Top 5 current wrestlers who don't have a future in WWE

For any company in today’s competitive world, keeping its workforce fresh and lively is key to its survival. In a world today where employment is more a privilege than right, any person, talented or not, is able to keep his job only if deemed useful.

WWE is no different, and has over the years established itself as a company that values its profits as much as any other factor that should matter. We witnessed TNA cutting down on their roster for obvious reasons, and saw some really talented wrestlers being given the pink slip. Though the WWE doesn’t need to take such extreme measures at the moment, the top brass must have a discussion going to start their annual lay-off sessions to get rid of wrestlers who they do not see a future with.

Here are 5 wrestlers who do not have a future in WWE and, and are most likely to be released by the WWE in the near future.

1. Sin Cara

Sin Cara

The Mexican high flyer was considered the next Rey Mysterio when news about his debut in WWE came up. Sin Cara was handpicked by Triple H after he was impressed by his Mistico gimmick in Mexico. His success in Mexico led many to believe that he will turn out to be a bigger star in WWE.

After several hyped videos, Sin Cara finally made his debut on RAW and fought his first match against Primo. While everyone expected a classic from the high flyer, fans just got the opposite. Sin Cara apparently botched his signature entrance and also his finisher, leaving fans largely disappointed. Despite that, WWE planned to move on with him, and he failed to capitalize on every chance given.

To make matters worse, Sin Cara is extremely injury prone, and after having recovered from two injury breaks, Cara returned and got injured in his first match against Del Rio. His current injury surely must have disappointed WWE officials, who have been patient with him for quite some time now. Despite being athletic, Sin Cara’s in-ring skills aren’t appreciable. Plus, his lack of co-ordination with wrestlers and his seemingly lackadaisical attitude has put his future WWE status in jeopardy.

2. Evan Bourne

Evan Bourne

Another high flyer, who, unlike Sin Cara, manages to deliver when inside the ring. His finisher, the Shooting Star Press is considered one of the best in the business, and the fact that Bourne manages to connect them perfectly every single time shows just how talented he is. But sadly, Bourne’s been victim to numerous injuries, and his latest one has kept him out of business for more than two years now.

Considering the present storylines and the amount of roster strength that WWE has at the moment, Bourne is quite clearly a liability to the company. Despite his talent and ability to be a great high flyer, Bourne lacks the charisma of being a top star, and his below average mic skills over-weigh his positives. WWE shows will remain the same with or without Bourne, making him one of the probable wrestlers who might face the axe soon.

3. The Great Khali

Great Khali

The Great Khali is one of the biggest reasons why Indians watch WWE today, or at least that is what WWE claims. When WWE first introduced Khali against Undertaker, everyone clearly saw him as a huge star of the future. Taker managed to carry Khali initially and made him look watchable. But after a few matches it became quite obvious that Khali is the slowest wrestler in the WWE roster, and the worst to be frank.

Khali’s matches lack quality, and it is almost impossible for WWE to build a feud with him. He is unable to speak a few lucid words in English, and there are better giants around who are able to do a much better job than him. Khali at the moment is the ‘Punjabi Playboy’, who does nothing but shake his hands and legs on the pretext of a dance. It is high time Khali is given the pink slip, as he is nothing but a waste of roster space and should make it to the top of the list of wrestlers who need to be released.

4. R-Truth


After having spent more than a decade in WWE, R-Truth looks one of the most insignificant wrestlers on the roster today. Though the guy is extremely talented and can pull off gimmicks really well, for some reason, R-Truth hasn’t been able to be convincing even in the mid-card division.

Truth had a great run about two years back, where he went against John Cena for the WWE title, then teamed up against Kofi Kingston to hold the Tag Team titles, and turned heel and had a memorable feud with Rey Mysterio with his ‘Little Jimmy’ gimmick. It was after losing the title to the team of Daniel Bryan and Kane that he never managed to make any sort of sense in the roster. After an injury, Truth was left out and we saw him return every now and then for a match out of nowhere.

A few weeks back too we witnessed Truth come out to his ‘What’s up’ entrance and get beaten by the Wyatt Family. The fact that we get to see him so sporadically is reason enough to say that the time for Truth to leave has come, and all his chances of making one last decent run in WWE has come to an end.

5. Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre

As much as it hurts to say this, Drew McIntyre, from being the chosen one of the WWE roster, has become an utterly ridiculous joke. A man who seemed to have it all failed miserable to make it to the top for reasons unknown. His downfall started with the formation of The Nexus, which seemingly ended McIntyre’s preferential treatment. He then started stop-gap feuds with the likes of Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston, and received the final nail in the coffin when he and Rhodes lost to Cena and Otunga during a match.

D-Mac was then drafted to RAW, where he made appearances once in a while in matches that he would end up losing. After several months of jobbing, Drew was a part of John Laurinitis’ team in WrestleMania 28 to determine the joint head of RAW and SmackDown. After winning his match here, Drew was then sent back to his previous role of jobbing. His latest character took a huge turn when he joined 3MB, which became one of the most glorified team of jobbers in WWE history.

It looks highly unlikely that WWE will put Drew back into a relevant feud, as his current image is far beyond retribution. Let’s hope McIntyre moves on to some other wrestling company where he can find better appreciation of his talent.

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