contract with the company, the only logical option is to give The Miz a hard-fought victory at Summerslam. This will also open the doors for a future encounter between the two if Bryan agrees to resign, maybe at Summerslam.

Prediction:- The Miz defeats Bryan after the Match of the night

#10 Carmella(c) vs Becky Lynch vs Charlotte - Triple Threat for Smackdown Women's Championship

The Lass Kicker? or The Queen?
The Lass Kicker? or The Queen?

After months of boring and tedious matches for the SD Women's Championship, it is glad to see a serious program in the women's division. What makes this match so intriguing is the prospect of possibly watching either of the two challengers turn on the other one in the aftermath of this match.

Even though both Becky and Charlotte are still acting like Best Friends, everyone knows that this is just the prelude to a long due rivalry between the two. Despite being the champion in this scenario, Carmella is clearly the third wheel in this matchup and the chances of her walking out of Summerslam as Summerslam as very bleak.

Charlotte has always worked better as a heel, and it is the best time to turn her back into a villain. Expect her to take advantage of Becky to sneak a win here and begin a rivalry with the Lass Kicker.

Prediction:- Charlotte sneaks with the win and the championship.

#11 Alexa Bliss(c) vs Ronda Rousey - Raw Women's Championship

A New Champion? Oh Yes!!
A New Champion? Oh Yes!!

It is high time WWE stop these endless championship reigns for Alexa Bliss. I mean, ever since she became the Smackdown Women's Champion in December 2016, she has held either of the two Women's Championship for all but 3 months. The Raw Women's division is in a dire need for a change, and Summerslam is the best place to take the title off Alexa.

Despite making her debut only 4 months ago, Ronda Rousey is a bigger star than any other female superstar on the entire roster and is ready for a run with the title. However, WWE must not falter with this storyline, as a part-time schedule for Ronda after the title win might turn her into the female version of Brock Lesnar.

If WWE doesn't want to wait till WrestleMania to give Rousey her first title win, then Summerslam is certainly the best option available for them.

Prediction:- Ronda Rousey wins the Raw Women's Championship

#12 Brock Lesnar(c) vs Roman Reigns - Universal Championship

Lets hope this is the end of this rivalry.
Let's hope this is the end of this rivalry.

One thing is pretty much clear - The Fans are going to turn on this match no matter how good or bad it turns out to be. WWE did a good job by not only teasing that break up between Lesnar and Heyman but also teasing a surprise pairing between Heyman and Roman Reigns, which is something that the fans have been craving for a long time.

After almost 500 days of horrendous booking of the Universal Title, this is probably the last chance to take the title off Brock Lesnar with some dignity. Fans are losing their patience with Lesnar as champion, and even one more day with Lesnar as the Universal champion will be a disaster for the Title. However, I don't think Roman will be the one to take the title off Lesnar at Summerslam.

In fact, I think Lesnar will win the Universal Title match at Summerslam, but won't leave Brooklyn as champion. After all, Kevin Owens has done for the company in the last 4 months, a successful MITB cash in at Summerslam is the least WWE can do to thank the Prize Fighter.

Prediction:- Brock Lesnar retains; Kevin Owens cashes in the MITB to win Universal Title.

#13 AJ Styles(c) vs Samoa Joe - WWE Championship

Joe, Joe, Joe?? No, No, No.
Joe, Joe, Joe?? No, No, No.

It's surprising to see that while WWE went all out for the buildup for the Universal Title on Raw, the WWE Title match was the victim of lazy booking from the creative team. Barring the Go-Home show for Summerslam, the WWE title rivalry was only featured as a secondary feud on Smackdown, with both Joe and Styles appearing to cut promos against each other.

Even then, this match is the true main event for all hardcore fans of wrestling. The two share a tremendous in-ring chemistry with each other, as evident from their matches in ROH and TNA, and we can expect a similar match from the two in Brooklyn. This is only the start of this rivalry, and we can expect this rivalry to take an even more personal and intense turn after Summerslam.

It seems that WWE has no plans to take the title off Styles until the release of WWE 2K19. Hence, we can expect Styles to barely make it past Joe at Summerslam and drop the title to him at some future pay per view. Whoever is the winner, we are sure to witness a barn burner of a match for the WWE Title this Sunday.

Prediction:- Styles somehow retains the championship

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