The Shield: How do the members align on the podium? Who really was the alpha member?

The Shield
The Shield

WWE has been home to many stables and it has long been a case where the company puts together superstars in order to get something meaningful. Many legends of the game have at some stage of their career been a part of a famous faction and it won't be wrong to say that many legends of the game have originated after being associated with a famous group. Men like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Randy Orton and the list goes on and on which just shows us what a significant part this concept of stables has played in the history of sports entertainment.

Stables have a special place in the WWE heritage and will surely never go out of style. While there have been many successful factions, there have been numerous failed associations which have turned out to be utterly disastrous. Yes, we are not going to talk about them because let's face it–no one really remembers unsuccessful associations.

Bringing our attention to the hit groups, there is one certain group that has a special place in the hearts of WWE folklore and that is the hounds of justice, The Shield! Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, together known as The Shield. This trio has gone places and literally done it all together. They've brutalised legends, they've defeated icons and most importantly, they've won over the WWE Universe.

We can talk about The Shield all day long but our emphasis here is to figure the position of these three men on the podium. With Ambrose gone, the reunion might be off the table for some time. These three tremendous superstars have their names embedded in the history books and it will be quite interesting to figure as to who comes out on top and is reckoned as the alpha member.

Since Dean Ambrose left the company in the wake of WrestleMania 35, we will be keeping our scoring to the events happened until that point of time:

Seth 'Freaking' Rollins

Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins has had a long journey with the company. The superstar from Iowa has done it all, from playing a wicked heel to a fearless hero, the architect has been brilliant in all roles. His agility and passion are the reason why the fans and most importantly the McMahons believe in him.


Rollins' scores

In-ring prowess: Seth Rollins is one of the best in-ring performers of the 21st century and his ability to put on a great show has never been questioned. Rollins is often appreciated for his work rate and is major reason why the company believes him to be their star man for many years. Grade: A+

Mic Skills: The Architect was often the one trusted with mic back in the day when The Shield formed and to this date, WWE creative plans amazing promos thanks to Rollins' expertise with the mic. The beast-slayer has the right blend of emotion and audacity to cut a nice segment. Grade: A

Reception: Seth has enjoyed his share of success with the WWE Universe but it hasn't always been spring season for Rollins as he has often been the recipient of a pretty tepid crowd reaction. Rollins has been good but he is yet to attain the level of someone like John Cena or The Rock. Grade: B+

Competition: The architect has faced somes of the modern day greats and it will be fair to say that he came out on top in many encounters. His success rate has been terrific! Grade: A

Main Event scene: Rollins was the first one amongst The Shield members to jump in the main event picture but his untimely injury marred his run which brought Rollins to the mid-card for quite some time. The Beastslayer has had his share in the main event picture but it's not been a constant sight. Grade: B+

Accomplishments: Rollins' list of accomplishments is mighty long as he's captured gold as well as marked his stamp on some iconic moments. From winning the money in the bank to being a Royal Rumble winner, Rollins has had a superb career. His title reigns and impressive record at WrestleMania speaks about his glorious time with WWE. Grade: A

'The Big Dog' Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns or shall we say the poster boy who is often labelled as the 'Chosen One.' Reigns has had a terrific time with the company and it is no secret that Vince McMahon believes Roman to be the main man for the company for years to come.

Roman has earned numerous opportunities and it is his personality that makes him one of the top stars of this company. Reigns recently returned to announce that his cancer is in remission.


Romans' Scores

In-ring prowess: Reigns has never been a really agile superstar and is rarely considered as a genuinely great in-ring performer. To succeed in WWE, in-ring calibre is important but it isn't the only deciding factor as many greats of the game have lacked in-ring skill set but made it up with other important aspects and Reigns falls in that bracket. Grade: B+

Mic Skills: This is where the Big Dog faces a bump! It won't be wrong to say that Reigns finds it hard to cut a decent promo and it is a major reason why he still hasn't won over the WWE Universe. Grade: B

Reception: Roman hasn't been the recipient to gigantic crowd reception and it is often noted that the WWE Universe tends to boo him alot, even more than heel superstars. He did, howver, managed to catch the attention of avid fans but he rarely made them stand on their feet. Grade: B+

Competition: Roman has faced and defeated some of the legends of sports entertainment. From Triple H to The Undertaker, the big dog has beaten them all! Grade: A+

Main Event scene: Roman's multiple world title reigns is the evidence of his dominant presence in the main event picture. He has even main-evented WrestleMania more than anyone in this decade. Grade: A+

Accomplishments: From winning world titles to defeating legends, Roman's list of achievements is massive and it will be right to claim that he is the most accomplished out all three shield members. Roman even managed to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania, something which many men have failed to do. Grade: A+

'The Lunatic Fringe' Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose

Completing the magnificent trio is Dean Ambrose - a man who made a name for himself courtesy of his maniac deeds. Ambrose has parted ways with the company and it's a real shame that we won't be able to enjoy Dean's energy on WWE.

Ambrose's aura has been key to his rise and he truly is a complete package when it comes to entertainment. WWE Universe will erupt with joy if Ambrose surprises us all with a return!


Dean's Scores

In-ring prowess: Dean Ambrose brings a unique set of moves and his fearlessness is truly portrayed in his wrestling style as he loved to brawl and take the matters outside the ring. Dean often turned out impressive performances but he never really came in the best in-ring talents bracket Grade: B+

Mic Skills: Give Dean the mic and get ready to be enthralled! The Lunatic Fringe garnered many praises back in the day, thanks to his tremendous mic skills. Dean managed to cut surreal promos and it is fair to say that amongst all the members of The Shield, Ambrose possessed the best mic skills. Grade: A+

Reception: Dean is a pretty electric man and his anti-face personality made him one of a kind. Ambrose brought along a zestful aura which enticed the WWE Universe on one too many occasions. The fans were behind Ambrose for most part of his career and cheered heavily whenever his theme song played. Grade: A

Competition: Unlike Seth and Roman, Dean doesn't hold any signifiant list! Dean was often found in the midcard. Grade: B

Main Event scene: Dean enjoyed his run as the WWE Champion but ever since that point, The Lunatic Fringe found it hard to get into the main event picture. Dean was often found competing in the midcard and many call his lack of main event presence as one of the reasons why Ambrose left the company. Grade: B

Accomplishments: Dean had a tremendous run as the United States Champion as he held the title for a massive 351 days. He even won the WWE Championship once along with numerous other titles but there little to suggest that his time with the company was success-laden. While his shield brothers have a mighty long list of achievement, sadly for Dean, things don't seem the same for him. Grade: B+


All three enjoyed success within the company whether with each other or as an individual but when the positioning on the podium is brought into the discussion, then there is one man who takes the top spot and that is Seth 'Freaking' Rollins.

Rollins is a multiple time world champion and his in-ring prowess is the reason why he edges out his Shield brothers. Seth has been vital to WWE's plans and it is his passion that we all dearly admire.

Rollins is closely followed by Roman Reigns who marginally missed out on the top position. Reigns has had more success than his former Shield allies but when it comes to the overall evaluation, the big dog seems to lack a few things.

And finally we have Dean Ambrose sitting on 3rd, but this doesn't undermine Dean's potential as he has often blessed us with great intensity and dedication.

Also Read: WWE History: When Vince and Shane McMahon went to church

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