WrestleMania 35: 5 biggest mistakes WWE made on The Show of Shows

WWE ensured they don't let their Beast go down cleanly
WWE ensured they don't let their Beast go down cleanly

After weeks of waiting and months of storylines, the greatest event of the year seems to have been over in a jiffy.

With no less than sixteen matches fought at the event, not all matches had great storylines but managed to deliver at the end of the day, making WrestleMania 35 one of the best events in recent memory.

From career-ending matches to career-building ones, and from the end of one streak to the beginning of another, there were quite a few good things to look back on at the end of the night.

However, just like every other event and every other WrestleMania, WWE managed to make quite a few mistakes which left us puzzled and sent some fans home unhappy.

In this article, we will look at the 5 biggest mistakes that the company and creatives made at this year’s Show of Shows, and how they could have avoided them.

#5 Let Carmella win

Carmella has done much better in her career
Carmella has done much better in her career

While the Women’s Battle Royal was a good match, giving some important spots to women like Kairi Sane, The Riott Squad members, and even Dana Brooke, the overall ending was very repetitive and disappointing.

A match where women like Asuka, Sonya Deville, or even Mandy Rose would have made great winners and worked off the victories in the weeks to come, we saw Carmella come out of nowhere to take the victory.

It makes sense that WWE will again try to build Carmella after her pairing with R-Truth is slowly going downhill. Yet, it made little sense to give the former SmackDown Women’s Champion the victory instead of an upcoming talent.

WWE should have used the Battle Royal to give a newer talent or an NXT superstar some spotlight and highlight their third brand instead of letting Carmella stand tall at the end of it all.

#4 Give Braun Strowman another needless trophy

Will the trophy lead to another title match for Braun Strowman?
Will the trophy lead to another title match for Braun Strowman?

The curious case of Braun Strowman continues, as WWE continues to give its Monster Among Men a calculated push just to keep him in the public eye.

Braun Strowman won the Raw Tag Team titles at last year’s WrestleMania and stayed relevant for a day before he had to relinquish the titles thanks to his odd choice of a partner.

He later won the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia and remained relevant till he ended up breaking his own trophy.

This year’s WrestleMania saw the entire Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal being built around him, and while fans were hoping for some newer star such as Andrade or Ali to win the match, it was Strowman who took the trophy home.

This is another one of those useless titles and trophies which will not help Strowman stay relevant for long, and WWE now needs to decide where they want The Monster Among Men in their roster.

#3 Embarrass the best tag team on Raw

While the duo deserved some recognition, they did not at the expense of The Revival
While the duo deserved some recognition, they did not at the expense of The Revival

Just like WWE did last year, they yet again managed to embarrass the best Raw Tag Team this year at the Grandest Stage of Them All.

The Revival is one of the best tag teams in the world, and have been mishandled by WWE way too much. Even after winning the Raw Tag Team Championships, WWE has let them lose quite a few non-title matches to decrease their worth.

This year, they faced off against an ordinary tag team for the championship, and surprisingly lost to the man who was on a 269-match losing streak.

While the spot itself might seem very good for a few days and excite the fans that the forgotten Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins are getting their chance, it will further devalue the Raw tag titles.

Last year, the team of Braun Strowman and Nicholas beat The Bar to win the titles after which the value of the titles plummeted. The Revival were the only men who were worthy enough of raising the value of the titles on the red brand.

It seems like a huge mistake that WWE let one of their best tag teams take the fall at the Grandest Stage of Them All.

#2 Feed The Animal to The Game

Batista deserved a better return
Batista deserved a better return

Batista has said a few times by now that he would like his retirement match to be against none other than Triple H himself. Staying away from the ring for a few years did affect his wrestling skills, but the two veterans did manage to hold on in a decent WrestleMania match.

While the match was too long, just like every other Triple H WrestleMania match, it had a few decent spots to look back on.

However, it was the way the match was booked in the first place which wasn’t done too well. With Triple H’s career on the line, it was quite obvious who the winner would be with a few Saudi Arabia dates coming up.

Had this been a Career vs. Career match, things would have been more exciting, and we would have seen Batista get what he’s always wanted and retire in peace.

With Batista announcing his retirement soon after the match, it's obvious that WWE missed a trick and allowed a major factor in Batista's retirement go to waste.

#1 Let Kurt Angle go out with a defeat

This fairy tale deserved a better ending
This fairy tale deserved a better ending

Kurt Angle said goodbye to the ring in the most Kurt Angle way possible. The legendary superstar took one last fall to put over a villainous talent that Raw has been trying to promote for a long time.

While Angle would have been the one wanting to put over Corbin in his last match, WWE should have booked him to win, no matter what, against any opponent.

The reason for that is that Angle has done great service to wrestling for over two decades, and deserved to have a final great WrestleMania moment before bowing out. As for Corbin, he lost to The Demon in a matter of seconds at SummerSlam 2018 and a one-armed Braun Strowman a few months ago, and still gets to be Raw’s biggest villain.

Therefore, another loss would not have hurt Corbin at all and only helped the crowd hate him even more while letting Angle go out in style.

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